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059/799835 - Fax 059/7570239 info@cavaliera.it www.cavaliera.it 75cl, 2016 | 14.5% ABV Lambrusco cooperativo premiato ai mondiali delle “bollicine”, sul podio Carpi, Sorbara e Castelvetro. Lambrusco di Sorbara Castelvetro. leggi Lambrusco DOC at high speed with Frecciarossa. TECHNICAL SHEET ``R`` … The family of Lambrusco D.O.P. Lambrusco Mantovano Igp - Confezione da 6 bottiglie - L. 0,75 - vol. The vine grows on the dry soils of the Modenese uplands and lower hillslopes, an area dotted with country mansions and ancient castles, where the Apennine chain, rising up to the peak of Monte Cimone, provides the cornice of an undulating landscape of rare beauty.In terms of surface lithology, the region demarcated by the productin guidelines can be divided into two distinct areas: the upland zone and a lower hill-slope zone.The soils typifying the uplands are low in permeability, rather infertile and difficult to work, being largely composed of sandy and marly clays, as well as scaly clays englobing limestone blocks of variable size. Discover over None the less the wine is essentially derived from the vine of the same name. Sembra che JavaScript sia disabilitato sul tuo browser. Members. Sweetish fizzy rosé with a strawberry bouquet that opens up to redcurrant notes on the palate. Aromas of red and citrus fruits dominate, but the... "Bright brick red in the glass, with attractive ruby highlights. Lambrusco is the name of both an Italian red wine grape and a wine made principally from said grape. Lambrusco di Sorbara is a DOC for rosé and red sparkling wines in northern Italy's Emilia-Romagna region. Es ist eine offensichtliche Gegebenheit, dass die meisten Anwender mit Lambrusco di sorbara secco ungemein glücklich sind. Le DOC modenesi più conosciute sono: - Lambrusco di Sorbara - Lambrusco Salamino di Santa Croce - Lambrusco di Modena - Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro. The grapes and the wine originate from four zones in Emilia-Romagna and one in Lombardy―principally around the central provinces of Modena, Parma, Reggio-Emilia, and Mantua. La Cantina Settecani di Castelvetro produce Lambrushi DOP, Grasparossa di Castelvetro, Sorbara e Salamino Santa Croce. Tel:+39 059 643071 email: carpi@cantinadicarpi.it . 41014 Castelvetro di Modena (MO) Tel. Studien mit Lambrusco di sorbara secco. Fresh and elegant with a lingering fruity character. It grows in sparse, conical clusters bearing spherical fruits, the abundance of which varies from year to year (while the grapes retain the same size of a few millimeters). Zona di provenienza e geologia Il terreno della zona classica, incuneata tra i fiumi Secchia e Panaro, si è formato come conseguenza dell’alluvione dei due fiumi ed è a fondo prevalentemente sciolto e sabbioso, permeabile, ricco di potassio. It is situated north of Modena near the village of Sorbara, between the Secchia and Panaro rivers. It is full, well-structured and balanced on the palate. Amongst the most noble crus from which Cantina di Soliera selects part of the grapes for this prestigious project, the estate has maintained a vineyard plot of some 4 hectares of ungrafted Sorbara grapes for over 50 years, from which the most authentic dry Sorbara wines are obtained. Alle Lambrusco di sorbara secco aufgelistet. Questo Lambrusco è un vino autoctono in quanto le sue uve provengono unicamente dal territorio modenese. Very light maceration and then an approach to fermentation to a low alcohol content. A fine, persistent mousse of lively bubbles; delicate and aromatic with notes of jasmine blossom, wild elderflower and lemon zest. This wine is produced from the Lambrusco Grasparossa variety. Area di produzione Castelvetro di Modena (MO) Vitigni Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro, D.O.P. The wines come in frizzante and spumante forms, and in various levels of sweetness. Gavioli Vini. Pignoletto DOC. 2019 | 10.5% ABV In alternativa con mosto concentrato rettificato o mosto concentrato ottenuto da uve prodotte da vigneti ubicati in provincia di Modena purché tali quantitativi siano sostituiti da identiche quantità di vino d.o.c., anche su In 1970, Lambrusco di Sorbara, Lambrusco Salamino di Santa Croce and Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro have obtained the European recognition of DOC products (Denominazione di Origine Controllata). Bright and refreshing, with flavours of crunchy green apple,... A lip-smackingly delicious Vinho Verde, with aromas of apple and grapefruit alongside herbal notes. The notable bouquet is fruity, fragrant and interesting, bringing to mind the aroma of the grape. Il est doté d'une grappe lâche à forme conique, aux grains sphéroïdaux et, en fonction du millésime, présente plus ou moins de millerands. Fruity with notes of exotic fruits, citrus, white flowers and pastries. Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro is a sparkling red wine from the Emilia-Romagna region in northern Italy. Il lambrusco viene declinato in numerose varianti, da quello di Sorbara al Grasparossa di Castelvetro, fino al Salamino di … Chiarli-1860; Cantina di Santa Croce; Cantina Sociale di Limidi Soliera Sozzigalli e Rolo; Cantina Settecani - Castelvetro; Cantina di Carpi e Sorbara; Cavicchioli U.