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compendium of national juvenile justice data sets


compendium of national juvenile justice data sets

The FBI distributes UCR data in a number of reports and in machine-readable form through the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data at the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) and can be found at These facilities are designated non respondents, and the Census Bureau imputes responses for them. BJS first surveyed forensic crime laboratories in 1998, focusing solely on agencies that performed DNA analysis. National Center for Juvenile Justice. Manual edits include statistical verification when crime trends show large fluctuations. Since 1930, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has administered the Uniform Crime Reporting Program (UCR). Census staff begin telephone calls to the facilities and central reports that had not responded by that time. National Institute of Justice, Violence and Victimization Research Division's Compendium of Research on Violence Against Women, 1993-2016, Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, August 2017, NCJ 223572. Data collection Jurisdictions containing nearly 70% of the U.S. juvenile popula-tion contribute more than 1 million new juvenile court case records to the Archive every year. Terrorism & … The strategies of each program model … The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) funded the 1998 study as part of a DNA Laboratory Improvement Program. Respondent questions are fielded by the Governments Division of the Census Bureau. Resulting tables can be saved and imported into spreadsheet software for further analysis. (Dec. 17, 2020) -- The Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ) within the Colorado Department of Public Safety has released “Crime and Justice in Colorado: 2009-2019,” a report that compiles data from dozens of sources to provide a comprehensive portrait of crime and criminal justice in Colorado. Our Work. Repeat mailings and phone contacts are made to maximize responding. The data compendium is updated monthly and aggregates datasets compiled by a variety of national and state agencies for easy reference by those interested in emerging criminal justice issues. Coverage problems in the system further limit the usefulness of the available data. Age, Race, Sex, and Ethnic Origin of Persons Over 18 Arrested. An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice. For persons under 18, arrest information includes data on police disposition, that is, whether the offender was handled within the department and released or referred to a court or other agency. Census questionnaire - official "self-report" questionnaire. ; United States.Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. The researchers at the McCrone Research Institute, supported by an NIJ grant, have compiled a compendium of microcrystal tests in order to “fulfill a critical need for reliable analytical methods and assist forensic scientists and other researchers in their work.” The compendium currently contains 19 drugs for which microcrystal tests using various reagents have been previously developed. From the CDC. Users can view custody population profiles for a single jurisdiction or state comparison tables. Make SBB your first stop for statistical information on juvenile justice. The UCR employs a set of forms on which jurisdictions can report aggregate counts of offenses, arrests, personnel, and other information. The National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ) developed and maintains Easy Access to the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement (EZACJRP) for OJJDP to make CJRP data available to a wide variety of users. OJJDP supports the analysis and dissemination of its JRFC data through the National Juvenile Justice Data Analysis Program.This program produces statistical bulletins and FAQs with the JRFC data. The CJRP, which is conducted biennially, provides the nation with the most detailed picture of juveniles in custody ever produced. The reporting of other offenses (Part II offenses) is not required of jurisdictions that participate in the program. Data are collected on personnel, budgets, workloads, equipment, procedures, policies, and data processing. 2019-JX-FX-K001. The CJRP differs fundamentally from the CIC census. $2,400,000 . Each cell is rounded independently, without consideration to row or column totals. Compendium of National Juvenile Justice Datasets A guide to data sets relating to “juvenile offending, victimization, and contact with the juvenile justice system.” Most data comes from nation-wide reports and surveys in the United States. A few additional facilities are identified as open on the reference date after the initial mailout (through responses from facilities or other contacts) and are subsequently sent forms. It collects data on officers killed and assaulted and conducts a yearly count of law enforcement employees by department. The Crime Statistics Processing Unit of the FBI-UCR section is responsible for data entry and quality control of the statistics contributed both by state programs and by agencies that report directly to the FBI. ERIC ED204697: Juvenile Delinquency Prevention: A Compendium of 36 Program Models. Processing of the data, including error checks, imputation, and editing, continues until the following September. Supplementary Homicide Report--includes information on victims, offenders, and context of homicide offenses. Intended as an aid to investigations of juvenile offending, victimization, and contact with the juvenile justice system. For example, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Wisconsin, and the District of Columbia did not submit all or part of their reported crime and arrest year 2000 data to the FBI in time for inclusion in the year 2000 Crime in the United States. The NCANDS system uses three data collection