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Let's focus on the gastrocnemius muscle, reviewing key points, showing its four myofascial trigger point locations, pain referral patterns and treatment techniques. Pain in the calf muscle is a common result of straining the medial gastrocnemius muscle during physical activity such as with sports. Calf muscle cramps are usually temporary but can cause significant pain and discomfort. This artery arises from the popliteal artery behind your knee. Is Your Calf Muscle Pain Just a Strain or Something Else? 2. Walking , jogging, or climbing up a steep slope or on an uneven surface (or sand) can overload the gastrocnemius. Prolonged immobilization of the muscle by the use of a walking cast, or during long trips in the car or airplane. This anatomical variance usually causes no functional problems. While treatment is almost always accomplished with s… The muscle is considered one of the "anti-gravity" muscles. This muscle lies underneath the gastrocnemius and inserts into the calcaneal tendon that connects to the heel bone. Problems walking or putting weight on the injured leg. Gastrocnemius Pain. Gastrocnemius Muscle Strain or Tennis Leg. This causes pain, swelling, bruising, and decreased strength in the gastrocnemius muscle. Origin. Heat Pack or Cold Pack: Which works best in Trigger Point Therapy? Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. In many people it triggers pain in the calf, the hollow of the knee or in the footbed. The may also be unable to straighten the leg (at the knee) while standing if they are asked to keep their heel on the floor. Tenderness around the medial gastrocnemius muscle with pain at the site; Palpitation of the medial gastrocnemius muscle with possible visible trembling of the muscle; Increase in pain with pressure on calf muscles, such as walking; Peripheral pulses are symmetrical and normal; Initial Treatment for Tennis Leg . Read our, Medically reviewed by Jonathan Cluett, MD. The gastrocnemius stretches from the knee to the ankle, and the soleus only crosses the ankle. The main function of the gastrocnemius muscle is to plantarflex your ankle. Injury to the calf muscle can occur during athletic activities. Bruising and swelling are common. Baraja-Vegas L(1), Martín-Rodríguez S(2)(3), Piqueras-Sanchiz F(4), Martín-Ruiz J(5), Yeste Fabregat M(1), Florencio LL(6)(7), Fernández-de … Research suggests that gastrocnemius tightness also plays a role in forefoot pain (metatarsalgia), flatfoot deformity, Morton’s neuroma and bunions. Trigger Point Therapy for Low Back Pain; Understanding the Complaint Within the Complaint. Where do the gastrocnemius muscles attach? Few fibers also take origin from the capsule of the knee joint. Severe strains may prevent a … This type of strain is often called tennis leg, originating from a 1883 reported case of a tennis injury. Massage for the Gastrocnemius Muscle Most modalities of massage include direct manipulation of the gastroc. The artery that brings blood supply to the gastrocnemius is the sural artery. Gastrocnemius is a large muscle located in the posterior leg.Posteriorly, is the most superficial of the muscles of the leg, and forms the bulk of the calf.It takes its name from the Greek words γαστήρ (gaster) meaning stomach or belly, and κνήμη (kneme) meaning leg; the combination of the two words means the “belly of the leg” or in other words the bulk of the calf. That way, you can quickly get back to your normal activity and function. Bruising. Gastrocnemius Tendonitis Gastrocnemius tendonitis is inflammation of the gastrocnemius tendon. Some anatomy professionals consider the gastrocnemius and soleus to function as a single unit, and they are often called the triceps surae muscle group. These may include: 1. It is one of the calf muscles at the back of the lower leg. Chilling of the muscle, especially if it is fatigued or in a shortened state. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. It arises from the large sciatic nerve. Pramod Kerkar, M.D., FFARCSI, DA Tennis leg, also known as medial gastrocnemius strain, is a condition where the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle gets torn causing lot of pain. Anita Chandrasekaran, MD, MPH, is board-certified in internal medicine and rheumatology and currently works as a rheumatologist at Hartford Healthcare Medical Group in Connecticut. Treatment for a gastrocnemius muscle tear. Unlike with soleus trigger points, the Achilles tendon reflex is not inhibited by active gastrocnemius trigger points. There may be a tear of plantaris muscle or sometimes both the muscles may be torn. It affects the entire lower limb and the movement of the hip and the lumbar area. The calf muscle is actually made up of two primary muscles: the gastrocnemius muscle and the soleus muscle. Once a short period of rest is complete, rehabilitation to your calf can begin. Pain on the back of the knee while walking up stairs or up a slope. Achilles tendon tendonitis: Pain induced by calcaneal tendon thickening. Causes of calf muscle cramps include: dehydration; a loss of … It has two head (lateral and medial) taking origin from the two respective condyles of the femur. Treatment depends on how severe the muscle tear is. [Epub ahead of print] Electromyographic Activity Evolution of Local Twitch Responses During Dry Needling of Latent Trigger Points in the Gastrocnemius Muscle: A Cross-Sectional Study. 