& Figli Srl Lambrusco del Fondatore. It is situated north of Modena near the village of Sorbara, between the Secchia and Panaro rivers. Le Lambrusco di Sorbara constitue une variété indigène aux origines les plus antiques. The most iconic Lambrusco by Cleto Chiarli. Emilia Romagna boasts 3 DOC Lambrusco wines, with a strong link with the diverse areas with unique characteristics that characterise great producers. wines; Sorbara Wine; Salamino di Santa Croce Wine; Modena Wine; Grasparossa di Castelvetro WIne; The producers. Other than Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro there are several Italian … Lambrusco di Sorbara is a DOC for rosé and red sparkling wines in northern Italy's Emilia-Romagna region. “Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro”, anche su prodotti arricchiti. Oggigiorno esistono vari tipi diversi di Lambrusco Doc (tutti vini rossi) e Igt (sia vini rossi che vini bianchi). On this land, the Lambrusco Grasparossa produces more abundant yields, mantaining similar characteristics to those encountered in the upland wines.It should be noted that while, in the course of history, this native upland vine gradually worked its way doen onto the lower slopes, thanks to the presence specific microclimatic conditions and a certain type of terrain, it has never spread out over the plain. I consistenti e significativi risultati commerciali, consolidatisi in oltre un secolo di attività, hanno reso il “Lambrusco di Modena” un vino tra i più qualificati del’enologia provinciale, al punto che, per la sua fama,al pari del Lambrusco di Sorbara, del Lambrusco Salamino di Santa Croce e del Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro, ha ottenuto il riconoscimento della D.O.P. Il Lambrusco è sicuramente il vino più conosciuto della provincia di Modena. Visita la cantina. The relevant productin rules permit the Lambrusco Grasparossa vine to be cultivated alongside a modest percentage of Lambrusco … Only £13.46 per bottle when you mix 12+ bottles. wines, Cantina Sociale di Limidi Soliera Sozzigalli e Rolo. Lambrusco di Sorbara - Vini del Re Vino Frizzante - SECCO Di colore rosso rubino tendente al rosato con vivace tonalità, profumo intenso con sentori di ribes, lampone e rosa canina. 75cl, When you sign up to the newsletter*Minimum spend £50 - Terms and conditions apply, © 2020 The Great Wine Co. - 059/222014 - Fax 059/222005 GAVIOLI ANTICA CANTINA Via Sigonio 50 41100 Modena Tel. Le uve prodotte dai circa 380 soci della cantina provengono da circa 600 ettari di vigneti coltivati nella prima collina modenese, nel cuore dell'area di produzione del Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro DOC. The sparse, conical-shaped cluster is medium in length with roundish fruits. Its keen, armonious flavour has delicious body, is well balanced in acidity and and slightly fruity, leaving a pleasant, somewhat bitter aftertaste. The Lambrusco del Fondatore is a modern version of the same wine Chiarli produced for the … Sistema di coltivazione Cordone speronato Contenuto alcolico 11,5% vol Zucchero residuo 10 gr/lt Acidità totale 7 gr/l Temperatura di servizio consigliata 10-12 °C Consorzio Tutela del Lambrusco di Modena. 45 (£15.88/l) Although not possessing great vigour, the vine is distinguished by a special characteristic: with the arrival of autumn, not only the leaves turn red, but also the stalk and pedicels. £14.95) Multibuy? Lambrusco del Fondatore Lambrusco di Sorbara DOC - Fermentato in bottiglia L'eccellenza da 160 anni No reviews yet Write a Review Create New Wish List; Champagne & Sparkling Italy Northern Italy NV Vintage V Vegetarian Vg Vegan Single. Lambrusco. It has a creamy and delicate mousse while maintaining bright,... Gold colour. SCOPRI. Lambrusco di Sorbara is a DOC for rosé and red sparkling wines in northern Italy's Emilia-Romagna region. The relevant productin rules permit the Lambrusco Grasparossa vine to be cultivated alongside a modest percentage of Lambrusco and Fortana ("Uva d’Oro") varieties. Lambrusco, vino rosso DOC tipico della provincia modenese.. ... Lambrusco di Sorbara. The grapes for this wine are picked from two parcels of fruit from Yealands' Seaview Vineyard, where Sauvignon Blanc vines are grown on New Zealand's most coastal vineyard. cleto chiarli “lambrusco del fondatore” lambrusco di sorbara doc Fondatore means "founder," and the name of this wine name bears special significance for Cleto Chiarli. Although not possessing great vigour, the vine is distinguished by a special characteristic: with the arrival of autumn, not only the leaves turn red, but also the stalk and pedicels. Vitigno: Lambrusco di Sorbara, Lambrusco Salamino ALC.VOL. Il nostro Sorbara fermentato in bottiglia ha un valore speciale per noi ed è la prova di quanto possa essere grande un Lambrusco. ... Grasparossa di Castelvetro. According to Agazzotti "it emanates a pleasant scent of peach-almonds". 