strategies. The Real World of Dating Violence in Adolescence and Young Adulthood: A Longitudinal Portrait. Health Details: An OJJDP Compliance Monitor explains the Juvenile Justice Reform Act mandate that states must have an "effective" system of monitoring compliance with the core requirements of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act.More from the State Relations and Assistance Division National Training Conference. This compendium is a useful resource for exploring data related to socioeconomic factors and social determinants of health. to the data sets. Courts with juvenile jurisdiction may handle a variety of matters, including child maltreatment, traffic violations, child support, and adoptions. The first The National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ) developed and maintains Easy Access to the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement (EZACJRP) for OJJDP to make CJRP data available to a wide variety of users. Implemented in 1997 as a pilot program, the Quality Assurance Review (QAR) conducted by the Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Audit Unit became a permanent program in January 2000, intended to ensure that each state UCR program adheres to summary and incident-based reporting methods that are consistent with UCR standards. CIC collected aggregate data on juveniles held in each facility (e.g., number of juveniles in the facility). Also, details relevant to specific Part I offenses are collected, such as weapon, offender, and victim characteristics, and circumstances of murders; the type of weapon and type of premise in robberies; and the time and premise type (residential or nonresidential) of burglaries. The offenses are grouped into two categories: Part I and Part II. Compendium of Publicly Available Datasets And Other Data-Related Resources November 2016 . Research for the Real World. EZACJRP allows users to perform custom crosstabs of national data on the characteristics of youth held in residential placement facilities, including detailed information about the … By statute and regulation, OJJDP must protect the privacy of individuals included in its surveys. Provides a vast amount of crime data via a combination of online data (via reports) and downloadable data sets on crimes ( including expanded focus on homicides) and the criminal justice system (persons detained, prosecuted & convicted as well as criminal justice resources). Researchers should visit the National Juvenile Corrections Data Resource Guide at ICPSR for more information regarding access requirements and procedures. Wall, John S.; And Others. Most automated departments verify keypunched data, that is, information is keypunched twice and the two are compared for transcription errors made during data entry. The QAR assesses the accuracy and consistency of crime reporting with onsite reviews of local case reports and an examination of collection and compilation of local agency statistics by the state repositories. NIJ is seeking applications for the funding to maintain and enhance the National Juvenile Justice Data Analysis Program to ensure that vital statistical information is available to the field regarding juvenile risk behaviors, juvenile victimization and offending, and the juvenile justice system response to law-violating behavior. The JJ NMDS is an annual collection of information on young people under juvenile justice supervision in Australia. By the year 2002, 315 agencies had been reviewed in 44 states, Guam, and the District of Columbia. However numerous juveniles in residential placement for whom data are captured by CJRP may be receiving such treatment. The remaining facilities are identified as in-scope. Each listing has two parts. Compendium of statistical information about juvenile and adult offenders; court facts, statistics, and trends; probation and parole figures; and considerable additional information; published annually by the Hindelang Criminal Justice Research Center at the University of Albany, SUNY; funded by grants from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics Number of Full-Time Law Enforcement Employees. Arrests made in both Part I and Part II categories are reported, as well as data on law enforcement personnel. Information on arrests is collected for both Part I and Part II offenses, including information on the offender's age, sex, race, and ethnic origin. To obtain these data, the FBI surveys state and local police organizations. Also includes historic data … The data collector should disseminate the results of the data collection not only to researchers but to the data providers and broadly to the public. Handouts for Clients and Their Families About the JD System The extent of quality control procedures used at the state and local levels varies considerably. Department of Justice . Of the in-scope facilities, a small number may neither send back the census forms nor respond to several phone calls from Census Bureau personnel requesting participation in the census. Of the facilities open on the reference date, some may be temporarily out of scope (i.e., they did not hold offenders on the reference date). Rates and percentages presented in OJJDP publications and state level tables presented in Easy Access to the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement are based on rounded totals. Imputation is used to adjust state and national crime and arrest rates for nonreporting and nonresponse, but the imputation techniques are not very sophisticated; how well the imputation reflects the crime and arrest rates of nonreporting/underreporting agencies is unknown. CJRP provides 1-day population counts of juveniles in residential placement facilities. CJRP collects an individual record on each juvenile held in the residential facility. NJJN’s online library includes a wealth of resources on a variety of juvenile justice issues and from numerous sources. Data sources include official records and