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Mexican oregano is commonly mistaken for its cousin Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare). Oregano is an herb composed of the fresh or dried leaves of the oregano plant. This oregano is the best match for all Greek and Italian foods and savory dishes. Oregano is a relative of mint that is associated with the Mediterranean region and that most likely originated in Greece. There are two other plants commonly referred to as “Mexican oregano,” Poliomintha longiflora and Monarda fistulosa var. Use Mediterranean oregano in any dish from that region, from spaghetti sauce and pizza to leg of lamb and grilled fish. Mexican oregano and oregano are often confused because of their similar names. 1 tablespoon dried mexican oregano = 2.4 grams. Mexican oregano, also known as Puerto Rican oregano, is native to Mexico and has pungent, citrus flavors with a subtle licorice undertone. Their flavors are different, too. Oregano is actually a particular herb flavor, rather than a particular herb. You shouldn't really consider them interchangeable, though. These flavors are a better fit with Mexican dishes. Mexican bush oregano (Poliomintha longiflora) is a flowering perennial native to Mexico that grows very well in Texas and other hot, dry parts of the United States.Although it’s not related to your average garden oregano plant, it produces attractive, fragrant purple flowers and can survive in harsh and varied conditions, making it an excellent choice for parts of the garden where nothing else seems to be … Traditional oregano is one of the most common herbs in modern kitchens. Photo by Dick Culbert, Wikimedia Commons, via CC-BY-SA. Mexican oregano is also sometimes used as a tea herb. Mexican oregano’s flavor profile includes mint and citrus notes as well as hints of licorice and a little earthiness. menthifolia, neither of which are related to L. graveolens. You won’t get Mexican oregano’s sweet citrus notes, but you may be able to replace that with other ingredients. Positive: On Apr 22, 2013, bobschrad from Reston, VA wrote: I live in northern Virginia. Its dominant notes are also pungent, but it carries more floral and grassy notes. FINDING: In most Mexican groceries, in many general groceries with regular bottled herbs (the bottles may be labeled only “oregano”; fine print may reveal its Mexican origin), and via the internet. Ever present in Italian cuisine, it’s earned the nickname “the pizza herb”, with its minty undertones justifying its membership in the mint plant family Lamiaceae. European oregano, also known as Greek oregano, Turkish oregano and Mediterranean oregano, comes from one plant while Mexican oregano comes from another. However, Poliomintha longiflora and Lippia graveolens are the ones most commonly grown as "Mexican Oregano" here in Texas with P. longiflora being slightly more hardy than the L. graveolens. Mexican Oregano Vs. Oregano: SPICEography Showdown. Its flavor makes a big difference in tacos, burritos, and meaty dishes. tall after one season. Native to Mexico, it also grows in Central and South America and is sometimes referred to as Puerto Rican oregano. It's part of the mint family and very similar to marjoram in flavor. CHOOSING: In Mexican groceries, oregano is typically sold in whole leaf form with flavorful blossom and twigs mixed in. While Mexican oregano shares its name with Mediterranean oregano — which is the true oregano — its flavor is closer to that of another herb from Southern Europe: marjoram. Lori A. Selke has been a professional writer and editor for more than 15 years, touching on topics ranging from LGBT issues to sexuality and sexual health, parenting, alternative health, travel, and food and cooking. Discover 500+ spicy recipes and hundreds of pepper profiles, comparisons, cooking tips + more. You are here: Home / SPICEography Showdown / Mexican Oregano Vs. Oregano: SPICEography Showdown. It’s an earthy, deliciously pungent herb with a peppery bite and lemony finish essential to Mexican, Tex-Mex and South American cooking. Substitute for Mexican oregano. Well, "Mexican Oregano" is just a common name for the three herbs that I mentioned above. Although, they’re more like step cousins, because the two don’t even share a taxonomic family. Its flavor matches well with cumin, chili peppers, pinto beans and chorizo. Add the rice, garlic, and cumin. Oregano is a good match for sauteed bell peppers, white beans and Greek salad. mexican oregano vs oregano. The plant has tiny leaves that lend a pungent aroma and strong flavor to a variety of savory foods. Mediterranean oregano comes from a plant native to the shores of the Mediterranean sea named Origanum vulgare. got seed in bag of mexican oregano from the spice house (, but you will need at least 5 power glasses to find seed. The Greeks and Romans associated oregano with joy and happiness. It is excellent for sprinkling into salsa, Latin American dishes, black beans, pozole, or spicy Tex Mex food like chili. Mexican oregano (Lippia graveolens) comes from the verbena family. The result is a potent and distinctive profile that can easily dominate the other aromas and tastes in your recipe if you’re not careful. Mexican oregano can be found under the species name Lippia graveolens, while the common oregano species is Origanum vulgare. Think Like a Pro. Oregano