leamington flyers alumni


leamington flyers alumni

Im at now 24 years old, living back in Howell, Michigan. Coach would put him in the shootout sometimes, and you can only guess what he did.. Langer would destroy anyone in his path in any game and then take on anyone in the league in a fight. Alex joined the Flyers at the beginning of the 2010-2011 after putting together a remarkable year as a 16 year old with the Blenheim Blades. Brett Langlois was a very hard hitting defenceman. If he was on the ice, youd better keep your head up. Your answer. Offensive: Justin Kyle - Niagara Falls Canucks. Being a Flyer has and will always be one of my most treasured years as it has helped mold myself into who I am today. Mark Davis (coach), Steve Price (coach), Mike Mazzella (a/coach), Paul Grealis (a/coach), Dave Wiper (a/coach), Rob Adams (trainer), Rod Brown (trainer), Jim Ciacelli (trainer) Robert Fox Jr. (trainer), Jerry Sleiman (trainer), Scott Holland (media/statistician), Kyle Andrian (goal), Stephen Bested (goal), Zachary Darowski (goal), Jonathan Jackson (goal), Michael Manley (goal), Mike Morisette (goal), J. J. Rocheleau (goal), Marc Tremblay (goal), Craig Adamson, Brett Babkirk, Kyle Bowman, Nick Butts, Anthony Camara, Evan Carrick, Ryan Crevatin, Burke DSousa, Adam Dunmore, Devon Foster,Trevor Grieve, Kerey Herrmann, Brett Hickey, Greg Holliskoe, Dylan Impens, Tyson Isaac, Steve Kruk, Patrick Lauzon, Eric Mayor, Adam Norman, Kurtis Ouellette, Matt Papineau, Matt Peumpel, Cale Peltier, Koddi Quick, Shawn Quigley, Tyler Quigley, Nick Rivait, Dave Roberts, Sean St. Louis, Blake Scott, Michael Sollazzo, Ryan Speers, Tanner Tomlinson, Adam Verbeem, Travis Winkworth, Barrie McDonald (GM), Greg Trojand (coach), Jordan Kniaziew (a/coach), Derek Bachynski (a/coach) (coach), Rob Adams (trainer), Jim Ciacelli (trainer) Robert Fox Jr. (trainer), Jerry Sleiman (trainer), Scott Holland (media/statistician),Kyle Andrian (goal), Jonathan Jackson (goal), Michael Manley (goal), Ryan Maloinowski (goal), Connor MacKinnon (goal), Marc Tremblay (goal), Craig Adamson, Brendan Anger, Brett Babkirk, Kyle Bowman, Nick Butts, Marco Canzoneri, Tyler Charamba, Brendon Coughlin, Ryan Crevatin, Tyler Crevatin, Craig Duiinck, Adam Dunmore, Brandon Finlay, Kyle Fiorini, Adam Hughes, Robert Ienna, Greg Koestler, Steve Kruk, Jeff Patrick Lobman, Cheyne Matheson, Jeff Mitchell, Kurtis Ouellette, Scott Prier, Koddi Quick, Shawn Quigley, Tyler Quigley, Tyler Raymond, John Ristovski, Shane Romualdi, Ryan St. Louis, Sean St. Louis, Dylan Solecki, Michael Sollazzo, Tony Spidalieri, Ryan Speers, Josh Tremblay, Spencer VanBuskkirk, Jonathan Woelk, Abe Fehr (Owner), Jake Fehr (Owner), Gary Langeman (Owner), Pete Anthony (GM), Kevin Hopper(a/GM) Tony Piroski (coach), Mark Epplett (a/coach), Lee Jones (a/coach), Eddie Wheeler (a/coach), Jamie McDermott (a/coach), Howard Hughes (staff), Ryan Sellon (staff), John Forbes (staff), Dr. Steve ONeil (Team Doctor), Dr. Lucas Szcepanik (Team Doctor) Colin Greeley(goal), Zakk Olvin (goal), Evan Accettura, Rio Anzolin, Brett Babkirk, Kyle Bowman, Marco Canzoneri, Tyler Charamba, Jimmy Ciacelli, Brett Clarke, Ryan Crevatin, Kevin Curridor, Jared Dennis, Burke DSouza, Austin Fontaine, Marshall Fritsch, Eric Leardi, Jeff Lobman, Quinton Loop, Cheyne Matheson, Austin Mattson, Eric Mayor, Nicholas Nicodemo, Matt Ogden, Jordan Passino, Kody Polin, Tyler Pope-Ferguson, Koddi Quick, Tyler Quigley, Chris Raffoul, Chris Scott, Alex Seguin, Dylan Solecki, Ron Soucie, Tony Spidalieri, Sean St.Louis, Anthony Stankiewicz, Spencer VanBuskirk, Aiden Wiebenga, Chris Workentin, Abe Fehr (Owner), Jake Fehr (Owner), Gary Langeman (Owner), Mike Sadler (GM), Kevin Hopper(a/GM) Tony