11% Vai alla Scheda Tecnica. A Modena vengono prodotti tre tipi di Lambrusco a denominazione di origine controllata: Lambrusco di Sorbara; Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro The Quinta da Lixa is... Ken Forrester Wines have a superb reputation for Chenin Blanc, and this first sparkling wine in the classic tradition is no exception. Lambrusco del Fondatore. il Territorio. PERLA. Here, the yeld is far from abundant, although high in quality and of marked characteristics.Lower down, the soils are made up of silt deposits and silty sands lying on a bed of gravel and therefore offer a good degree of permeability. Lambrusco Grasparossa grapes is just one of various Lambrusco varieties, grown around the town of Castelvetro di Modena. Le 3 medaglie d’oro sono state assegnate al Lambrusco Salamino di Santa Croce 2019 Tradizione della Cantina di Santa Croce, al Lambrusco di Sorbara … (P.D.O.) Grasparossa di Castelvetro WIne. Caratteristiche del Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro. Discover the history of the very first Lambrusco. This wine is produced from the Lambrusco Grasparossa variety. The wines come in frizzante and spumante forms, and in various levels of sweetness. At Cantina di Soliera, the decades of experience of our people, joined with the warmth of the sun shining above the vines and the passion for Lambrusco, … ... MANFREINA. Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro DOP. In Roman times Lambrusco … Contatti. It is situated north of Modena near the village of Sorbara, between the Secchia and Panaro rivers. Bright light pink colour, and a perfume of strawberries and wild berries. The wine is deep ruby in colour, with a violet sheen and a light froth with an edge of the same hue. The nose is forward and fruit driven, overflowing with cranberry and raspberry and a touch of green spiciness. They feature a specific clone of the Lambrusco red wine grape variety, named after the village. CANTINA DI SOLIERA, Lambrusco di Sorbara DOC, Dry, (Case of 6x750ml), Italy, (Lambrusco Di Sorbara 100%) SPARKLING WINE 5.0 out of 5 stars 3 £71.45 £ 71 . Made with the Martinotti method (or Charmant) the wine spends 90 days on lees. 75cl, 2017 | 11.5% ABV The grape has a long winemaking history, with archaeological evidence indicating that the Etruscans cultivated the vine. Lambrusco Emilia IGP, Pignoletto, Trebbiano, Sangiovese, bianco frizzante, spumante e altri prodotti di qualità, tra cui liquori e Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena. A blend of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, this Burgundy Crémant offers remarkable complexity. The wine is kept on low temperature and then vinified at the time of ordering to get a fresh product all the time. It makes an exellent aperitif and goes divinely with Modena’s typical pastries and desserts. If you enjoy rich, full bodied, velvety red wine this is the one for you! Intense purple, with shocking pink foam. Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro DOP secco quantità ... Cantina di Carpi e Sorbara – Società Agricola Cooperativa Via Cavata, 14 – 41012 Carpi MO – ITALY P. IVA 00182470369. This is due to a flowering anomaly, that can give rise to a considerable loss of fruit. News dai mercati. Rosé sparkling wine. White sparkling wine. Die Resultate damit sind je nachdem verschieden, jedoch triumphiert die erfreuliche Ansicht bei den allermeisten Kritiken. The grapes range from plummy dark blue to blackish, have a thick skin and contain a medium juicy, sweetish, slightly acidulous pulp.Due to its lack of vigour, the Lambrusco Grasparossa vine is best cultivated in smaller vineyards, where it does well, even on rather poor soils, such as those on the lower slopes of the Modenese hills.It bears up well to climatic and other adversities, and matures fairly late, after waiting to capture the very last rays of autumn sunshine (years ago, harvesting went on well into November). Registered in England: 1071904. (P.D.O.) Devi abilitare JavaScript per utilizzare le funzioni di questo sito. Per facilitare la fecondazione del Sorbara esso si coltiva sempre con una percentuale di Lambrusco Salamino posto fianco a fianco nel medesimo vigneto. Morello cherries, elderberries, blackberries, gentle tannin and a little prickle from the bubbles. TECHNICAL SHEET. Lambrusco di Sorbara DOP. It is made from a vine of the same name, Lambrusco di Sorbara, which is a native variety of remote origins. The Papale Primitivo has flavours of rich dark chocolate, ripe cherries and spice. Consorzio Marchio Storico dei Lambruschi Modenesi, The family of Lambrusco D.O.P. Lambrusco: caratteristiche organolettiche. The palate is medium-bodied and refreshing, with the classic touch of spritz. Sorbara secco aufgelistet sparkling red wine grape and a touch of green.! Sorbara wine ; Salamino di Santa Croce wine ; the producers grape,... Northern Italy 's Emilia-Romagna region in northern Italy 's Emilia-Romagna region from a vine of the same hue è. Cranberry and raspberry and a light froth with an edge of the same.. Resultate damit sind je nachdem verschieden, jedoch triumphiert die erfreuliche Ansicht bei den allermeisten Kritiken time ordering! Le sue uve provengono unicamente dal territorio modenese after the village of,. 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