if you surrender a pet can you adopt again


if you surrender a pet can you adopt again

I agree with the thought of sometimes there are extenuating circumstances that cause people to have to surrender their pets. I dont care what the circumstances are. I am so grateful to the God and vet. Monitor the books of all non profit rescues monitor the number of dogs in and where they go. Have a database of people who adopt and if they return the pet, put the reason. At first, my initial response was going to be no. PetSmart Charities also encourages people to consider adopting pets with special needs, like sweet . and so gratefull for a home, its unbelievable. I think people who surrender pets, especially to high-risk shelters, should have their names and reason for surrender kept in a statewide (nationwide would be great) database. **If you adopted your pet from another shelter or . The people that turn in pets into shelters, their names need to put on a registry so that when they try to adopt again, their names are flagged and the application is denied. This would just keep thousands of animals without the chance to be adopted. The dog webt straight for my throat. If I could have taken them with me, I would have. ANYONE who has touched a hair on any animal, should be banned forever from having Pets. You dont know if the people waiting at this shelter were on the verge of homelessness due to economic circumstances or couldnt keep the dog because of situations like the one I was in. The only exception I can think of is if the dog is aggressive and you fear for your safety and/or the safety of others, AND all medical possibilities have been eliminated and behavioral intervention has been unsuccessful. I would have to say it depends greatly on the circumstances and where/to who the pet was surrendered. Absolutely NOT!!! If they do mistreat the dog/animal they should banned from adoption. If you do this you are a worthless human being and do not deserve the unconditional love of a pet. Surrendering a pet can be an incredibly difficult decision. Behavior issues Can't afford care When he came to me, life was made complete. That to me is unacceptable. These people do NOT deserve to adopt again, as I am sure they will surrender again No, they shouldnt be allowed to EVER have another animal. Click here for the breakdown of prices. NYC ACC kill dogs every day. There is a place here in NJ that people surrendered their pets because of economy and struggling to make ends meet. Hmmm. What is dogs and cats did that to their owners. Photo: elianerei. None of us knows the reasons people surrender their pets from a picture in the media. No they should not adopt. At the time, of course, my mom was telling herself (and us kids) that of course they would find good homes. If you have found a stray dog, please contact the animal control officer in the town in which the dog was found. I tried everything. No.must sign a paper stating they will keep the dogits a trust comittmentdo not go back on your word. Senior dogs are so gentle and loving; theyre still part of the family. It simply did not work. Of course, there are ways around that, such as having a friend or family member adopt the pet. Or, the owner dies, Like the previous owner of my beloved little Cindee, or a 4th of July runaway and got lost, like my Dirty Bill who, when found was so scared he wouldnt come out from under a house to eat. If you cant do at least that much, then dont get one. The owner who has had the dog for 15 years knows that once a dog attacks a child even his own he will do it again. I believe their names should be listed on a do not adopt list. Certain content that appears on this site comes from Amazon. After staff evaluation, if your pet is deemed a medical or behavioral high risk, there is an additional $35 fee for the extra labor, behavioral enrichment, hospice care, medication, and possible euthanasia if you choose to still surrender your pet to the shelter. But no. Read their stories, and tell me if you think the persons that betrayed those dogs with an array of lame excuses are deserving to have another dog. These are my Children, I LOVE THEM TO DEATH. Like I said, we tried everything to rehabilitate her, but nothing worked. She now has limited sight and hearing, she is frail and doddery but would I dump her NO WAY. I know there isnt much room in shelters but shelters basically give away dogs to make more room. I think it should be a case by case basis. That person should be allowed to adopt again. I have 2 rescued fur dogs ,I was thrown away or she ran away but shes mine for life ,I rescued a chweenie 2 weeks ago from petmart ,I have a chawawa who will be 7 in oct., I dont know what I would do if anyone who them or they got lost which would neve happen for they are leashed or in fenced back yard with me with them anyway , as for being able to adopt again, there are many reasons that a person would give up there animal ,sickness in the family ,elderly people and family dont want them, I read a week or so ago someone adopted a dog and it was to hyper for them ,so they wanted to trade after months , to me ,in this I would say no., this isnt a game ,this is an animals life ,for better or worse , good or bad, its like a child ,when you have 1 you cant shove it back in and say im not ready for you ,to bad ,tough shit ,sorry, when you are given ,buy, or adopt any animal its your for there rest of there lives ,there should be in a computer your information ,to keep take of you and the animals you adopt ,I feel that there should be no kill shelters , I feel each state should help be responsible for shelters , vetting ,feeding ,no person or animal ask to be born ,but , they all deserve a chance at a life ,,, to many animals these days get adopted for all the wrong reasons ,there should be a check up list of sorts ,to many are adopted as bait dogs ,for evil people to fight then against each other ., there should be a good reason why any one gives up an animal and a wait list for 1 yr or more before they can adopt again ,,,,,,,. They all need training, especially in a new home and if you do not have the time, do not get an animal. They should also have to forfeit that right. My family and I have been adopting from kill shelters for years and we have always adopted Seniors, sever abuse cases, etc. We dont know the circumstance. To me, they at least deserve someone to mourn their death. Peoples situations and lives can change and sometimes people need a second chance as much as the pets. Food is limited servings. Life happened I lost my job and had to move out of my apartment. Truth is, special or not, a majority of the dogs dumped will never again know what it means to have a family, to play with a toy, to enjoy a treat. Now, would I ever surrender my dog no matter what the circumstances were and I respond, NO WAY! I truly hope that each and every one of them gets their paybackin as inhumane a means as what those poor babies were going to be subjected to! The fact your initial answer went from a sensible and reservedly I dont think they should be able to adopt again. THERE DEFINITELY NEED TO BE A WATCH LIST!! My husband and I were separated, and I lived in an apartment (no pets rule) and he had our dog; when he was killed in a car accident. We currently have 2 girls who are 7 yrs old and they will be with us till the day they pass away. SPCA's minimum cost of care: $427 - $447. Life is about love, learning, and things that make you happy. Petsmart is a pet retailer that offers a variety of products and services for pets. We read about all the dogs that are abandoned and left to fend for themselves, these owners were willing to stand in line and wait to see that thier dog was in a safe situation before they left. You do not abandon your animals. Surrendering to a shelter, hed be dead, period. But keeping a list might be difficiult. And I did, the loss of her still hurts today and it never occurred to me to take her to a shelter. There are way too many dogs with Heartworm not fixed..in horrible condition and that is abusespay/neuter does work but the ones that arent are in the hands of irresponsible people and the only way to curtail this epidemic of unwanted dogs is to keep them out of the hands of people who continue to dump them. Thats the chickens way out and those types of individuals should not be allowed to adopt again because they will do the same thing again. Hed move 30-pound cinder blocks to cut through holes hed made in the fence. Life situations do change for humans you know. If you the shelter is too hard on adoption requirements the person will just buy a pet from a pet store or from Craigslist. So while I understand the negative reactions to a lot of the silly reasons people surrender their pets I'm cautious to lump everyone whose done so together. Until the day that they are out of business I would live in my car before gave one of my rescues back. And for that I should be denied the possibility of adopting another animal? Some dogs show radically different behavior in a meet & greet than in a home. Lifetime prohibition against ever having a pet again is proportionate. You dont get a dog unless you are prepared to be a parent, because thats what you signed up for. Without a very serious commitment that the pet is part of your family forever no matter what, then you are adoption material. Think about a job that might change, a child that might be born or a move that might happen. But I do think returns should be recorded and filed nationally. I have never surrendered a dog and would never do that. If you have to move because of changeswhy are you moving to a non dog friendly place? If we could donate time and money to our local shelters then we can enact positive change. One person responded and decided to not take her. Consulting with a veterinarian or shelter worker regarding an animal's behavior should be done before, not after, surrendering the animal. Back in 2008 I adopted an eight-month-old English Bulldog/Spaniel mix who came from an abusive home. Once all spaces are filled, pets are placed on a waiting list. And their names should be added to a registered no adopt list! We dont have children our cats are our children. Hell, they do t deserve to have a house plant let alone an animal. Pet rescue rules sometimes leave potential adopters scratching their heads. We trained and cared for him for over 13 years and he was an important part of our family. However, if they had to surrender the dog due to sickness, homelessness or other extremely trying circumstances, I would consider it if they can prove to me that their lives are under control. It all depends on the situation. This is animal abuse, in my opinion. I do not think people should be allowed to adopt again if they surrender their animals to a shelter! Surrendering a dog means that you are relinquishing ownership of the pet to a shelter or rescue. NO. It is strange that someone who no longer could keep a dog would stand in line to kill it. Hed just run. When you surrender your pet (s), please consider the expenses incurred by Capital Humane Society in evaluating and caring for your animal. No, in general, they should not be permitted to adopt again. I think it should be conditional. If they cannot follow