can work as a substitute for Mexican oregano especially since people outside of Mexico are most likely to have it in their spice cabinets, though it is not the best possible substitute. Mexican oregano is widely used in Mexican cuisine; as its alternate … Its closest relative is lemon verbena. As compared to garden oregano, the Mexican variety packs more flavor. It may be root hardy a bit farther north than zone 7b. This herb is native to Central America and thrives in its dry climate. The minty and savory aspect or oregano’s flavor profile can stand in for the licorice notes that you get from Mexican oregano. Mexican oregano is a member of the verbena family, according to the website of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden ( McCormick Mexican oregano grows wild in the hot sun and sandy soil of Mexico. You will commonly find it added to pasta sauces, grilled meats and pizza. Although their tastes are distinct, they do share some flavor notes in common -- and when dried, they're almost indistinguishable by sight. Greek oregano, which is much more pungeant so use less (start with 1/3 less) to taste. It can also have a mild pepperiness that helps it to compete with other pungent flavors. Mexican oregano is harvested from the Lippa graveolens plant and gets its citrus notes from the plant as well. Although this herb shares the basic pungent flavor of Mediterranean oregano, it also has notes of citrus and mild licorice. Mediterranean Oregano This version of oregano is considered by many to be the “original” or “true” oregano because it is so widely used in pizza and Italian dishes. There are several species in different families that impart this particular flavor and are known as oregano. Mexican oregano belongs to the Verbenaceae plant family while common oregano belongs to the mint family. The flavor is milder and sweeter than Mexican oregano. Unlike other herbs, oregano’s flavors don’t dissipate quickly even after the herb has been dried. Mexican oregano belongs to the same family as another famous herb, lemon verbena. Visit our sister site PepperScale. To keep things less than clear, Marjoram ( Origanum majorana), a culinary herb that shares many of the same flavors as "Oregano" and Origanum vulgare is often known as "wild marjoram". Mexican Oregano is Lippia graveolens, a member of the Vervain family. Mexican oregano has lemon and citrus flavors as well as some tones of licorice. Its evergreen shrub blooms from summer to fall with pink to lavender flowers. For example, some differences between the two: Traditional Mexican cuisine uses lard or vegetable oil. Regular oregano is an Italian and Mediterranean spice with minty undertones. You will see it commonly used in Latin American dishes and those from the American Southwest. So why are they both called oregano? Oregano, (Origanum vulgare), also called origanum or wild marjoram, aromatic perennial herb of the mint family known for its flavourful dried leaves and flowering tops. The name comes from the Greek words “oros,” meaning mountain, and “ganos,” meaning joy. Add it to dry rubs for roasted or smoked meat as well as to soups and stews that require long cooking times. Mexican oregano, also occasionally called Cuban or Puerto Rican oregano, comes from a plant named Lippia graveolens that is native to Central and South America. Mexican oregano pairs well with the seasonings that tend to show up in Mexican cooking like cumin and peppers. Common names include: Mexican oregano, redbrush lippia, orégano cimarrón ('wild oregano'), scented lippia, and scented matgrass. Uses of Mexican Oregano. Home; Uncategorized; mexican oregano vs oregano; Uncategorized December 5, 2020 0 Comment Greek oregano is part of the mint or Lamiaceae family, and Mexican oregano is part of the verbena or Verbenaceae family. 12 Recipe Ideas Featuring Oregano . Using it in place of oregano means that it won’t necessarily ruin the meal but you won’t get the classic oregano flavor either. As the suggested by its name, Mexican oregano originates from Mexico. There is little in common between the two aside from liberal use of carbohydrates. When in bloom, the plant sports pink or purple flowers, which are also edible. Its flavor profile is versatile enough that it can work in many savory dishes. When dried, the leaves tend to curl up that’s why this herb is also termed as curly-leaf oregano. Marjoram has the oregano flavor profile but with added minty sweetness. Oregano is native to the hills of the Mediterranean countries and western Asia and has naturalized in parts of Mexico and the United States. The specific epithet is derived from two Latin words: … i contacted them by e-mail and they confirmed it was lippia graveolens. As an herb, it is gluten-free and suitable for vegan and paleo diets. Since bloom is on new wood, a crop of flowers can be expected every year regardless of whether it is evergreen, semi-evergreen, or only root hardy. Mexican oregano (Lippia graveolens), known in Spanish as orégano cimarrón ('wild oregano') is not in the mint family, but in the related vervain family (Verbenaceae). A native to Mexico, this species of oregano is a frost-sensitive plant. Mexican oregano comes from the verbena family. It is used in place of oregano in many Central American regions. Oregano has a minty quality along with a subtle bitterness that enhances its savory