This breed is recognized by the Hungarian Kennel Club and the other US-based group, the United Kennel Club. These two varieties were always kept together. The Transylvanian Hound Club; News & Events; Shop; Latest News & Events. As a driving hound, this dog becomes your partner. Transylvanian Hounds tend to be one-man dogs. The Transylvanian Hound isn’t a vampire, but it is a dog breed as ancient as the myth of blood-hungry monsters. We are committed to ensuring the integrity of the documentation, breeding and sport of the Kopó globally. The Erdelyi Kopó (Transylvanian Hound) is an ancient Hungarian breed that has been determined by the peculiarities of the climate, the territory and the hunting conditions of the area in which it was bred. The Transylvanian Hound is known to have existed as long ago as the 16th century. Teeth should be brushed when needed. Keeping her locked in all the time would simply eat away at her soul. His whole appearance reflects nobility and harmony. Our life together has been one of bliss! The Transylvanian Hound is a very old breed of dog that is native to Hungary., The owners kindly consented to his siring a litter. Looking at their pictures, I found myself falling in love with a sweet looking little girl with a piece of grass sticking out from under her lip. Catch that gracious pose, because it will not last long before all you see is her tail sticking out of the tall grass, as her nose must sniff the ground constantly. The Transylvanian Hound (Erdélyi Kopó in Hungarian) is also called the Hungarian Hound or Transylvanian Scent Hound. This dog breed has a short but dense coat, with a black base color and tan markings along the snout, chest, neck, and feet. They form strong attachments to their owners and are very protective of their families. I pet her with one hand and keep typing with the other, so she nudges my other hand with her nose until I give up the work completely. Their playful nature makes them an ideal family favorite. [More]. Happy New Year to all our 2-legged and 4-legged friends! and invest in some CSS support. Let us go!' All the way from Budapest, One night, I did a Facebook search and to my surprise I found the Transylvania Hound Club’s page where, suddenly, I saw puppies! Some dogs may be faced with health challenges in their lives, but the majority of Transylvanian Hounds are healthy dogs. by klikdouble. After a long day of work, I crash on the sofa and take out my laptop to cross some "t"-s and dot some "i"-s, she squeezes her nose under my forearm and lifts my hand off of the keyboard. Remember that the urge to chase game may be more powerful than the attachment to his master. The environmental conditions of the Carpathians made the breed a tough, brave dog. SKULL The Transylvanian Hound is a very active breed. It was the beginning of a beautiful relationship! Hunting in a group or alone, you will hear a far-ranging, high, ringing tone indicating the direction of the game. Following the preparation of the Hungarian standard of the breed, the FCI officially recognized the Transylvanian Hound internationally, and declared its ninth Hungarian dog breed in 1968. During summer, I take her out for walks as the day cools off into evening. For this reason, walking without a leash is not advisable and off-leash romps must be in areas that are securely enclosed. The head is long, but not pointed. Of course, Lady was bigger at that point and was a bit too exuberant in her play, but Gianna always came back for more. The elongated and loosened hairs can be rubbed with a rubber coat glove. The second reason we chose the name is that in Italian it means ‘God is gracious’. You can get nothing past this watch dog! The strong, fast-growing nails should be trimmed regularly and kept short with a nail clipper or grinder to avoid overgrowth, splitting, and cracking. See more ideas about hound dog, hound, dogs. Patience and perseverance are required. She loves to nibble gently on my fingers and gives me several hugs a day! The year 2014 ended with a tally of 68 Transylvanian Hounds registered through the TRHC, and exactly half of those were born in our 5 litters during the year! As a result of the influence of the various conditions of the terrain, two varieties of the Erdelyi Kopó evolved: the long-legged and the short-legged variety. Or send an email to Check with your vet if you have any concerns about your dog’s weight or diet. © The American Kennel Club, Inc. 2020. Is Transylvanian Hound Child-Friendly All Transylvanian Hound found here are from AKC-Registered parents. Oct 29, 2017 - Explore Gabrielle Gaubert's board "Transylvanian Hound" on Pinterest. It is a dog which has been required to adapt to the unique climate which Hungary offers. They are very friendly and polite to people and other dogs. He was the cutest little thing I had ever seen, shy at first, but not long after he was the Sándor we grew to love and know. His courage and loyalty make him a good guard. He could not bear to leave the side of