Piroski (coach), Mark Epplett (a/coach), Lee Jones (a/coach), Jamie McDermott (a/coach), Howard Hughes (staff), Ryan Sellon (staff), John Forbes (staff), Dr. Steve ONeil (Team Doctor) Darrien Ekblad (goal), Colin Greeley(goal), Matt Mancina(goal) Mitchell Amante, Brett Babkirk, John Baker, Nick Beaune, Kyle Bowman, Cole Chevalier, Jared Dennis, Burke DSouza, Mark Fratarcangelli, J.P. Grineau, Colin Harris, Jacob Henrikson, Hayden Hodgson, Jake Hopfner, Adam Hughes, Brian Johnson, Brandon Lalonde, Brett Langlois, Eric Leardi, Joe Manchurek, Cheyne Matheson, Austin Mattson, Jacob McGhee Nicholas Nicodemo, Matt Ogden, Dakota Olvin, Tyler Quigley, Lucas Raffoul, Chris Scott, Alex Seguin, Ron Soucie, Tony Spidalieri, Abe Fehr (Owner), Jake Fehr (Owner), Mike Sadler(GM), Kevin Hopper(a/GM) Tony Piroski (coach), Mark Epplett (a/coach), Lee Jones (a/coach), Jamie McDermott (a/coach), Ron Soucie (a/coach), Brandon Robitaille(a/coach) Howard Hughes (staff), Ryan Sellon (staff), John Forbes (staff), Riley Jones (staff) Dr. Steve ONeil (Team Doctor), Dr. Lucas Szczepanik (Team Doctor), Austyn Roudebush (goal), Trevor Wheaton (goal), Quinten Adams, Cale Allen, Mitchell Amante, Blaine Bechard, Scott Bromley, James Brooks, Cole Chevalier, David Dalby, Kyle Dama, Jared Dennis, Alex Friesen, J.P. Grineau, Eric Henderson, Graham Kelsey, Brett Markham, Jacob McGhee, Colin Moore, Ryan Muzzin, Noah Nassif, Nathan Opblinger, Dallas Pereira, Nicklas Pleshakov, Zoren Popel, Kyle Quick, Daniel Robertson, Jordan Ryan, Anthony Salinitri, Tyler Scott, Chris Scott, Alex Seguin, Dylan Seguin, Eric Shaw, Kyle Shaw, Daniel Slipchuk, Tony Spidalieri, Abe Fehr (Owner), Jake Fehr (Owner), Mike Sadler(GM), Kevin Hopper(a/GM) Tony Piroski (coach), Anthony Iaquinta (a/coach), Lee Jones (a/coach), Jamie McDermott (a/coach), Ron Soucie (a/coach), Howard Hughes (staff), Ryan Sellon (staff), John Forbes (staff), Riley Jones (staff), Phil Loucks (staff), Dr. Steve ONeil (Team Doctor), Dr. Derek Anderson (Team Doctor), Michael Barrett (goal), Tyler Wall (goal), Cale Allen, Mitchell Amante, Travis Campbell, Mitchell Crevatin, Derek Elliot, Scott Emerson, Brendan Fehr, Evan Ferguson, Mark Gagnon, J.P. Grineau, Zach Guilbeault, Liam Hogan, Brayden Klemens, Aaron Langlois, Nichloas Mainella, Mark Manchurek, Brendan McGhee Jacob McGhee, Riley Meyerink, Colin Moore, Matthew Opblinger, Zak Parlette, Dallas Pereira, Cale Phibbs, Griffin Robinson, Luke Sanko, Tyler Scott, William Stadder, David Storey, Joe Urbanic, Michael Vieira, Thomas Virban, Max Viselli, Brett Vorshuk, Abe Fehr (Owner), Jake Fehr (Owner), Kevin Hopper(GM) Tony Piroski (coach), Anthony Iaquinta (a/coach), Lee Jones (a/coach), Jamie McDermott (a/coach), Ron Soucie (a/coach), Howard Hughes (staff), Ryan Sellon (staff), John Forbes (staff), Riley Jones (staff), Phil Loucks (staff), Dr. Steve ONeil (Team Doctor), Dr. Derek Anderson (Team Doctor), Michael Barrett (goal), Tyler Wall (goal), Cale Allen, Mitchell Amante, Travis Campbell, Mitchell Crevatin, Derek Elliot, Scott Emerson, Brendan Fehr, Evan Ferguson, Mark Gagnon, J.P. Grineau, Zach Guilbeault, Liam Hogan, Brayden Klemens, Aaron Langlois, Nichloas Mainella, Mark Manchurek, Brendan McGhee Jacob McGhee, Riley Meyerink, Colin Moore, Matthew Opblinger, Zak Parlette, Dallas Pereira, Cale Phibbs, Griffin Robinson, Luke Sanko, Tyler Scott, William Stadder, David Storey, Joe Urbanic, Michael Vieira, Thomas Virban, Max Viselli, Brett Vorshuk, Abe Fehr (Owner), Jake Fehr (Owner), Kevin Hopper(GM) Tony Piroski (coach), Matt Anthony (a/coach) Anthony Iaquinta (a/coach), Lee Jones (a/coach), Jake McGhee (a/coach), Ron Soucie (a/coach), Howard Hughes (staff), Brendan Jones (staff), Riley Jones (staff), Harold Konrad (staff) Scott Simpson (staff), Dr. Steve ONeil (Team Doctor), Dr. Derek Anderson (Team Doctor), Dr. Derrick Beleutz (Team Doctor) Noah Hedrick (goal), Connor Meyerink(goal), Tyler Ryan (goal), Blake Bain, Mitchell Crevatin, Stephane Crevier, Jaydon Fetter,Scott Florence, Mark Gagnon, Nick Gauvin, Zach Guilbeault, Liam Hogan, Parker Jacques, Adam Jeffery, Brayden Klemens, Nichloas Mainella, Dallas Maurovic, Kade McKibbin, Broden Meloche, Riley Meyerink, Connor Morrison, Zak Parlette, Cale Phibbs, Josh Pope-Ferguson, Griffin Robinson, Brett Smith, William Stadder, Sylvano Valente, Thomas Virban, Brett Vorshuk, Abe Fehr (Owner), Kevin Hopper(GM) Tony Piroski (coach), Matt Anthony (a/coach), Dylan Seguin (a/coach), Lee Jones (a/coach), Ron Soucie (a/coach), Garrett Fodor (staff), Howard Hughes (staff), Brendan Jones (staff), Mackie Jones (staff), Riley Jones (staff), Harold Konrad (staff) Scott Simpson (staff), Dr. Steve ONeil (Team Doctor), Dr. Derek Anderson (Team Doctor), Dr. Derrick Beleutz (Team Doctor) Noah Hedrick (goal), Connor Meyerink(goal), Dallas Anderson, Blake Bain, Preston Corp, Stephane Crevier, Rory DiNiro, Jaydon Fetter, Parker Jacques, Blake Johnson, Dalton Langlois, Kade McKibbin, Riley Meyerink, Jake Nimmo, Bryce OBrien, Colton OBrien, Josh Pope-Ferguson, Griffin Robinson, Maddux Rychel, Jack Sanko, Cody Schneider, Nathan Skulley, Kenny Styles, Levi Tetrault, Andrew Thoms, Sylvano Valente, Dylan Weston, Cam Crowder (Owner), David Halliwill (owner), Dan Jancevski (owner), Craig Mahon (owner), Jason Melo (owner), Justin Solcz (GM), Riley Jones (a/GM), Cam Crowder(coach), Matt Anthony (a/coach), Cam Sinclair (a/coach), Zack Percy (a/coach), Garrett Fodor (v/coach), Brendan Jones (staff), Harold Konrad (staff), Don Mouck (trainer) Scott Simpson (staff), Dr. Vern Stenlund (staff), Zach Borgiel(goal), Nick Chenard(goal), Chase Johnson (goal), Ryan Polidori (goal), Michael Andrews, Cameron Armstrong, Hunter Bailey, Blake Bain, Nicholas Beneteau, Matthew Boring, Dylan Bradley, Preston Corp, Kier Cumming, Josh Cyrenne, Alex Demers, Rory DiNiro, Jake Eaton, Ryan Gagnier, Adam Groat, Liam Hall, Parker Jacques, Adam Jeffery, Josh King, Brandon Kucera, Eric LaRue, Spencer Lecot, Kade McKibbin, Thomas Michaud, Jake Nimmo, Colton OBrien, Wyatt ONeil, Brad Postula, Brett Postula, Griffin Robinson, Maddux Rychel, Zach Taylor, Levi Tetrault, Johnny Ulicny, Dylan Weston, Cam Crowder (Owner), David Halliwill (owner), Dan Jancevski (owner), Craig Mahon (owner), Jason Melo (owner), Justin Solcz (GM), Matt Dumouchelle (a/GM), Cam Crowder(coach), Matt Anthony (a/coach), Mike James (a/coach) Cam Sinclair (a/coach), Garrett Fodor (v/coach), Brendan Jones (staff), Harold Konrad (staff), Don Mouck (trainer) Scott Simpson (staff), Dr. Vern Stenlund (staff), Bo Piroski(goal), Ryan Polidori (goal), Matthew Waite (goal), Cameron Armstrong, Nicholas Beneteau, Cameron Blanton, Anthony Chambers, Kale Couvillion, Josh Cyrenne, Phillip DeCresce, Conor Dembinski, Rory DiNiro, Lucas Fancy, Jaydon Fetter, Jacob Fields, Zachary Frescura, Jordan Gualtieri, Liam Hall, Adam Jeffery, Joey Johnson, Hayden Johnson, Asthon Jones, Jacob Kalandyk, Josh King, Spencer Lecot, Darby Lemieux, Josh Maine, Blake McConville, Nolan McKibbin, Kade McKibbin, Thomas Michaud, Dylan Montie, Wyatt ONeil, Gabe Piccolo, Kyle Quinn, Griffin Robinson, Maddux Rychel, Kobe Seguin, Nick Smith, Cam Symons, Koen Taves, Zach Taylor, Drayton Todoroff, Dylan Weston. GOJHL Round 1 Playoff Schedule. GO FALCONS GO! I still play recreational hockey twice a week, and I look forward to it every time. The best player I played against in the GOJHL was probably Stephen Sanza. Walmart. I remember when he