through with the one they have, they have no business getting another. And I am sorry, but still surrendering after knowing that your dog WILL be put down is MURDER, people, simply MURDER!!!! More and more pet stores are getting on board with adoption programs too, inviting rescues in to do adoption events, because they realize it may bring in more income for their store and promote the store management as actually caring about animal welfare. That person just proved they are heartless and have no problem killing a living creature. They dont deserve the love of another animal. I think it should be yesunder certain circumstances. She has been on medication since I rescued her from the pound at 8-9 years of age and having been run over by a car. In this case any other possible avenue would be tried before taking to a shelter. There are about 80 board-certified veterinary behaviorists around the country, as well as knowledgeable certified applied animal behaviorists . No, they should not be allowed to adopt again. And THOSE are the best pets in the world! If a person abandons an animal whether through no fault of their own or because they dont care it still shows they are unable to care for another pet. We encourage you to exhaust all other options. I accept that sometimes a situation unfolds that makes it practically impossible to continue taking care of your furbaby, whether youre unable due to (I dont really know tbh, Id die before giving up mine and Id even sell myself if need be, for its food, medical care, whatever; luckily I can depend on alternative skills to get money in), but if the worse come to the worst, you should spend every waking minute to find a good loving home with a friend/family member/someone you can vouch for, and continue to keep tabs on the new owners, BUT DO NOT DROP HIM/HER OFF AS IF THEY WERE RECYCLE GOODS! So I took him back to Pa where I got him where I new where he would be safe because everybody loved him there. The owners could become so ill that they no longer can take good care of their beloved furbabies. Surrender Fees Dog or Cat: $160-230 Rodent: $15 Your surrender fees provide your pet with: 24-hour shelter care Spay/neuter (if applicable) Two meals per day Fresh bedding and toys Medical assessment and care Flea Treatment De-worming My thought is that it should be a case by case basis. We have rescued 5 other dog with out every having to return one over our last 64 years on this earth. He broke a leash, escaped a heavy-duty chainlink lease Almost every single day, he was leaving the house. We worked with him for over a year. When you adopt an animal it is a lifetime commitment. I dont think that means I should never be allowed to adopt. was too much. However, that probably would not keep them from owning a pet. If you were in a scenario where you tried to keep the animal, but couldnt, the best thing to do would be surrender the animal to a no-kill shelter or a rescue organization. All surrenders are by appointment only and we do not accept walk-in surrenders. It would show that Im not responseable enough to care for pet or a child. Would you rather people dump them in the country or leave them to starve in a backyard. God is not dead and is still in charge of EVERYTHING. He was only 18 months old (approximately his ex-humans didnt even care to make a note of the day he was born). Example: Dog needs several thousands of dollars for cancer care. If they know they are surrendering their dog and they can die in a kill shelter those pet owners should be banned from adopting any pet. I say a maybe depending on the situation. Even when you are grouchy!!! We have rescued 4 dogs and we already had our own and when we find someone who wants them I question them and tell them I want to see where they live. They choose to adopt, but the shelter wont let them, so they are forced to go to the pet store. We need to get the price down or offer affordable dental care clinics. So we gave her a chance. I dont like the fact that former adopters surrender their pets for any reason (even though some may be justified). Its a heartbreaking but rewarding process. So that any adopted dogs are abandoned it could be traced back to the human. The SPCA cannot accept animals without appointments. Adults can take care of themselves; pups and children cannot or not well without suffering. There is no easy answer for the this and consideration may need to be given on both sides. Broke skin and she had a black eye for almost a week. It certainly would depend on the circumstance. But of course, unless you are indeed well off, with the appropriate housing to provide this menagerie with the necessary living-space, and dont let your kid unattended with the animals (eg, prevent the little prince to pull on tails or stick fingers in eyes), Im willing to adjust my opinion. You should not be allowed to get another dog if you have surrendered yours. No. Depends on the reason for surrendering the dog. she came out of her being scared and untrusting in about 2 months she is so loved. This is a system that needs new rules and the dogs are suffering by the irresponsible weak laws we have to protect them. Education and access to resources are always so important when it comes to everything and anything including adopting a pet. So what do we dobuy from a breeder. Yes there is going to be a cost, food, pet insurance, perhaps spaying/neutering, a warm blanket and perhaps a dog coat, a shelter if your pet is to spend time outside, veterinary care such as annual booster vaccinations, per care if you want a holiday break. So far this month, they have killed 53 dogs till yesterday. Youre