properties. Oregano contains an impressive list of plant derived chemical compounds that are known to have disease preventing and health promoting properties. Italian oregano is the regular variety that is more commonly used in U.S. households. Copyright © 2020 Leaf Group Ltd., all rights reserved. Lippia graveolens, a species of flowering plant in the verbena or vervain family, Verbenaceae, is native to the southwestern United States (Texas and southern New Mexico), Mexico, and Central America as far south as Nicaragua. In colder areas, Mexican oregano dies down during the winter. Can you use them in the same ways? In other words, Mexican oregano is completely different from what we consider "regular" oregano, a fact that would become obvious if you tasted the two side-by-side. There are different types of oregano. In areas where it dies to the ground but remains root hardy, new stems arise each spring. Pungent and peppery, Mediterranean oregano has a sweet anise undertone. The plant’s nectar is attractive to bees and butterflies if allowed to flower, and birds enjoy its seeds. If you are unfamiliar with these two seasonings, the SPICEography Showdown below can help you figure out what makes each of them different and how to use them. my plant is about 18 in. Use it in salsa, taco fillings, tomato sauce and more. It matches perfectly with dishes from that region. There are a number of different oregano varieties. Mediterranean Oregano, Origanum vulgare, is part of the mint family. Are they the same herb or similar? The P. longiflora is more attractive with the light mauve-pink, tubular flowers that hummingbirds love, and it stays smaller … Mexican oregano (Lippia graveolens) is different from the rest of Origanum species but related to the verbena family of herbs. Her work has appeared in Curve Magazine, Girlfriends, Libido, The Children's Advocate,, The SF Weekly, and Oregano has a minty quality along with a subtle bitterness that enhances its savory properties. Mexican oregano, on the other hand, is from a different plant family altogether, Verbenaceae. Using it in a dish that requires oregano may change the flavor profile so significantly that it will be immediately detectable. It can also have a mild pepperiness that helps it to compete with other pungent flavors. Cuban Oregano is Plectranthus amboinicus, also a member of the Mint family, but with different aromatic oils than Oregano . Learn techniques for cooking vegetables and eggs and making pastas from scratch from the award-winning chef and proprietor of The French Laundry. started in hotbox during winter. // Leaf Group Lifestyle, Good Spices to Put on Tilapia When Baking, The Kitchn: Oregano -- Mediterranean and Mexican, The Chicago Tribune: Oregano Origins Can Matter, Handbook of Spices, Seasonings, and Flavorings: Susheela Raghavan, The Flavor Bible: Karen Page and Andrew Dornenburg. That said, it is a savory herb and will work with the same kinds of ingredients that get used along with oregano. Mexican Oregano is from a different plant, indigenous to Mexico, and maintains a more woodsy, earthy flavor than Mediterranean Oregano. Try cooking it with potatoes and lemon as well. Mexican oregano has a different flavor profile from oregano. Health Benefits of Oregano. • Mexican oregano: Mexican oregano is a relative of lemon verbena. Mexican oregano has a different flavor profile from oregano. Continue frying until rice is golden brown and nutty, about 2-3 minutes Italian cuisine typically uses olive oil. In New Mexico and California the leaves of several plants in the Lippia genus are harvested and dried before use. You’ll also find Lemon Verbena in this family, so as you would expect Mexican Oregano … Chef Thomas Keller’s … Mexican oregano and oregano come from unrelated plants even though they share a name. Since it has a higher essential oil content than Origanum varieties, it seems more pungent. Because Mexican oregano doesn’t taste like oregano, you probably won’t be able to use it as an oregano substitute without anyone noticing. The Lippa being a descendant of the lemon verbena plant. It can be grown outdoors year round in areas where winter temperatures rarely drop … Use it to flavor chili, braised or roasted pork and tortilla soup. Mexican oregano is not true oregano but a small bushy shrub with a more delicate flavor than the more common Greek oregano. Mexican oregano is widely used in Mexican cuisine; as its alternate names imply, it also makes an appearance in Cuban and Puerto Rican dishes. It can make an enjoyable cup of tea much like its cousin, lemon verbena. Equivalents. Available in Mexican markets and some specialty stores. View Class. I bought this plant last summer … Not all oregano is the same. Mediterranean oregano is made from a combination of Spanish thyme and the herb oregano Vulgare, also known as wild marjoram. Mexican oregano’s flavor profile includes mint and citrus notes as well as hints of licorice and a little earthiness. Mexican Oregano, Lippia graveolens, is more closely related to the vervain family than to mint. Oregano’s robust flavor profile allows it to work like bay leaves and stand up to extensive braising. Mexican oregano. Oregano is best suited for dishes from the Mediterranean region that use tomatoes heavily and that contain other strong herbs and seasonings. 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