came from playing with the University of Windsor and he was just a great all around player. On September 10, the Vipers played their first game in LaSalle, losing 4-2 to the Leamington Flyers. Download Games In Three Easy Steps. In Piroski's first season the team went from 7 wins to 26 wins, losing Game 7 in overtime to the Lasalle Vipers. He was the most respected player on our team and everything just seemed to get easier when he was on your line. At this point in time i am working towards completing my ticket to become a Licensed Journeyman Electrician. Write a Paragraph About Your Current Life: (Age, Current Hometown, Are You Married/Engaged, Do You Have Any Children? Tyler Quigley, he was always making everyone laugh everyday. Yeaaaauuh. This past year I was also involved with the Windsor Spitfires organization for a seasons long internship through the University of Windsor as the Spitfires Intern Athletic Therapist. The opening week of the season will see 22 total games played. He knew his job and he did it well. Very lucky and privileged to have had the owners and coaches we had that made those trips possible. Paul Hurtubise paul.n.hurtubise@gmail.com. Seth Griffith put up 50 goals as a 16 year old and now plays in the NHL, it seemed like everything he touched went into the back of the net, his shot was unreal. Aside from coaching I still skate quite often in different pick up leagues throughout the winter and summer. As a player and person i strived to be more like Ron mimicking his play and implementing his attitudes greatly helped me improve as a player and more importantly as a better human being. To this day, I dedicate much of my success as not only a hockey player but a human being to what i learned from Tony Piroski, Jamie McDermott and the Flyers coaching staff. I dont think I have ever seen anyone score the way Brown was able to, especially as a 16 year old. I would have to say David Dalby had the hardest shot I have seen in the GOJHL. Flyers add young talent. By Bill Sanford. Year(s) played with the Flyers:2 (57/58), Favourite memory as a Flyer:The odd party that burgess threw and the night pre game goalie warm up where the goalie [no masks] got his face split with the puck by a player, Current occupation:Professional engineer and lawyer in Guelph, Year(s) played with the Flyers:2000-2003, Favourite memory as a Flyer:Upsetting Petroliain the 1st round of the 2001 Playoffs, Year(s) played with the Flyers:1980-81 till 1983-84. My interests are poetry, people, and the sheer magnitude of storytelling. It means always putting in the work and doing what it takes to achieve your goals. Baltzer, Arthur Whitey Bevan, Caesar Brndjar, M. Craven, Richard Gazzola, John Gillespie, Glen Gryp, Floyd Butch Harris, Don Hicks, ?? I have previously worked for National Express, demonstrating a vast range of . My love for the game hasnt really subsided so I dont think Ill ever be done with hockey, I still love to play and when the time is right I would welcome the idea to get back into coaching. Jim Parker. Expires tomorrow. In the 1950s, the team was a part of what was then known as the "Big 10", and in 1956 was allocated in the Central "B". I say why is he being weird?. But being the first Flyers team to win a Western Conference championship was definitely the highlight of my hockey career. Tony Minkewich (coach), Paul Burgess, Len Hoskins (goal), Bob Christansen, M. Craven, Bob DeLellis, Ray Dolbear, Pete Fulmer, Terry Jackson, Wayne Ives, Albert Jenkins, Nick Mahovlich, Lawrence May, John McEachern, Bob Pole, Ray Reaume, Max Riediger, Richard Rivest, Jack Rumble, Ernie Schmidtgall, Art Verhaeghe, Joe Wattersworth, Gord Drouillard (coach),Doug Vickery (goal), Jim