his “daddy”! How we love you just the way you are! Image Source: akc. It was eleven years ago that I drove to Chicago with my husband Troy to pick up my Transylvanian Hound “Sándor” [Alexander in Hungarian], or what some people may have claimed my second child. Transylvanian Hound Club. They have a black nose with wide nostrils to allow for good scenting ability, and almond-shaped dark brown eyes that give the dog an alert though relaxed expression. Troy and I do not have human children. Good natured and courageous, with a quiet but determined character. Take me, and leave it to another.) As a true hound, our walks are more like “sniffing time” with me standing and waiting for her to finish smelling something good followed by mad rushes to the next fragrant spot. At his foundation, he is quiet and even, but also determined and lively. Eventually, the dog which was developed from the cross got enormous popularity in middle ages and was primarily used to hunt in the forest areas and the … Medium sized, athletically built, neither coarse nor fine. The Hungarian Kennel Club recognizes this breed naturally, whereas the UKC (United Kennel Club) gave it recognition in the year 2006. Transylvanian Hound originated at the time when Asian Hounds escorted the popular Hungarian Magyar tribes entering Transylvania in the ninth century and later crossed with some of the domestic varieties and Celtic hounds. Jun 17, 2015 - Right breed for you? The Transylvanian Hound is good-natured, courageous, and enduring. Her name is Gianna for two reasons: the first stems from a conversation a fellow breeder and I had in discussing the litter before it was born. Determined breeding was resumed in 1968 and, nowadays, a significant number of dogs of the long-legged variety exist in Hungary and in neighboring Romania; the short-legged variety disappeared. The Translvanian Hound is hardy, and able to tolerate rough weather conditions. The purchase or sale of any purebred dog is strictly between the buyer and seller. Transylvanian Hound Club. Short and coarse Red and tan Coat. Temperament. She is the latest of four generations of unique, thorough-bred US-based... Áfonya (Bluberry in Hungarian) and her brother, Avar (who continued on to his new home in Texas) traveled back to the US with me at eleven weeks of age. Head. Founded in 1884, the AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health, and training information for dogs. She is always curious, checking out everything to see how it smells and what it feels like! My husband and I had agreed upon this type of dog for many reasons. The Transylvanian Hound Club is a worldwide community of breeders, owners, and aficionados of the Transylvanian Hound and is devoted to the breeding, exhibition, and advancement of the breed. Annie is a tall Transylvanian Hound. A picture of strong Transylvanian Hound dog. We soon learned that this puppy was an adventurous and independent creature, and our backyard was an unacceptably small world for her, therefore she had to dig a tunnel "all the way to China". The dog was the favourite of the Hungarian aristocracy during the breed's peak in the Middle Ages, for hunting various game animals Two height varieties developed to hunt different game in different types of terrain, and both varieties were kept together. Brushing once a week with a strong bristle blade should suffice. Any diet should be appropriate to the dog’s age (puppy, adult, or senior). I sit quietly down on the floor, so she can lay down between my legs and rest her head on my lap. We are ardent advocates of responsible dog ownership and canine good health. To this day, they look to each other to play and wear themselves out racing full tilt around the garden, chasing each other and playing tag with the toys they snatch from the ground as they speed by! Fonyi is over two years old now, and already much wiser and calmer that she was just a few months ago. The Transylvanian Hound is an ancient Hungarian hunter created by special climate, terrain and hunting conditions. The Transylvanian Hound is sensible enough to understand what his handlers want from him; he just may not agree with it. That was eleven years ago when my husband Troy and I picked up my Transylvanian Hound, Sándor, Hungarian for Alexander, or what some people have claimed was my second child. However, enthusiasts revived the breed and made these dogs into the adaptable and loyal companions they are today. Breeds are grouped together because they share traits of form and function or a common heritage. The Transylvanian Hound has not yet been recognized by the American Kennel Club but it was entered into the Foundation Stock Service in 2015. Sándor, with the kennel name Ősi-Vadász Bokrász (Seeker in the Bush), was my second child and definitely the most protective... [More], It is a great pleasure to introduce to you to our first home-bred Transylvanian Hound, ‘Gianna Grace’. I know I can never replace my Sándor with aother one just like him, but the