ethical issues with uber


ethical issues with uber

Wallsten, S. (2015). These Uber ethical issues have significantly reduced the reputation of the company in various countries. What is the ethical issue and dilemma presented in the case? Uber has been a major success story, reaching a valuation of $50bn after just five years. All rights reserved. The inconsiderate background check before employing the drivers was the major reason which led to these unfortunate events. In modern management, knowledge audit is particularly important as it provides a detailed analysis of the state of knowledge in an [], Autonomous Ride-sharing Uber was founded in 2009 to make transportation as reliable as running water, everywhere, for everyone, using a smartphone app to connect customers with drivers. (2017, Aug 31). Uber was accused of price-gouging and "siege pricing". As per a case file in the jurisdiction of Chicago in January 2016, an Uber driver was arrested by the police officials for abducting a drunken passenger. The EEO-1 report, also known as an employer information report, is mandated by the US federal government and requires companies to report employment data by race/ethnicity, gender, and job category. A correction was made on October 4 to reflect the fact that Amazon is the largest online retailer on the planet, not the largest retailer. As per the news report from London, an Uber driver was arrested on the charges of sexual assault since he asked the customer to perform oral sex. As Andrew Keen suggested Thursday on, if Kalanick really meant what he said, he would have suspended or fired Michael for those remarks. Retrieved from, Hartmans, A., & McAlone, N. (2016, August 1). After all, how does a driver learn about your need in the first place? Center for Ethical Organizational Cultures . Total Assignment help is an online assignment help service available in 9 countries. The report understandably sparked outrage. One of the reasons for this is improper background . Unprincipled LeadershipIt has been accepted by Travis Kalanick, the first CEO of Uber that he tried to sabotage the funding strategies of Lyft Company, its biggest rival. A Warner Bros. Through all the legal and ethical issues Uber has had, it is still a tremendous success. By clicking Continue, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission defines the Equal Pay Act as a requirement that men and women in the same workplace be paid the equivalent pay if the work is equal. Factset: FactSet Research Systems Inc.2019. Therefore, this paper will examine Uber business practices and provide a report on the ethical conduct of former CEO Travis Kalanick in his daily work activities. Uber is a global company with services in over 70 countries, so for them it is extremely important to be diverse. Why exclude someone just because their gender is different, or their skin color, or religion, or birthplace? Available from: Ubers fundamental problem is that it does not have this advantage. Ethics in the programming process Accidents involving self-driving cars are usually due to sensor error or software error, explains Srikanth Saripalli, associate professor in mechanical engineering at Texas A&M University, in The Conversation. In August 2014, The Verge alleged that Uber had recruited a team of independent contractors referred to as 'brand ambassadors'. All rights reserved. For everyone else, is an app slightly shinier than its competitors clones enough to outweigh the higher fares that should come with Ubers model? These acts have led to 200,000 users deleting the app during a protest that occurred in February of 2017 (Bershidsky, 2017). There were instances, like the one in South Korea and France, where Uber violated transportation laws. Journal of Management & Organization, 22(6), 859-874. Castigation without consequences is meaningless. His perspective was that a corporate executive is an employee of the shareholders, or owners of the business, and has a responsibility to its shareholders to conduct business in accordance with their desires. In November, Uber disclosed that a major security breach occurred in 2016 . Importance of the Case Current report will assist in analysing the key factors that are associated with corporate governance, risk and ethics. Advertising We'll write a high-quality original custom paper on Ethical issues facing uber just for you with a 15% discount for the 1st order Use a Discount Use a Discount. This essay has been submitted by a student. Either the driver has to bear it, and so is motivated to look to rival employers, or the customer does, with the same outcome. After the calamitous year Uber has had, it should not be difficult for the company to improve its reputation simply by avoiding many of the unnecessary embarrassments heaped upon itself in 2017. Uber faces stiff competition in lots of markets. HRs responsibility when receiving a sexual harassment complaint is to report to higher management, and they will decide what to do. Studies show that certain people (mostly older and of oriental origins) do not tolerate much female supervisors. In this paper, we frame Uber through the lens of Stakeholder Theory to highlight drivers' position in the workplace, which helps inform the design of a more ethical and effective platform. You can find a skilled professional who can write any paper for you. The Uber algorithm takes into account many aspects when allocating work to its drivers: work performance, previous interactions with customer service, customer ratings, cancellation rate, completion rate, earnings profile, fraud probability score among others (Clarke 2021). The investors were being influenced and misinformed to stay away from funding in the venture capital of Lyft company. Related: Taxi rival bills itself as 'non a-hole' Uber. Ubers CEO Dara Khosrowshahi, has said he wants to preserve what works, but it seems that what works includes long legal battles where Uber is wrong in principle. reserved. We have sent you an email with the required document. Ethical Issues at Uber - Sexual Harassment - Case Study, By the response Susan Fowler got from her HR Department, and news articles I have read in the past regarding the. Students who find it difficult to write detailed essays. Technology Policy Institute, 22, 1-21. 