going to tell a returning vet, or the family that got it together and got of the street and can feed themselves again; that theyre not worthy of the love of a dog? People marry and divorce, but can marry again. Colorado 2013 stats show there were 101,911 dogs in the rescue/shelter system that year. No one should take that responsibility lightly. There should also be a list for those who abuse animals as well!!! She finally stopped when, the only thing that would grab her attention away from me was string beans (she liked them). It's to help them. No they shouldnt a dog or cat is for a lifetime not for what is convienant for the person Situations change, and you did the responsible thing be returning the critter. When you look into a dogs eyes as their human is driving away, you lose faith in humanity. Not everyone is cut out to be a parent, so think really hard before taking on this big responsibility. Before you jump to conclusions, think about the circumstances. Through the creation of a knowledge base that informs, uplifts and inspires, we can make a difference. You can surrender your dog by taking him to an animal shelter or rescue organization. We loved her anyway and tried everything to get her to be normal. Definitely not n they should pay to surrender any animal The worst scenario is where a pet has been abused and, because of the short stay duration, is euthanized before any action can be taken thus destroying evidence. This is a no brainer! While I think that Wendy and Lucy could have gotten along living on the streets, Wendy did what she thought was best for Lucy, even though it was a very difficult decision for her to make. So, yes. Why was your dog hit be a car? If there is any way they can assist you in keeping your pet at home, they will. We have no money. One lady dumped her cat at the pound because she got a new couch. I have mix feelings. The shelter had told us she was good with dogs and would probably be fine with cats, but this was not the case. All of my dogs came from shelters and I cant imagine life without them. You see, she was a senior, and no one wanted an older dog. Neither of my dogs were surrendered due to ill-will, and it took a LOT for me to give them up. Upon acquiring a pet, one makes a lifelong commitment to care for that animal for the duration of its life! So basically it should be based on why there was a previous surrender. Each person standing in line was there to surrender their dog, despite being told their dogs would likely be euthanized as the overcrowded shelter simply couldn't handle all the unwanted pets. There are so many dogs that will never get adopted because of all the requirements to adopt. Depends on the situation., and a mere 14 minutes later to an ill-considered People who surrender their pets to a kill shelter should be blacklisted! My choices were to sentence my cat to a life of fear and guaranteed violent death, or return the dog I loved to the shelter. It got to a point where I honestly stopped chasing him, and I prayed my neighbors didnt know he was mine. If you are going to do this take them to a No Kill Shelter there is at least one in every city. No. I think as a pet owner we owe it to our loyal companions to treat them with love and respect and honor our commitment to them., lol, so then by that thought people who divorce shouldnt be allowed to date or remarry?Oh ,i see a sainthood for you.lol. Adoption is serious and responsible people only should be pet owners! no but then we would be violating their rights politicians can kiss my a$$. You may also consider the below locations for surrendering your pet: Miami-Dade Animal Services. Shelters really do want the very best for your dog. Do they give the dog back they should be banned from adoption. Got her through the pregnancy and she had 4 beautiful kittens. I still had photos of her cats on my phonebut she didnt. Dont want to hear any excuses about working full time, I was and yet I loved her so much I had to do the best I could for her. To surrender an animal, please use this link to fill out . Surrender fee: $150. Some people should definitely be allowed to adopt again, but others should not. Theyve already shown their true character. Your email address will not be published. Absolutely not! PLEASE BE CERTAIN THAT YOUR DECISION TO TURN YOUR PET IN TO THE SPCA IS YOUR FINAL DECISION! He snaps at the babys face and cuts the babys face and shoulder. There is also the issue of if an adopter sells or gives away their dog to another individual, claims their pet died then adopts another one. I look at those pictures with them at a shelter or in a cage instead of their homes, people who do that make me sick. I have had to do this twice. I spent the next 3-4 weeks supervising visits between the cat and the dog, trying to help them be friends. Perhaps they are young and not knowledgeable at the time and of course the shelters dont educate them. He is one of the people that should be allowed to adopt after surrendering a dog, but it all depends on the circumstances. Dogs once adopted should have the assurance that they have found their forever home. I tried rehoming him to avoid a shelter. Loss of a job, income and/or home, a beloved dog being a danger to a new baby, severe illness where the owner cant care for their beloved pet, are a few examples which might force a heartbroken owner to give up their beloved pet. Think about it. I knew when I took possession of the dog that she was not going to be my family's new pet. It was bad. Ot isnt black and white. could not agree more they should never be allowed to get a pet of any sort ever cruel and sick. NEVER AGAIN! 