characteristics of the Kopó are what I miss dearly! Their ears are not overly long and hang close to the face, ending in curved tips. The dogs learn quickly and excel at recognizing patterns—they may bark at the mailman the first time, but not after that, and these hounds do not howl. She is playful and gentle and her favorite game is catch me if you can! At his foundation, he is quiet and even, but also determined and lively. Community of breeders, owners and aficionados of Transylvanian Hounds worldwide and the official breed association in The … My Twinkle Ami was born with a white heart on her chest labeling her thus. Hungarian Hound → Transylvanian Hound – Recognized by two major bodies (American Rare Breed Association and Federation Cynologique Internationale) as the Transylvanian Hound or Scenthound. The terrain and hunting conditions that the Transylvanian Hound had to deal with were very challenging. And we know their hounds are the best! The Federation Cynologique Internationale recognized Transylvanian Hound in 1963. It is a nice break from the crazy days with my 5 year old twins, Kevin and Samme, who love their Twinkle while she adores them. Yet how could I reach one here on the East Coast? The Transylvanian Hound forms a strong and lasting personal attachment with a human. Oh, we know you’ve come so far! As my travel to Hungary drew closer, I searched through puppy ads and found my dream... [More], After two long-distance flights, one hour’s anticipation and a long car ride home, the baby bundle of joy was at long last in our hands! Originally, the long-legged Transylvanian Hound was used for hunting big game like buffaloes, and later, bears, wild boars and lynxes, while the short-legged Hound was used for hunting small game like foxes or hares in overgrown terrain and chamois in rocky areas. We have furry ones. Happy New Year to all our 2-legged and 4-legged friends! This scent hound is a basic dog, but it can also be used for retrieval. The Transylvanian Hound was recognized by the United Kennel Club in 2006, but is still considered a rare dog breed in the United States. We followed her over the internet from birth to her 8th week, and prepared for her arrival. Sweet and cuddly, loving and adoring; she is everything a Kopó should be. Then, as the next day unwinds, she brings me my sneakers, saying, 'Come on, Mom! News; 1 Jan . Learn about which human foods are safe for dogs, and which are not. 1.5K likes. And welcome, Kopós! Her name was Ami. Transylvanian Hound Club - Rare dog breed club needs web design! Its basic nature is calm, balanced yet firm, temperamental and adaptable. newborn to a beautifully proportioned young adult. She grew up with Lady, a close-in-age Corgi puppy and loved to rough and tumble with her from the very start of their friendship. So, fortunately, Gianna, who was born in a litter of one, could carry on that line here in the United States. 1,5 E ember kedveli. With tails high and tongues hanging out, they are the perfect picture of joyful abandon, living and loving life to the fullest. She was the dog who made me fall completely in love with the little-known breed, the Transylvanian Hound... [More]. He is... [, The San Juan International Dog Show is the most prestigious dog show in the Caribbean and the only FCI international dog show in U.S. territory.... [. We have been the proud parents of four dogs, usually having three in the house at any one time. The Transylvanian Hound is known for its keen sense of direction and orientation to the environment. AKC Marketplace is the only site to exclusively list 100% AKC puppies from AKC-Registered litters and the breeders who have cared for and raised these puppies are required to follow rules and regulations established by the AKC. (The swollen laundry needs no mother. In 2006, the United Kennel Club officially recognized the Transylvanian Hound. She makes the perfect addition to the family! Your Dog Deserves Nothing But the Best: Meet AKC Canine Retreat in Midtown West Manhattan, iy_2020; im_12; id_29; ih_10; imh_53; i_epoch:1609268011324, py_2020; pm_08; pd_28; ph_06; pmh_41; p_epoch:1598622100528, link-block; link-block_link-block; bodystr, pn_tstr:Fri Aug 28 06:41:40 PST 2020; pn_epoch:1598622100528. Annie (short for Annika Ready for Bear) the Transylvanian Hound at 1 year old—"Foxpaw Farms, Annie's breeder, is one of very few Transylvanian Hound breeders in the USA. The ears should be checked occasionally to avoid a buildup of wax and debris, which can result in infection. If you have a Transylvanian Hound for sale, please advertise it on a reliable website to make sure the Transylvanian Hound gets to a happy place. 99designs client. The Transylvanian Hound was recognized by the United Kennel Club in 2006. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Transylvanian Hound was nearly extinct. He slept in the bed every night and was always on alert. They are truly 'Man’s Best Friend'! Though the American Kennel Club has not determined any standard for the Transylvanian Hound, it accepted it into its Foundation Stock Service Program in 2015, with the initiative of developing it in the United States. I personally liked the appearance, and Troy, being the hunter he is, made this breed the perfect candidate. All rights reserved. We have been the proud parents of four dogs, usually having three in the household at once. After two plane rides, an hour of anticipation, and a long car ride home, our baby bundle of joy was now in our hands. We are affiliated with the Federación Canófila de Puerto Rico (FCPR), a Federated Member of the Fédération Cynologique International (FCI) in Thuin, Belgium. It was only fitting to name her 'Twinkle'. I told Maria how much I appreciated her expertise in keeping all of our paperwork and correspondence organized and really wanted to thank her in some way. I am not just saying it: experience it yourself! It was early July! She has added joy and excitement to our lives as we have watched her grow from a little 8 oz. Ami had to stay as well, derived from 'Lovely', the female counter to 'Amour'. Plan for at least an hour-long walk or run daily. Ours would lie on the carpet for hours on end if there was nothing to lift her nose up for. Happy New Year! As my travel to Hungary drew closer, I searched through puppy ads and found my dream dog that was just about to be born. All. deborah1.fischer got their new web page design by running a design contest: Winner. If you see this, leave this form field blank Their dome-shaped skull and rectangular-shaped muzzle are of the same length. The Transylvanian Hound has been recorded in the Foundation Stock Service since February 2015. Connexion. The skin on the head is close fitting and free of wrinkles. We often visit the nearby dog park where she loves playing with the smaller doggies. Characteristics. Clean, fresh water should be available at all times. Height: 18-21 inches (46–53 cm.) 1,5 E ember kedveli. Experience also taught us that although these dogs are not barkers, Fonyi "came alive". Ours is a community of breeders, owners and aficionados of Transylvanian Hounds from around the world and the official breed association in The Americas and the Caribbean Region. Transylvanian Hound Club. Troy and I do not have human kids, just furry ones. Sep 29, 2018 - Transylvanian Hound Dogs, Transylvanian Bloodhound, Hungarian Hound, Transylvanian Scenthound / Erdélyi Kopó Weight: 66-77 pounds (30–35 kg.) We are devoted to the study, breeding, exhibition (conformity, hunting and utility) and advancement of purebred Transylvanian Hounds. Because of their balance and friendliness, they can be kept both in an apartment or house. The Club has now launched a multi-year initiative to register the breed with the American Kennel Club and build a dual affiliation for the future. I sent a message and my story with one request: 'How do I get one?' The American Kennel Club has allowed the Transylvanian Hound to be registered in its Foundation Stock Service in 2015, which is the first step towards becoming fully recognized by the AKC. The American Kennel Club has kept this breed in the Foundation Stock Service since 2015 and yet to be recognized (as of April 2019). She notices every little detail and lets us know if something new or different has appeared. Find Transylvanian Hound Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful Transylvanian Hound information. The Transylvanian Hound, also known as the Transylvanian Scent Hound or Hungarian Hound is a dog breed from the Kingdom of Hungary, Transylvania (found today in Hungary and Romania), historically primarily used for hunting. The Transylvanian Hound is a medium-sized dog, weighing anywhere from 66 to 77 pounds at a height range of 18 to 21 inches. So, he became the most loyal, fun, energetic and agile dog we have ever met. Her eyes say the same thing every time, the poet Attila József's memorable lines: "Hagyd a dagadt ruhát másra, Engem vigyél fel a padlásra." General Appearance. The Transylvanian Hound was recognized by the United Kennel Club in 2006, but is still considered a rare dog breed in the United States. The Transylvanian Hound is good-natured, courageous, and enduring. There is a moderate amount of skin folding at their neck and a small dewlap of skin is all… My children had to experience the same affection, I thought. The main difference is the length of the dogs' legs. We are so grateful for her loving nature and playful, friendly spirit and look forward to seeing her happy personality passed down to future offspring. Over those years together, I told everyone we met about her breed and how rare they were. After Lex’s passing, which was not easy, I was desperate to find another Kopó; I had heard of a breeder in California and of course I figured there were some in Hungary and Romania, too. It had been seven long years since our last litter all due to the lack of a male suitable for breeding. So we began our search and stumbled upon our breeder all the way in Hungary. The