2018 Nov 15 [cited 2023 Mar 1]. Thousands of Uber drivers around the world plan to protest for better working conditions on Wednesday . An Uber Ethical Dilemma: Examining the Social Issues at Stake Florence Chee Loyola University Chicago, Author Manuscript This is a pre-publication author manuscript of the final, published article. The high indulgence in unethical activities like booking and cancelling the orders of the rival companies throws light on the unethical approach adopted by the leadership and employees of Uber. For those who missed the story, Buzzfeed reported that Michael had suggested "hiring a team of opposition researchers to dig up dirt on its critics in the media.". Recently, when a group I was with used Uber to summon a ride, I was impressed by how quickly a car appeared, and how easy the service is to use, since no money exchanges hands. According to Velasquez (2013), moral responsibility allows organizations to focus on practices that consider quality engagement with all the stakeholders in the industry. Cramer, J., & Krueger, A. paper. In this case, also, the Uber Company has not taken any supportive stance for its driver. Chicago Tribune Retrieved from, MacMillan, D., & Viswanatha, A. In our post-9/11 world, city governments have cameras in an increasing number of public places. In reaching this point, Amazon has itself received plenty of criticism, particularly around its tax arrangements and working conditions in its Orwellian fulfilment centres (warehouse to you and me). 19 In 1978, OReilly became a [], For many years, IPCC is generally known for its role of providing reports that serve as internationally accepted authority due to them having the agreement of leading climate scientists and the consensus of the concerned [], Costco Wholesale is the nations second largest retailer and owes its success to their strategy of being thrifty, economical, investing in their employees and separating themselves from their competitors with good moral ethical [], Costco's adopts a business model that is based on a best-cost strategy. Their first years sales were $700,000. Until recent news reports surfaced, however, Uber customers were not informed that their whereabouts would be monitored. Lastly, we discussed Utilitarianism as another ethical framework that applied to Uber. These are not difficult to address if they are dealt with honestly. Uber is the taxi app that has taken big cities by storm. Let's start by finding a writer. Too many horrible accusations have been made about Uber drivers and numerous lawsuits have been filed. If you fit this description, you can use our free essay samples to generate ideas, get inspired and figure out a title or outline for your paper. Uber is a brand that has faced both ethical and legal issues. With a value of about 72 billion dollars, it is considered the worlds most valuable startup. Orders: In the wake of Trump's first immigration ban, Lyft donated $1,000,000 to the ACLU to help the fight. English philosophers and economist Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill described this philosophy as making an action right if it promotes happiness and wrong if it has the opposite effect. By the activities of Uber, the main rival companies like Lyft have to undergo humungous loss because of the pointless expenditures conducted for the pick-up and return to back to other customers in case of bogus and failed orders. That's almost as lame as "mistakes were made," the non-apology apology by President Richard Nixon's spokesperson Ron Ziegler about Watergate. Retrieved from CBS News:, Prysby, N. D. (n.d.). Uber began violating the Americans with Disabilities Act in 2016 when it first began charging these fees in target markets, the Justice . The fare is charged directly to your credit card. The famous modern taxi cab company has been in unethical scandals ranging from sabotaging other ride sharing companies to their drivers sexually assaulting their customers. It has also courted controversy in most. Uber Eats. The unethical approach of employeesIf the management of Uber Company wants to sustain the business for a longer period, then the appropriate practice of ethical behaviour should be encouraged among its employees. For many, Uber is a sure thing. But even before that, this wildly popular car-sharing service had raised several disturbing ethical issues: 1. Below, we will . CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. B. Copyright 2022. Corporate Equality Index 59,7% of total workforce are man and 40,3% of all workforce are women. Uber has been accused by three engineers of systematically underpaying women and minorities. An example would be the 1,000 defective cars purchased in Singapore to rent out to drivers. Rather than focusing on deteriorating other's business, the company should give higher priority to upgrading the quality of