2019 Jul 30. pii: pnz182. The gastrocnemius muscle is a major mover of your ankle and knee joint, and it works in conjunction with neighboring muscles to help stabilize your leg while walking and running. – Extended…Again, Rhomboid Trigger Points: A Pain Between the Shoulder Blades, Tensor Fascia Lata Trigger Point: The IT Band Syndrome and Hip Pain Culprit, Vastus Medialis Trigger Points: The Knee Pain Trigger Points – Part 3, Rectus Femoris Trigger Point: The Knee Pain Trigger Points – Part 2, Vastus Lateralis Trigger Points: The Knee Pain Trigger Points – Part 1, Tibialis Posterior Trigger Point: Sneaky Achilles Tendonitis, Tibialis Anterior Trigger Point: The Foot Drop Trigger Point, Adductor Magnus Trigger Point: The PMS Trigger Point, Pectoralis Minor Trigger Point: The Annoying Little Brother, Pectoralis Major Trigger Points: The Cardiac Copycats, Gastrocnemius Trigger Points: The Calf Cramp Trigger Points, How to Download Our Videos and Put Them On Your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, Abdominal Oblique Trigger Points: South of the Border Pain, Sternocleidomastoid Trigger Points: Masters of the Migraine, Levator Scapulae Trigger Points: Frankenstein Pain, Iliopsoas Trigger Points: Hidden Pranksters of Low Back Pain, The Hamstring Trigger Points: Hiding in Plain Sight, Rectus Abdominis Trigger Points: A Six-Pack of Deception, Piriformis Trigger Points: Double Trouble, Multifidus Trigger Points: The Chiropractor’s Nemesis, The Gluteus Maximus Trigger Points: A Real Pain in the Rear End, Gluteus Minimus Trigger Points: A Small Muscle With A Big Mouth, TMJ Trigger Points and The MyoFree® Solution, The Quadratus Lumborum Trigger Points: Masters of Low Back Pain, The Deltoid Trigger Points: What You See Is What You Get, Supraspinatus Trigger Points: Treating the “Stubborn-atus” Trigger Points, Subscapularis Trigger Points: The Icicles of Shoulder Pain, Shoulder Pain Trigger Points: The Multi-Headed Myofascial Pain Monster, Infraspinatus Trigger Points: The Magicians of Shoulder Pain, Trapezius Trigger Points Are Like Opinions…Everybody Has One, Scalene Trigger Points: The Upper Body Troublemakers, The Lower Trapezius Trigger Point: A.K.A the “Bitchy” Point, How to Release the Gluteus Medius Trigger Points (Video). Wearing high heels keeps the gastrocnemius in a shortened position while walking. A medial gastrocnemius strain (MGS) is a specific type of injury to the calf muscle in the back of the leg. RECOVERY. Medically reviewed by Erin Pereira, DPT, OCS, Medically reviewed by Laura Campedelli, PT, DPT, Medically reviewed by Stuart Hershman, MD, Verywell Health uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. The hallmar… The gastrocnemius muscle pushes the leg down in activities like jogging. The goal of the procedure, which also called a gastrocnemius recession, is to lengthen the calf muscle to create greater flexibility. When your foot is planted on the ground, the gastrocnemius also acts to stabilize your foot and ankle. Calf strains are common injuries seen in primary care and sports medicine clinics. It is also prone to various injuries and conditions. The function of the gastroc at the knee is to work with your hamstrings to flex, or bend, your knee joint. They both work to flex the ankle toward and away from the leg, and the soleus also serves as a postural muscle. By using Verywell Health, you accept our, Anatomy and Function of the Lower Leg Muscles. Soleus Muscle: Anatomy, Function, and Treatment, Anterior Tibialis Rupture: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Management, Stretches to Ease and Prevent Shin Splints, Medial Gastrocnemius Strain Overview and Treatment, Fascia: The Collagen That Binds Us Together, Learn the Alfredson Protocol Exercise for Achilles Tendonitis, Get to Know the Anatomy of the Lower Leg Muscles, The Plantaris Muscle Could Be the Source of Your Calf Pain, Foot Deformity Is Not Uncommon With Rheumatoid Arthritis, PT-Approved Exercises for Strengthening Your Calf Muscles, exercises for your back to relieve pressure off the nerve. Sciatica is a result of issues with the sciatic nerve, which controls muscles in the lower leg and back of the knee. Increase your flexibility and prevent injury by stretching your gastrocnemius in your calf as part of a complete exercise programme. It may also extend … What Is Causing Your Achilles Tendon Pain? (Triceps means three, and surae relates to the calf muscle.). It works along with the quadriceps and gluteus muscles to help raise our bodies up against the force of gravity. He or she can diagnose your condition and help get you on track to recovery. The tibial portion is mainly served by the first and second sacral nerves from your lower back. You have two gastrocs, one in each lower leg. Calf strains are most likely to affect the medial, or inside, portion of the gastrocnemius muscle. Common problems that arise in gastrocnemius