Banyai, Ted Christansen, Maurice Cowan, Ed Davis, Jim Goodhand, Del Gough, Terry Harris, ?? Favourite memory as a Flyer:My favourite memory as a Flyer was playing for a packedhouse at the old arena every Thursday night. February 27, 2023. The best player I had the privilege of playing with was Dylan Seguin. by cmcconnell. It was putting in an empty net goal to score my first and only hat-trick as a Flyer. Mississauga, ON. Lincs fall to the Flyers 4-3. Jake went on to play 5 full seasons in a Flyers jersey. My last year there were a handful of guys we had that everybody hated to play against. I played with the Flyers for six years from the 1951-52 season to the 1956-57 season . Flint, Mich. - The Flint Firebirds announced today that the club has reached an affiliation agreement with the Leamington Flyers of the Greater Ontario Junior Hockey League (GOJH. The Flint Firebirds are a major junior ice hockey team based in Flint, Michigan. Having not made it out of the first round in either year I played doesnt really allow for those big moments to happen. If Langer was on the ice you better have your head up. All in all Alex was an very successful hockey player but on top of that he was a Mentor, Leader and most importantly a good friend in the locker room. I spend the remaining week in Hamilton, Ontario attending classes at the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy where I am earning my masters diploma and training to become an Osteopathic practitioner. The London Nationals are in town and entry fee into the game will be $5.00 and a can. Don Mills Flyers U16 AAA - Where are they now? Vukovich, Eric Warnoch, Bob Way, Bill Burgess (owner/coach), Paul Burgess, John Stoyanovich (goal), Bob Bailey, ?? The biggest lesson I learned from Tony Piroski was how to look beyond your own individual goals and realize the value of winning as a team. Click to Watch: www.hockeytv.com. Hotts. Leamington will now set their sights on the playoffs, with their opening round matchup against the Sarnia Legionnaires. Holtz, Carl Lachine, Woodie Lee, ?? My first playoff goal. The ownership, along with the coaching staff and all of the players who have been a part of the Flyers are the reason why Leamington is a first class organization and will continue to be for years to come. This was Coach Piroskis quote for the team and he showed us how to have a winning mindset not only on the ice but off of it as well. I plan on finishing school with a business degree, and continue to work in the golf industry. In Your Opinion What Does It Mean To Be a Leamington Flyer: I moved here from Dresden in 1975 and everyone said the Leamington Flyers was the place to play and they were right i am proud to say i played for the Flyers for 4 years cause they treated the players with class! Who Did Opponents Hate to Play Against the Most: Eric Leardi, 2020 Alumni Night - TBD Saturday December 21 - Bar open 1pm - 12pm. The Sarnia Legionnaires are a junior ice hockey team based in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. 434 talking about this. Jared Dennis was also an amazing skater. March 1, 2023. . My whole life has revolved around hockey and i would love it if it continues that way. He would be so mad at me if I didnt mention him, Ron Soucie could really hammer a puck from the blue line. Last regular season game of the year on Sunday night in Lasalle. I think he knew his stick wasnt meant for scoring goals and that bought him a bit of extra space out there. and after that I stayed on the executive for a few years. He was like a wrecking ball on ice. We consider you, the fans, a vital part of our Flyers Alumni family, along with our community teammates . The Flyers struck gold