year 2014 ended with a tally of 68 Transylvanian Hounds registered through the... [, Ivó ♂, our rescued kopó from Transylvania has finally arrived in the US, thanks to a magnificent concerted effort by the TRHC members! She has got the Kopó’s enthusiasm of a young dog mixed with the willingness to please, the perfect combination of sassy and smart. Erdélyi kopó, Hungarian Hound, Transylvanian Scent Hound : Cane Corz, Italian Mastiff, Cane Di Macellaio : Rottie, Rott : Breed Type : Purebred : Purebred : Purebred : AKC Group : Not recognized by the American Kennel Club. Due to his medium-size, his body is athletic, lean, muscular, and exaggerated, and his movement is balanced and elegant. Working far from the farm, they developed problem-solving abilities and through the centuries have become highly intelligent. Community of breeders, owners and aficionados of Transylvanian Hounds worldwide and the official breed association in The … We were able to locate a male I had bred whose bloodlines were compatible with Captain’s and which thankfully had not been neutered. The breed is very loyal and friendly. When snowy winter comes, Twinkle rushes through the house, up the stairs, down the hallways, jumping onto the beds in what we lovingly call 'Crazy Dog Time.' Working with a responsible breeder, prospective owners can gain the education they need to learn about specific health concerns within the breed. Voir plus de contenu de Transylvanian Hound Club sur Facebook. The Transylvanian Hound is a medium-sized hound, with the general characteristics of the Mid-European type, in that breed registry's classification system. Transylvanian Hound Club – Facebook. Twinkle, twinkle little star. After having read about Transylvanian Hounds and meeting one in person, the decision was simple: our dog had to be a Kopó. Education should be consistent and clear, but not for long periods of time. Transylvanian Hound information including personality, history, grooming, pictures, videos, and the AKC breed standard. The Transylvanian Hound Club is a worldwide community of breeders, owners, and aficionados of the Transylvanian Hound and is devoted to the breeding, exhibition, and advancement of the breed. Answer a few simple questions and find the right dog for you, Compare up to 5 different breeds side by side, Browse the AKC Marketplace to find the right puppy for you, Browse our extensive library of dog names for inspiration, Find out the best and worst foods for your dog and which to avoid. The breed reached its climax in the Middle Ages, at a time when it was the favorite hunting dog of the aristocracy. The Transylvanian Hound is primarily a hunting dog who can hardly resist his ancient instincts, so it is very important to train him appropriately. We also found that colorful organized vegetation was for cat owners, and we should not be such sissies when playing with our new four-legged friend. The Transylvanian Hound is a dog breed from the Kingdom of Hungary, Transylvania, historically primarily used for hunting. The tall variety was used for hunting woodland and grassland big game, such as European bison, bear, boar, and lynx. Disclaimer. Community of breeders, owners and aficionados of Transylvanian Hounds worldwide and the official breed association in The Americas and the Caribbean Region She was the dog who made me fall completely in love with the little-known breed, the Transylvanian Hound. These dogs are rare outside of Hungary, and were bred to hunt bear, boar and wolf. Essential info about dog health, training, sports and more. If you choose to purchase the Transylvanian Hound, you should know that the mentioned amount of money is an average of the collected data from breeders’ sites and puppy finder places. Treats can be an important aid in training, but giving too many can cause obesity. Everywhere we were, Sándor as – so trusting of us, but always a little protective with strangers. History. Only one thing was missing: the family dog. To my husband’s dismay, Sándor did not turn out to be the hunter he had hoped for. Ask anyone to draw a dog, and you will find that the mental picture they have of "how a dog is supposed to look" is a Transylvanian Hound. Her beauty comes out when she runs off uncontained in the woods and lifts her head up tall to listen to a new sound. The Transylvanian Hound is, naturally, recognised by the national dog breeding and fancier group, the Hungarian Kennel Club (using the FCI breed standard). Transylvanian Hound Club - Rare dog breed club needs web design! It is a great pleasure to introduce to you to our first home-bred Transylvanian Hound, ‘Gianna Grace’. Lex stayed by my side for nearly 15 years! Transylvanian Hound Club. The UKC classifies the breed in that registry's Scenthound group. Available at all times - Rare dog breed Club needs web design a responsible,! An apartment or house has grouped all of the breeds that it registers into seven categories, senior! 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