self-report data from surveys. Easy Access - Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) data analysis tools Easy Access is a family of web-based data analysis tools on juvenile crime and the juvenile justice system provided by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). Of these facilities, some turn out to be closed on the reference date. Juvenile Justice National Minimum Data Set. The Juvenile Court Statistics Databook (JCSDB) provides convenient access to national estimates of the more than 30 million delinquency cases processed by the Nation’s juvenile courts since 1985. In addition, EZACJRP contains a large set of predefined tables detailing the characteristics of juvenile offenders in custody (age, sex, race/ethnicity, offense, type of facility, and placement status). Funding for this new program is being considered as a means of providing for the analysis and interpretation of diverse sources of data and information on juvenile offending and the juvenile justice system, beyond that currently funded for the analysis of OJJDP data sets. The CJRP is administered every other year, in odd-numbered years. l Ross Little Chair, The National Association for Youth Justice, The National Association for Youth Justice is a membership organisation for individuals that promotes the rights of, and justice for, children in trouble with the law. • Consult the “Compendium of National Juvenile Justice Data Sets” for practical guidance on how to use a set of major national data resources that inform juvenile justice issues. College of Juvenile Justice and Psychology, Department of Justice Studies CRN # 20130 TR 11:00 a.m. – 12:20 p.m., CRJS-3823 P01, Room 260 Spring 2016 CRJS-3823: Criminal Justice Research Methods I Department of Justice Studies College of Juvenile Justice & Psychology Instructor Name: G. Solomon Osho, Ph.D. Care must be taken in generalizing UCR results for a specific item to the nation in any given year and across time. Some facilities may be identified as permanently out of scope (i.e., they were not able to hold juvenile offenders over night). Office of Justice Programs Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention J. Robert Flores, Administrator May 2005 Of fice of Justice Pr ograms • Par tnerships for Safer Communities • for constructive discussion about existing perspectives. Currently housed at the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research at the University of Michigan, NACJD provides access to a wide spectrum of data, … National Juvenile Justice Data Analysis Program. by ERIC. In addition to the number of offenses reported or known, data are collected on the number of these reports proved to be unfounded (false or baseless), the number of offenses cleared by arrest or exceptional means, and the number of clearances involving only persons under 18. The Compendium of Federal Datasets Addressing Health Disparities is a compilation of information on health equity data. of data sets housed in the Archive and the procedures for access-ing them. CJRP does not include facilities exclusively intended for drug or mental health treatment, even though such facilities may house some offenders. Age, Race, Sex, and Ethnic Origin of Persons Under 18 Arrested--includes juvenile disposition data. Compendium of National Juvenile Justice Data Sets This is a small but growing collection of data sets related to juvenile offending, victimization, and the juvenile justice system. NIJ partners with two other Office of Justice Programs agencies, the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), to support the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD). Since 1978, NIJ has been accumulating an archive of hundreds of data sets resulting from projects funded through research grant programs. Compendium of National Juvenile Justice Data Sets Summary: initiating organization, goals, and the duration of the data collection effort. One-day counts give a picture of the standing population in facilities. The amount of data on juveniles in the UCR is quite limited. In 2017 the questionnaire consisted of 20 pages, facility-level section has 20 items, individual-level section has 10 items per person, definitions are provided. Inclusion criteria for individual-level data are as follows: youth under age 21; assigned a bed in a residential facility at the end of the day on the census reference day; charged with an offense or court-adjudicated for an offense; and in residential placement because of that offense. For the Part I offenses, UCR collects information on all offenses known or reported to the police, regardless of whether an arrest resulted. Compendium of Research on Children Exposed to Violence (CEV) 2010-2015 . The FBI says that agencies participating in the system provide service to approximately 94% of the residential population of the U.S. Compendium of National Juvenile Justice Data Sets. Youth Violence: Data Sources. CJRP replaced the Census of Public and Private Juvenile Detention, Correctional, and Shelter Facilities, also known as the Children in Custody (CIC) census, which had been conducted since the early 1970s. In 2002, the National Association of State The Justice Department launched Changing Minds in October 2016, a national campaign that seeks to raise awareness, teach skills, and inspire public action to address children's exposure to violence and the resulting trauma. Author: National Center for Juvenile Justice. Open. Utah Board of Juvenile Justice Risk & Protective Factor Tool (Created and maintained by UBJJ and the University of Utah Criminal Justice Center. The Census Bureau closes out data collection in mid-July. SAMPLING The Compendium of United Nations standards and norms in crime prevention and criminal justice contains the instruments in the area of crime prevention and criminal justice adopted by the international community in more than sixty years. Among the agencies reporting arrest data for some months, it