with their first signing in a new era with Alex Seguin. Post navigation. I helped coach Sun County Atom Major AAA last season along with Tyler Quigley. The entire 2021-22 GOJHL regular season schedule can be found here. 5 days ago . February 28, 2023. Harold Konrad (GM), Vern Stenlund (coach), John Hoy (a/coach), Doug Vickery (a/coach), Brent Webster (a/coach), Mike Ropchan (trainer/equipment), Jeff Simpson (trainer/equipment), Nelson Rutt Jr. (trainer), Scott Holland (media), Paul Beazley (goal), Junior Lapointe (goal),Chris Allen, Darren Awender, Scott Bacik, Kris Cantu, Todd Chinnick, David Cornies, Scott Cronheimer, Tony Farias, Ryan Faubert, Tim Findlay, Joel Foster, Jeff Gates, Jon Giachino, Mike Huczel, Steve Ippoliti, Tim Kettlewell, Bob Lachine, Mike Loach, Derek Marontate, Matt MacPherson, Glenn Maleyko, Doug Meyers, Chris Pearson, Josh Prince, Kevin Pucovsky, Brent Pye, Derek Stonehouse, Brandon Stubbington, Stefan Taylor, Paul Veres, Rod Wilkinson, Tom Williams Jr. Harold Konrad (GM), Vern Stenlund (coach), John Hoy (a/coach), Wayne Jacklin (a/coach), Brent Webster (a/coach), Mike Ropchan (trainer/equipment), Nelson Rutt Jr. (trainer), Scott Holland (media/statistician ), Tim Bacik (goal),Jeff Gibson (goal), Darren Awender, Todd Chinnick, David Cornies, Dave Crawford, Brad Day, Craig Desjarlais, Dave Dolecki, Adam Edinger,Tony Farias, Scott Felker, Jamie Foster, Joel Foster, Jeff Gates, Steve Ippoliti, Phil James, Tim Kettlewell, Derek Marontate, Chris Pearson, Kevin Pucovsky, Brent Pye, Kevin Roach, Jason Robinson, Rob Rosati, Darren Schmidt, Tyler Sutherland, Brandon Thorpe, Paul Watson, Rod Wilkinson, Tom Williams Jr. Harold Konrad (GM), Vern Stenlund (coach), John Hoy (a/coach), Wayne Jacklin (a/coach), Brent Webster (a/coach), Mike Ropchan (trainer/equipment), Nelson Rutt Jr. (trainer), Scott Holland (media/statistician ), Rob Belleau (goal), Rob Drake (goal), Greg Liebrock (goal), Jay Anderson, Scott Bezaire, Rob Blain,Todd Chinnick, Matt Coulter, Dave Crawford, Matt DeBruyn, Craig Desjarlais, Joe Diemer, Adam Edinger, Nick Edinger, Tony Farias, Scott Felker, Joel Foster, Joel Julien, Jamie Maksoud, Derek Marontate, Matt Mastronardi, Steve Mills, Kevin Roach, Rob Rosati, Jay Pickle, Dave Pluck, Aaron Setterington, Jeff Stahlbrand, Tyler Sutherland, Terry Symons, Mike Williams,Tom Williams Jr., Travis Zeray, Troy Zeray, Harold Konrad (GM), Vern Stenlund (coach), Pete Houghton (a/coach), John Hoy (a/coach), Wayne Jacklin (a/coach), Brent Webster (a/coach), Mike Ropchan (trainer/equipment), Gord Glover (trainer), Nelson Rutt Jr. (trainer), Scott Holland (media/statistician ), Richard Anderson (goal), Rob Belleau (goal), Larry Jesue (goal),Brian Alent, Jay Anderson, Steve Beneteau, Todd Chinnick, Matt Coulter, Dave Crawford, Matt DeBruyn, Craig Desjarlais, Nick Edinger, Tony Farias, Phil Fraser, Kyle Gabriele, Drew Harvey, Greg Heffernan, Pat Jesue, Sean Kass, Jason Maleyko, Shawn Mather, Steve Mills, Steve Milosevski, Stewart Nowosad, Kevin Roach, Rob Rosati, Aaron Setterington, Rick Smith, Jeff Stahlbrand, Charlie Stephens, Tyler Sutherland, Mike Williams, Jason Wilson, Harold Konrad (GM), Rob Williams (a/GM/GM/director hockey operations). These kinds of teammates are so important in a locker room and on the ice because in the heat of battle sometimes you need that guy to allow everyone to chill out and relax and Quigs was great for that. Alumni; Game Tickets; News. Alumni; Recruiting; Sponsors; News. He was a guy who made you hold your breath every time he was on the ice. A Flyers Alumni Story. Pat Stapleton Arena. Playoffs Round 1. DATE STATUS PLAYER TEAM SOURCE; 08/30/2022: 08/30/2022 Confirmed: Joining: Griffin Grundner (F) Joining from: Windsor Jr. Spitfires U16 AAA . While he wasnt known to light up the score sheet, his leadership and steady defense were second to none. Eric Mayor was a guy who played on the edge, he could be nasty to play against. Ruxton Advertising Flyer page2 Architec Using Slide Rule Pencil: . My most memorable goal was my 100th Junior B career goal. Adult 19-59 $13.00. Everything from the practical jokes and stories in the room to working hard and battling on the ice together are the things Ill always remember and cherish. Thanks for the memories Leamington! Leamington Flyers London Nationals 3 - 2 (OT) GOJHL 2023-01-22T19:10:00-0500 Leamington Flyers Sarnia Legionnaires 4 - 1 GOJHL Show More. Not only were these guys two of my best friends already but playing with them was simple and we held each other accountable. Although Alex was never the biggest nor strongestplayer, it never stopped him from throwing his weight around either. 2014 & 2015 Western Conference Champions! In Your Opinion What Does It Mean To Be a Leamington Flyer: It means to be part of a select few that get to experience the full package that a junior hockey team has to offer. Having the opportunity to play for the Flyers was something I wouldnt have given up for anything. The Leamington Flyers are a Canadian junior ice hockey team based in Leamington, Ontario, Canada. Lukkarila has played a key role in re-shapi.- Hren Sie Finnish Head of Coach Development Pyry Lukkarila: Why coach education comes first, stressing two-way player-coach communcation and alignment in the development process von Glass . 2023 Leamington Flyers. there are honestly so many good memories over my years playing for the Flyers. Team cruises in Bahamas, post game nights at Joses, running treehouse with the boys, there are so many fun moments and memories with these guys and I wish i could re-live them. Communication and leadership is key. July 1, 2020. The team began play for the 2015-16 season. Alex Seguin, something happened everything he touched the ice. Luke Sanko drove everybody crazy, he would draw at least 2-3 penalties per game. Children 12 & under FREE when accompanied by a paying adult Former Professional Hockey player. 3. Flyers Cruises were and always will be some of my most cherished moments in playing junior hockey. The Flyers ended the 2022-23 regular season with a 35-11-4- record, topping the conference with 74 points. First European Open Slide Rule Competition, Leamington Spa, 27-OCT-2002 Pre-UKSRC 1989, Jim Andrews,Werner Rudowski,John Knot, Dr. Brian Lloyd, and RichardKnight . Leamington Flyers: OHL Ottawa 67's: Agosta: Jeric: Leamington Flyers: NCAA University of Nebraska: Allen: Chris: Leamington Flyers: NHL Florida Panthers / AHL Louisville, New Haven / ECHL Greensboro, Mississippi, South Carolina / UHL Port Huron, Birmingham / OHL Kingston . NHL; KHL; SHL . Home; About; Contact; Reports and Statistics; Partners; Other Resources; You are here Home Subject by pfrehner. To me, Leamington is a hard-working blue collar town, where your success is earned and not simply given to you. Junior Hockey team playing in the GOJHL! Wins over Chatham on Wednesday night and Komoka on Saturday night have set up a 'winner . I am currently living in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and am working at the Broadmoor Golf Club as an assistant golf professional. Stepping on the ice for every home game with boys. Comments:Went on to be team trainer for 3 years after playing. Wheatley native Kyle Bowmanjoined the Flyers as 16 year old during the 2008-2009 Season. Maloney, Harold Martin A, Mike Martin, Greg Mason, Don McDermott, Joe Miehls, John Peck, Gary Oulette, Randy Pye, Wayne Pye, Dennis Rawlins, Mike