include: Cramp: Spasms, involuntary, painful contractions may affect gastrocnemius, lasting anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes; Calf Strain/Tear: If the muscle is suddenly overstretched, or repetitively overused, some or all of the muscle fibres may be torn The gastrocnemius is the muscle of the calf thanks to whom it gets its shape. This allows your calf muscle to heal so you can start restoring flexibility and strength to the muscle. The gastrocnemius muscle is innervated by a nerve called the tibial nerve. This action puts maximal tension on the gastrocnemius muscle as the lengthened muscle is contracted at the “push off,” resulting in a medial calf injury. Before starting any weight calf exercises, it is important to first perform some thorough stretches to activate your gastrocnemius. A muscle cramp or spasm can be the result of dehydration, and although the pain is severe, it will most likely will only last for a short period of time. They both form the Achilles tendon and attach on the posterior aspect of your calcaneus, or heel bone. Provided, of course, that it is caused by the muscle. The medial, or inside, head arises from the medial condyle of the back of your femur (thigh bone). The gastrocnemius muscle is an important mover of your lower leg and is responsible for normal walking and running actions. doi: 10.1093/pm/pnz182. The gastrocnemius muscle is a complex muscle that is fundamental for walking and posture. Having basic knowledge of the gastrocnemius muscle can help you fully recover after an injury. The lower medial trigger point is the only gastrocnemius trigger point that has an extended pain referral pattern. Quite a few conditions can affect the calf muscles of your lower legs. The pain produced by a S1 radiculopathy may activate trigger points in this muscle. The reasons for this are often tensions and trigger points. "They have different roles related to their structure and architecture," says Gillanders, a spokesperson for the American Physical Therapy Association. In the case group, athletes with unilateral or bilateral gastrocnemius myofascial pain were recruited if they presented persisting and chronic soreness (more than three months) and active gastrocnemius muscle pain, according to a diagnosis carried out by an experienced myofascial pain physical therapist following the recommendations of a previous study to determine good agreement (κ … The diagram above also shows the referred pain patterns associated with the gastrocnemius trigger points. Swelling. Rehab for your gastrocnemius depends on the severity and type of injury you have suffered, and your PT will likely use various treatments to help you fully recover. Your doctor may have you use an assistive device like a cane or crutches to walk to help decrease force through your gastrocnemius during this healing time. It has two heads which originate in different locations, but which come together to insert at the same place. “The vast majority of injuries are to those two… Medial Gastrocnemius Strain or Tear:This occurs when the muscle is overloaded and tearing occurs in the belly of the gastroc. Both strains and tears of the gastrocnemius muscle produce the same symptoms. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. The calf is composedof two muscles, the soleus and the gastrocnemius, which is a large muscle located in the back of your lower leg. It lies on top of the soleus. Brett Sears, PT, MDT, is a physical therapist with over 15 years of experience in orthopedic and hospital-based therapy. It occurs due to the repetitive strain to gastrocnemius muscle which results in bony and cartilaginous metaplasia, sharp pain in the heel and bone enlargement at tendons insertion. Treatments may include: Rest. Firm strokes along the length of the calf and passive stretches of the ankle into plantarflexion are common in Swedish, Thai, and Shiatsu massages. Your doctor is examining the function of this nerve when she tests your deep tendon reflexes with a small hammer. Because it is a two joint muscle, the gastrocnemius is prone to quite a bit of use, and overuse, while functioning. Coronavirus Quarantine SUPER SALE! These may include: If you have pain or limited mobility in your gastrocnemius, it is important to see your doctor. Achilles Tendonitis:Your Achilles tendon may become irritated due to faulty foot and leg mechanics or due to overloading the tendon repetitively. The calf muscle is actually made up of two primary muscles: the gastrocnemius muscle and the soleus muscle. If you have suffered an injury to your gastrocnemius, your doctor can determine the nature of your condition and can help guide you to the best treatment for you. If the gastrocnemius muscle is the cause of the pain and not properly treated, the pain will become more persistent and intense. It is an overuse injury which is more common in runners and sprinters. Quite a few conditions can affect the calf muscles of your lower legs. Another common cause of calf pain is muscle strain. PROCEDURE. 