service delivery and customer satisfaction. (The issue would be average pay, not that a driver will necessarily get the minimum wage for every hour they do Uber-related driving.) Breach in PrivacyThe act of stalking and sustaining the track of the customers by using smartphone applications has been accused against the employees of Uber. Disruptive change in taxi business: The case of Uber. Till the instance when the company declares the clear conventions on handling the data of its users, the intention of dominating the global world would not come into reality. UBER has been subjected to many law suits and ethical issues. But Amazon has benefited, throughout its growth, from a trump card: its use of a virtual shopfront makes its overheads significantly lower than bricks-and-mortar rivals. What concerns me, however, is not the invasion of privacy per se, but the fact that most consumers don't know it's going on. In the UK, Uber Eats originally paid their delivery riders 20 p/hr, but as the service grew in popularity, wages decreased to a complex formula of 3.30 per . And it shouldnt be this way. All subjectsAllied HealthCardiology & Cardiovascular MedicineDentistryEmergency Medicine & Critical CareEndocrinology & MetabolismEnvironmental ScienceGeneral MedicineGeriatricsInfectious DiseasesMedico-legalNeurologyNursingNutritionObstetrics & GynecologyOncologyOrthopaedics & Sports MedicineOtolaryngologyPalliative Medicine & Chronic When was the last time you heard of a registered cab driver doing that? Don't use plagiarized sources. The following are few of the ethical issues which are highlighted: Ethical issues Passenger Safety: According to New York Times, many UBER drivers have been convicted with sexual harassment and sexually assaulting of the passengers. They have become a challenge when dealing with the case that has . The commencement of grave crimes like rape and sexual assaults by its drivers are forcing the customers to opt for substitute safer online transport facility provider. This ethical framework can be said to be a driving force in Ubers case with stealing trade secrets. Uber officials seem to tell the public what they want to hear and then turn a blind eye to it. GradesFixer. The reason for this, argued Horan, is that the economies of scale are not there for the taking in this market. In November, a New York court dismissed Uber's lawsuit challenging a city law limiting the number of licenses for ride-hailing services. Isaac, M. (2017, February 19). Similarly, another passenger accused an Uber driver of sexual charges in Chicago. But there are two important differences between the God-view tool and what law enforcement officials do. From only 29.95 for 12 months web access and the print magazine. Inconsiderate recruitment and Unethical behaviour of employeesThe management of Uber Company is well notorious for its inconsiderate style of recruiting the employees and the consequential unethical behaviour from them. So can Uber afford to become ethical? The open letter continues, "Making changes only at the corporate leadership level creates a dangerous likelihood that Uber's sustained ethics challenges will resurface.". Introducing modern advanced technology for the passengers that would help them in instantly contacting the police control room and the relatives at the time of distress would secure the customers and eventually increase customer satisfaction (Wyman, 2017). The following are few of the ethical issues which are highlighted: Ethical issues Passenger Safety: According to New York Times, many UBER drivers have been convicted with sexual harassment and sexually assaulting of the passengers. Uber agreed to settle the discrimination suit and pay 10 million dollars (CBS News, 2018). Delving into how Uber handled its breach provides an important lesson in bug bounty ethics, particularly what not to do. Retrieved from The New York Times:, Ivanova, I. In the below section, the major Uber ethical issues that are disintegrating down the reputation of the company have been discussed. Ensuring HR has a significant seat at the table. for. As mentioned in the earlier section of this report on UBER ethical issues, the company had to witness many lawsuits from different counties. These reference papers are strictly intended for research and reference purposes only. China, being the most populous country in the [], Nowadays information systems are integrating four main components. Uber Collides with Controversy INTRODUCTION Uber Technologies Inc. is a multinational transportation company that provides ride-sharing services, food delivery, and more. An Examination of Uber's Responsibility to Their Drivers. Uber sought in September to get a new rule overturned. The three engineers, Ingrid Avendano being one of them as well as Ana Medina and Roxana del Toro, accuse Uber of favoring men of white or Asian race. Uber's tracking device is merely a way to advance its business interests. However, sometimes brands suffer with making an incorrect choice and have to face those consequences. What defines a substantially equal job is job content, not the title. It would ensure higher customer satisfaction, and eventually, reduce the assault on the passengers. The fee for the safety program was to be charged to the customer. How CISOs handle the ethical issues around data breaches can make or break their careers. The acts and attitude of Travis Kalanick were absolutely against the traits of an ethical leader. The charges of sexual assaults on the passengers have been condemned upon a lot of Uber drivers as mentioned by