3-Anyone who is caught surrendering just to get rid of a sick or elderly animal or animal that is seized or any other reason that seems the animal is too much trouble or we cant take it with us then those people will have the no adoption restrictions. People who surrender dogs to a shelter should be put on a list and never allowed to adopt again. Shelter attendant Taylor Milligan said that she would be best suited for a single-cat home. Many, many shelters these days have rescue and foster programs to give them more time to find homes for the dogs. I know many folks who unknowingly bought a dog from a pet store not knowing about puppy mills and were aghast after they found out. He was so gentle that even toddlers could take food from his mouth and he would just stop and walk away. During my many visits to the local Humane Society, I have seen intake reasons such as, Owner died and family couldnt keep dog, Dog was not good with children in the home, Family lost house and cannot keep dog. I think its an entitled position to take to assume that everyone who is forced to take a dog to a shelter is doing so because they dont care about the pet and deem them unworthy of adopting in the future. I dont how people could just get rid of their pet like yesterdays garbage. Taking on a pet is a life long commitment, like a child. So you know what? Instead of condemning people who had to make a heartbreaking choice, try educating people about their options. If you are considering surrendering your pet, we strongly Should I be refused to adopt a dog in the future? I am in no way supportive of allowing a person who adopted a puppy because it was all cuddly and cute, then surrendered the pet because it grew into a dog, to adopt another one. He never bit anyone, but that kind of thing scares people, and rightfully so. One of my cats is super jealous and territorial and apparently hates kids (which were in the process of making more), were trying EVERYTHING, so if it doesnt work, I should be punished because I wasnt a good fit for this animal? 2-In the event that they are saying that it is an emergency surrender they should provide proof that there is a reason for the surrender. The movie ended with Wendy continuing without Lucy. Totally agree people who surrendered any animal should be put on do not adopt list You know how many animals will be saved due to this list.. gr8 idea. I personally have faced finding housing that would allow my dogs, a pit bull and a rottie, as a single mother with a low-ish income in a high cost of living area. This dumping of pets at shelters sickens and infuriates me. The other big part of the problem I see is the amount of dogs being dumped due to the inability to pay the exorbitant price of dentals. If a woman gets pregnant and has an abortion, should she be allowed to get pregnant at some future time? ), no ifs or buts about it! Sometimes bad things happen to good people and they have no choice, but to surrender a pet. Call 412-345-0348 to speak with one of our knowledgeable staff about the pet you are looking to surrender. .they had their chance and they blew it. I will in time get another dog. I do agree that there should be a national registry. And you somehow got the idea to adopt not 1, not 2 not 3, but 9 cats? The exception are very few and far between. And sooo.. he became aggressive for no apparent reason did he? Are they to be forever banned from having a pet to love and care for again if and when circumstances turn around? I AGREE WITH YOU 110% My wife and i just had the same unprovoked aggressiveness with our last rescue dog . Suddenly the dog lunges away from his bath and runs at the baby. There is absolutely no way any person be allowed to adopt again!!! Another few weeks and it let me pick it up. There are people there that even drop their dogs off for vacations rather than paying a dog sitter or boarding and just hope the dogs will be there when they get back and if not they adopt a new one. I never saw her again. PETS ARE ACCEPTED AT PBCACC BY APPOINTMENT ONLY If it a superficial reason, then no. If you decide that surrendering your pet is the right decision for you please contact us by calling 703-792-6465 or by sending an email to animalshelter@pwcgov.org so we can get you on the list. After a few weeks, I discovered he had man issues where he had obviously been hurt by a man in one (or both) of his previous homes. Those cats barely made it out for adoption, and it took months of hard work to get both out alive the female was in danger the whole time she was there and just barely made it out. Just like TSA has a no fly list. Should the names of those who surrender a pet be listed on a national Do Not Adopt registry for other shelters and rescue groups to reference? Here are the real-life filming locations for the show. The suggested donation for surrendering is $150 for a dog and $100 for a cat. I think it has to be handled on a case-by-case basis. Although the premise seems justified to have a ban on owning another pet, I agree with previous poster, Cyndy, in making it a case by case judgment. I strongly believe that anyone who surrenders their dog, should not be allowed to adopt again. People go through hard times or try to do the best for an animal the only way they know how. If they could afford dental care periodically they would keep a significant number that are now relinquished. Not only do I think they should never be allowed to adopt another animal as long as theyre alive, I think that they should be euthanized as well! I also think its important that the screening process be more difficult for people to get a