is unclear how many report for all months of the year. Juvenile Delinquency Prevention: A Compendium of 36 Program Models. In mid-October, the Census Bureau mails data requests to respondents representing public, private, tribal, and U.S. territory residential juvenile facilities. (Arson was added in 1978, but is not reported as part of the Crime Index.) The letter also indicates the reference date for the census and the type of information that will be requested. Consistency checks are performed across forms, e.g., comparing the number of arrests on the Age, Sex, Race, and Ethnic Origin (ASREO) report with the number of clearances on the Return A. This data will be accessed through the online resources to compose of Compendium of National Juvenile Justice Data Sets and Easy Access to Juvenile … Use our Web-based query tools to target your crime and justice questions and search the databases for answers. generate a reliable set of criminal justice stats for use in law enforcement, administration, operation, and management national juvenile court data archive: Compendium of national statistical information and databases about juvenile delinquency Further edit checks include addition, Return A offense counts versus Supplement offense counts, excessive amounts, and others. Some state and regional agencies provide CJRP data for more than one facility under their jurisdiction. Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 2014 National Report (compendium of juvenile justice statistics, many with race/ethnicity details) Using national data collections to develop indicators There is no national data collection specifically designed to monitor vital signs on … The data sets described on this site cover a range of topics including: the characteristics of violent juvenile offenders, student victimization at school, sexual activity, and substance use. National juvenile justice data collection efforts should minimize respondent burden while maximizing data collected. l Ali Wigzell, Standing Committee for Youth Justice The second set is composed of birth cohOit data files containing every case record in ajuvenile's court career. Racial and Ethnic Disparity and Disproportionality in Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice: A Compendium 11 Foreword In the past two decades, stakeholders in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems have taken important steps toward understanding the relationship between race, ethnicity, and the extent of children’s involvement in the two systems. The level of participation of agencies also varies over time. The site also includes links to publications based on analyses of Archive data. The Archive Web site was developed to inform researchers about data sets housed in the National Juvenile Court Data Archive and the procedures for access and use of these data. The UCR is intended to be a census of state and local police agencies. • Consult the “Compendium of National Juvenile Justice Data Sets” for practical guidance on how to use a set of major national data resources that inform juvenile justice issues. A guide to data sets relating to “juvenile offending, victimization, and contact with the juvenile justice system.” Most data comes from nation-wide reports and surveys in the United States. Office of Justice Programs . Full data sets from each database are downloadable in Excel or SAS for more detailed analysis. Raise awareness about the prevalence, urgency, and impact of chil… Annual Survey of Jails This collection provides annual data on jail populations across the nation. Because not all types of crime are equally well reported to the police, the UCR focuses on seven types of crime that are (1) prevalent, (2) serious, and (3) well reported to the police. NIJ works closely with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) to support high-quality, rigorous research, evaluations, and statistical analyses related to juvenile justice, as well as preventing and responding to juvenile delinquency and victimization. These files are routinely available 24 months after the end of the reference year. More detail on OJJDP's privacy protection policy is available in Disclosure Control in the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement, prepared by OJJDP. The UCR can be used, with considerable caution, in both cross-sectional and longitudinal designs. It aggregates a number of data sources into a single, database that is searchable in various formats.) OJJDP developed Changing Mindsin collaboration with Futures Without Violence, a national health and social justice nonprofit organization; the Ad Council; and Wunderman, the advertising agency. These forms and their content are listed below: The UCR system collects data on all crimes except traffic offenses and federal crimes. 171 (April 2009). Supplement to Return A--counts of Index Offenses that involve certain attributes such as monetary value of stolen property or type of residence entered forcibly. Public use documentation of the imputation methodology for the 2007 census of juveniles in residential placement, Easy Access to the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement, Disclosure Control in the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement, National Juvenile Corrections Data Resource Guide,,,,,,,,, On reports, investigations, victims, and the state and local police organizations identified as permanently out of (! Fill in incomplete records CJRP forms to public, private, tribal, and adoptions Census is not Census. National Institute of justice ( NIJ ) funded the 1998 study as Part of a DNA Improvement! Is rounded independently, without consideration to row or column totals tribal juvenile... Respondents, and the District of Columbia the amount of missing data either... Are given a contact number for the Census Bureau mails data requests to respondents representing public, private and. 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