2016;69(8):1102-8. doi:10.1016/j.bjps.2016.04.002, Ⓒ 2020 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved. The stomach of your leg or gastrocnemius is an incredibly powerful muscle responsible for full flexion about your ankles. The first step in tennis leg treatment is to begin the P.R.I.C.E. Gastrocnemius, then, is a muscle that could be described as “the belly of the leg”. Gastrocnemius Muscle Pain. Gastrocnemius is the most superficial muscle in the posterior compartment of the leg. Physical examination revealed sensory loss in the distribution of the sural nerve with a positive Tinel's sign in the posterior calf in the region of his previous injury. A strain to the Gastrocnemius can cause pain, as well as severe cramping of the Gastrocnemius. Therefore, it not only acts on the ankle but the knee as well. Since the gastrocnemius crosses the knee joint in the back, it is considered a two joint muscle. Clinical features: A 44-year old male presented with acute calf pain with a palpable defect, loss of range of motion, and loss of strength after sustaining a soft tissue injury to the lower leg. This means that as your gastroc contracts, your ankle and toes point down. A calf strain occurs when the muscle in the back of the leg sustains this type of injury. Vitamin E deficiency may contribute to reoccurring calf cramps. Its pain tends to cover the whole of the calf region and will concentrate strongly in the instep region of the foot. The gastrocnemius muscle originates as two heads behind your knee. Initial treatment for many gastrocnemius injuries typically includes a period of rest or immobilization. Calf cramps, typically at night (these may be present also with latent gastrocnemius trigger points). The gastrocnemius muscle is superficial; you can easily see it and it can be touched on the back of your lower leg. There are numerous ways to lengthen the gastrocnemius. Log in, Clinical Trigger Point Therapy – Complete Course, Clinical Trigger Point Therapy – Essentials Course, Trigger Point Therapy Classes with Dr. Perry, Trigger Point Videos for Muscles – A thru L, Trigger Point Videos for Muscles – M thru R, Trigger Point Videos for Muscles – S thru Z, How to Download Our Videos to an iPad or iPhone, Soleus Trigger Points and Runner’s Heel Pain, The Peroneal Trigger Points: An Overlooked Source of Ankle Pain, Clinical Trigger Point Therapy Video Download Course. Clients may walk flat-footed and not be able to walk fast without pain. Sleeping on the back or stomach with the feet planter flexed (toes pointed) is a frequent cause of these trigger points (and calf cramps) especially if the muscle is chilled by a fan overnight. The gastrocnemius is one of the most important muscles of the body. The gastrocnemius is the most superficial muscle and bulky among the muscles in the back (posterior compartment) of the leg. So, the pain may be more pronounced along the inner aspect of your calf. These may include: Recovery from a gastrocnemius injury can take anywhere from two to twelve weeks depending on the severity of the injury. The severity will also affect how long it takes to heal. When walking, running, or climbing stairs, the muscle works to flex your ankle and propel you forward. Learn more about the Dr. Perry's trigger point therapy video download course by clicking here. With a self-massage you can free the muscle of these tensions and trigger points and, as a result, relieve the pain in many cases. Sitting in a recliner (or using an ottoman) that doesn’t have support for the heels (feet hang off), causes the weight of the leg to compress the calf region and keeps the gastrocnemius in a shortened position. Because it is a superficial muscle, deep tissue techniques are not required to access it. This condition is commonly known as “tennis leg.” Muscle strain sometimes feels like a sudden, sharp pain or a tearing sensation. A muscle strain occurs when the muscle is stretched too far, which causes tears to occur within the muscle. The muscle then courses down the back of your leg and joins the deeper soleus muscle. Generally, surgery is not required for this injury. The differential diagnosis of tear of the medial head of the gastrocnemius was confirmed by physical examination and diagnostic ultrasound imaging. Speak with your doctor or physical therapist to understand your specific prognosis and what to expect from your gastroc rehab. Andjelkov K, Atanasijevic TC, Popovic VM, Sforza M, Atkinson CJ, Soldatovic I. Anatomical aspects of the gastrocnemius muscles: A study in 47 fresh cadavers. About your ankles inside, head arises from the capsule of the hip and the soleus muscle. ) of. Into the calcaneal tendon that attaches to your heel bone from your gastroc.! Pain tends to cover the whole of the knee while walking up stairs or a! Prolonged immobilization of the gastrocnemius can arise from different sources lengthen the.. Down the back of the medial condyle of the back, it not only acts on the ground the. One of the lower leg arises from the popliteal artery behind your knee severity of gastrocnemius... Pain and paresthesias after a strain of the knee while walking up stairs or up a slope strain! Strength in the belly of the knee while walking up stairs or up a slope including! 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