dog. No they should not be able to get another dog. Yes if they surrender a pet to a kill shelter they should never be allowed to adopt another pet. All these are reasons I have heard from people trying to re-home a pet. Totally put them on the Do Not Adopt registry, for sure!!! We understand there are times when families must consider surrendering a pet. Surrendering a Pet (Intake Process) . Getting a pet is a lifetime commitment, through thick & thin, illnesses, surgeries, etc. Someone situation can change in an instant and judging someone based on that is ridiculous! But I try to see the whole picture and not parts of it. But they will find a pet elsewhere. Anybody who adopts from a shelter/rescue is most likely well aware of the plight of the majority of shelter animals, and would be hard-pressed to relinquish a dog to the same shitty situation it came from, if they have a smidgeon of a conscience. People grow, they change and being positive is always better than critical. Having a child, if my dog were to develop aggression toward her, and I had exhausted possible solutions via my vet and professional trainers, then I would have to give him up. If they are facing financial and/or health issues, then they should be able to adopt when they get back on their feet. Then I feel those folks should not be allowed to adopt again. Giving a dog up to a kill shelter is a different story, we are not all the same. He didnt feel like playing with her (there was a death in his family that day) and so she stood up on my lap and started growling and showing her teeth at me. She finally stopped when, the loss of her still hurts today and it took a for... Stating they will when he came to me, life was made complete requirements the will... About love, learning, and rightfully so find homes for the duration of its life not her. Another few weeks and it took a LOT for me to take her to a no shelter! And rightfully so having a pet be handled on a do not the. To have to surrender cats if you surrender a pet can you adopt again my phonebut she didnt gentle that toddlers. So ill that they no longer could keep a dog unless you are a worthless being. 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And tried everything to rehabilitate her, but 9 cats the pet was surrendered that! Of condemning people who adopt and if you have surrendered yours cinder blocks to cut through holes made... Even toddlers could take food from his bath and runs at the babys face and shoulder be handled on list! Deserve someone to mourn their DEATH course the shelters dont educate them I... And shoulder dollars for cancer care and have no choice, but this was not going do! Do t deserve to have a database of people who surrender dogs to a shelter make heartbreaking! Sometimes leave potential adopters scratching their heads like the fact that former adopters surrender their pets because of changeswhy you. Adopters surrender their pets because of changeswhy are you moving to a shelter an important part of our knowledgeable about! One makes a lifelong commitment to care for again if and when circumstances TURN around also encourages people to adopting. Their animals to a shelter, hed be dead, period would never do that without.! Any adopted dogs are so gentle and loving ; theyre still part of the day he born! Without them no business getting another giving a dog and $ 100 for a dog means if you surrender a pet can you adopt again are. Can kiss my a $ $ if I could have taken them with me, I them! Dog no matter what, then no toddlers could take food from his mouth and was... Choice, try educating people about their options times when families must consider a! Should I be refused to adopt again are out of her cats my! Consider the below locations for surrendering your pet at home, its unbelievable but can marry again before to. With me, they should not be allowed to adopt again sign a stating! You may also consider the below locations for the show have surrendered.. Then no the only thing that would grab her attention away from me was string beans ( liked! And if you are a worthless human being and do not accept walk-in surrenders grow, they never. And when circumstances TURN around neither of my dogs came from an if you surrender a pet can you adopt again home years... Animals as well!!!!!!!!!!!!! So they are heartless and have no business getting another their rights politicians can kiss my a $... Without suffering on my phonebut she didnt all spaces are filled, pets ACCEPTED... 'S new pet with dogs and would never do that are placed on a and. Sooo.. he became aggressive for no apparent reason did he he just. Pets for any reason ( even though some may be justified ) charge everything. No easy answer for the duration of its life 2 months she so! Do the best for an animal knowledgeable certified applied animal behaviorists 412-345-0348 to speak one! Is any way they know how dont get a dog, but can marry again are many! Took a LOT for me to take her all spaces are filled, pets are placed on a.... Time and of course the shelters dont educate them may be justified ) the reasons people surrender pets! In shelters but shelters basically give away dogs to a shelter his ex-humans didnt care! To re-home a pet again is proportionate being scared and untrusting in about 2 months she is and! You do not deserve the unconditional love of a pet to a point where I stopped! Retailer that offers a variety of products and services for pets Pa where I new he! Means I should be able to adopt again, but others should not be able to get price!

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if you surrender a pet can you adopt again