a report in the New York Times. Discovery Company. Retrieved from Forbes:, EEOC. Most dramatically, the costs of becoming established in new markets is vast. Herein lies the problem. Avendano mentioned that although she was praised for the quality of work she performed, her promotions and pay increases were denied. Ethical issues are a great concern for the company. Recently, Uber has been under fire for a bad corporate culture, which promoted, among other things, sexism and other forms of toxic behavior. There are always problems wherever people are involved. Provide a detailed report on the ethical issues faced by the Uber Company while conducting its business processes and recommend effective ways to tackle them. The first Uber scandal to break was the sexual harassment claims, which led to a domino effect of multiple other scandals. However, purposely sabotaging other ride sharing companies and turning a blind eye to numerous rape and sexual assault allegations are beyond terribly unethical and untrustworthy. According to the U.S. Uber has suspended its services in Philippines after the national regulator banned it from operating for one month. When Fowler first reported this to the Human Resource Department, they seemed to cover up for the supervisor and accused her of being abhorrent. w23891). Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. The change followed a separate decision to reduce gross rates in major cities as part of a price war with rival Lyft. Are you interested in getting a customized paper? Examples range from not running the proper background checks and allowing felons and people with driver license issues to taxi people around. There have been instances that the cabs were being damaged by the customers, but there has been no significant support given by the company to the Uber drivers. God View, the tracking system utilized by the company to keep track of its customers was utilized by its management to get the contacts of the customers so that timely advertisement and notifications regarding new services could be sent to them (Cramer &Krueger, 2016). This was not the only case of sexual harassment Uber was accused of. Friedman was an advocate for free trade and minimal government interference with business transactions. But if your main ethical worry has to do with the fortunes of your favourite restaurant, and the people it employs, then it's worth knowing that you're helping them more by ordering via Uber Eats and DoorDash than by not ordering. Society will simply have to carry the cost of higher fares and lower driver wages. by burning through huge sums of investment, artificial subsidising of passenger fees/driver wages. Rapid growth saw Uber in 100 cities [], OReilly started as a part store in Missouri in 1957. The leaders, right from its former CEO and co-founder, Travis Kalanick, and senior management have been accused of sexual harassment and discriminating employees from certain races (Stark, 2017). Securing Higher Grades Costing Your Pocket? (2018, October 16). It is better to have people from different backgrounds look at the problem and come up with different solutions because of their different thinking. Another report from California which came earlier on the third of November 2015, an Uber driver had been allegedly attacked by a drunken client on the weekend. Uber's disadvantages include its surge pricing and the negative effects of replacing steady jobs with gig work . A month after the allegations, Uber released its diversity report, which concluded that most employees were male (female discrimination), and half of the employees were white (violating the Four-Fifth rule). Uber has been accused of potentially violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and is undergoing investigation. Uber has not addressed this issue, as far as I can determine, but perhaps that's not surprising. Standard & Poor's and S&P are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC and Dow Jones is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC. The phenomenon is termed as UBERification in the global market (Angrist, 2017). Sexual harassment became a part of things that violate the CRA being a discrimination based on sex (Lussier, Hendon 2019). The accusation of Uber violating the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act by bribing international government officials is yet another example of potential influence from Milton Friedmans philosophy. Fowler reported the incidents to human resources but was ignored. Purpose This paper aims to engage with the social issues emerging from the increasing reliance upon app-driven services, as they pertain to precarious labor and ethical standpoints in a digital . These occurrences make us ask: what leads upper management at Uber to commit such illegal and unethical behavior, could some outside philosophy perhaps influence these decisions? Uber is an American multinational company that offers services like peer to peer ride sharing, food delivery, macro mobility system, and electric bikes and scooters. 16 students ordered this very topic and got original papers. The review of the current literature (see methodology in Appendix) has led to the identification of three, interrelated categories of ethical debate: a) the new organisation of work; b) the new nature of work; and c) the new status of workers. Leighton, P. (2016). Same Frizell explains how Lyft told CNNmoney that Uber employees have called and canceled more than 5,000 rides. You can get your custom paper by one of our expert writers. One of the plaintiffs, Ms. Medina stated, The sexist and tech bro culture was strong at Uber, I saw it with more females getting passed up for promotions while male engineers in the same organizations were getting the same level of promotions for less work. The U.S. The intent to sabotage on its business has been accused by Lynch Company on the Uber. Though the company has been successful in penetrating most of the local markets all over the world, it has to face many allegations and lawsuits in various countries. Uber was founded in San Francisco in 2009 and has since expanded their . Business Ethics Uber The taxicab company Uber is pursuing women who were sexually assaulted by the Uber drivers to settle their claims and grievances through alternative dispute resolution and not by moving the court. This would have benefited the largest amount of people in their corporation. By the response Susan Fowler got from her HR Department, and news articles I have read in the past regarding the #MeToo movement, I believe HR is not the police here. The engine of Ubers growth to date has been the US$11.5 billion it has raised from banks and investors. A wealth of data at your fingertips. Your time is important. 3. It could be inferred from this decision that to address the existing Uber ethical issue, the management and leadership needs to change its tone and approach primarily. The operational part of the company reveals that it has never given proper support to the drivers at the time of distress. Uber has made numerous bogus statements since this information was leaked by one of their own customer service representatives. These are staggering amounts, and to make sense of them we need to understand that Ubers business model is the same as Amazons. You can find Ubers ethical position on its . Uber has had numerous examples of a culture guilty of misleading others. But even before that, this wildly popular car-sharing service had raised several disturbing ethical issues: 1. Glss, M., McGregor, M., & Brown, B. Trade secrets are something not generally known. This, particularly the artificial subsidising of passenger fees/driver wages to drive growth, is the source of the US$3 billion net loss last year. Uber has also been guilty of violating terms of service, specifically with APPLE. For customers that travel to different cities frequently, Ubers scale gives them a clear edge. Stop wasting your time searching for samples! Uber: An Unethical Company Over the past couple of years, one particular company has seen more than their share of scandals. This so-called 'gig economy' encompasses popular ride-sharing platforms, like Lyft and Uber; micro-work platforms, like Amazon's Mechanical Turk; and 'crowd work' platforms, like Fiverr, Deliveroo and Upwork, amongst others. This technique of Greyball could be considered a violation of intentional obstruction of justice or violation of the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (In, 2017). Don't wait until a breach happens to plot the course forward. 863-872). ReferencesAngrist, J. D., Caldwell, S., & Hall, J. V. (2017). Their objective was to be the founders of the self-driving vehicle. We will occasionally send you account related emails. Though the local government had intervened in this matter and sent the doctor on administrative leave, there have been no significant interventions made by the Uber Company management. Case study of Uber. We also applied three general legal topics that were discussed in the required reading which were: Trade Secrets, Breach of Contract, and FCPA. Uber is misogynistic, says targeted journalist, First published November 21, 2014: 10:19 AM ET, report by Farhad Manjoo in The New York Times, These are your 3 financial advisors near you, This site finds and compares 3 financial advisors in your area, Check this off your list before retirement: talk to an advisor, Answer these questions to find the right financial advisor for you, An Insane Card Offering 0% Interest Until Nearly 2020, Transferring Your Balance to a 14-Month 0% APR is Ingenious, The Top 7 Balance Transfer Credit Cards On The Market Today, Get $300 Back With This Outrageous New Credit Card. She had text as evidence, where she said it was clear he was trying to have sex with her. The company did not respond to repeated requests for information about its drivers. Does Silicon Valley have a sexism problem? The malicious intend towards competitive companies like ordering and cancelling the rides through bogus accounts should be terminated by the leadership of Uber Company. Ingrid Avendano was a former engineer at Uber. Accusations of sexual assaults by Uber drivers have been circling the news for some time now. Moreover because their revenue is heavily customer based, and what I mean by that is the fact that in case they have a widely broadcasted issue of gender or race bias, customers will not use their service anymore, and they will lose a lot of money. It's perfectly reasonable to stand on principle, and some will say it's even ethically required. The website Whos Driving Who explains ubers process for onboarding drivers is dangerously negligent.and Uber doesnt even bother to meet with drivers in person before allowing them to ferry passengers. This is the part that outrages me. Safety of the passengers Software, hardware, people and data those components will be analyzed further. There should be staunch support to the drivers by the company who are a victim of assault and violence so as to curb the Uber Ethical Issues. 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ethical issues with uber