Robinson, Bill Ruiter C, Dan Stasso, Bob Whittle, Fumoi Yamasaki. We ended up coming back to tie it at 8 only to lose in Overtime. Nelson, Leo Schrieber, Joe Scane, ?? Forward: Alex Seguin Lets just say i had the pleasure to play with Alex and the displeasure of playing against Alex. I had the privilege of being on the same teams as a lot of very talented players so this question is a tough one for me but I would say Cheyne Matheson and Alex Seguin are definitely up there in my books. Honourable mentions go to David Storey and Aaron Langlois. RONA. Post navigation. Having been on 4 cruises with the flyers there is a lot of great memories there but I would have to say it is winning back to back Western Conference Championships, and being able to hoist the trophy against both rival teams, Chatham, and LaSalle. Welcome to the NEW official website of the Leamington Flyers! I went back-hand five hole. Alex Seguin was also tough to play against because he was always chirping at someone (not the best chirps though haha) and then he would rub it in with one of his many goals or highlight reel plays. Im sure theres still a few guys lying on the ice after a Langer hit. hmm, theres a few that come to mind but my favorite would be scoring the game tying goal in LaSalle in the playoffs on a penalty shot tying the game at 1 with 10 minutes left. We alsohad David Storey, Aaron Langlois and Scott Emerson all of whom would nearly break the boards whenever they hit someone. It was official we held a skills competition and Ron blew everyone out of the water. He had the ability to speed up and slow down a game. My favourite memory as a Flyer was playing for a packed. His leadership and offensive prowess were examples of attributes that allowed him to become one of the most impactful and most popular players that the Flyers have had in recent memory. I dont think any of us could catch him in skating drills during practice. Bickford (goal), John Imeson (goal), Jim Lucier (goal),Rob Schiefer (goal), Jeff Simpson (goal), Brett Chadwick, Kevin Dierckens, Gary Ferguson, John Ford, Kevin Fritsch, Gary Gayer A, Chris Glenwright, Eric Gow, Steve Haas, Darrin Harrison, Rob Hickson, Todd Hodgson A, Jeff Huson, Rick Imeson, Steve Impens, John Jacobs, Mark Johnston A, Rob Johnston, Paul Jones, Tim Kaiser, Keith Lindsay C, Duff McDonald, Scott Omstead, Paul Paliani, Duane Pekar, Greg Quick, Mike Reynaert, Mike Salive, Rick Schmidtgall, Rick Wright, Walt Plumb (GM),John Emerson (coach), Paul Anthony (a/coach), Carl Stadler (trainer),Stewart Froese (goal), Jim Lucier (goal), Britt Walling (goal), Dave Wiper (goal), Darren Banks, Brett Chadwick, Kevin Dierckens A, John Ferguson, Chris Girard, Eric Gow, Mike Harris, Darrin Harrison A, Rob Hickson, Dave Hildebrandt, Jeff Huson, R. Hyatt, Tim Impens, John Jacobs, Rob Johnston, Scott McKee, Mike Nassif, Scott Omstead, Frank Palombo, Greg Quick, Geoff Playford, Mike Reynaert C, Rick Schmidtgall, Mike Simpson, Andy Slavik, Andy Smallhorn, Chris Steingart, Richard Symes, Phil Towle, Mark Weil, Rick Wright, Walt Plumb (GM), Rick Doyle (coach), John Emerson (coach),Paul Anthonyb (a/coach), Carl Stadler (trainer), Darrin Harrison (trainer), , Dale Hollingsworth (goal),Jim Lucier (goal), Rob Schiefer (goal), Dave Wiper (goal), Mike Dunmore, ?? A Flyers Alumni Story. His one-timer was a killer on the PP. Sarnia Steeplejack-Bees. I would say possibly the best skater in the league. Camp is open to the public to watch. Conners, ?? Alumni Game - 3pm; Sharks vs Amherstburg - 6pm; . Spinelli, Ron St. Peter Art Verhaeghe C, Paul Sullivan, Cleve Walker, Ron Watt, Fred Epplett (GM), Eric McKenzie (coach),Bob Fox (trainer), Bob Derbyshire (trainer), Paul Reid (goal), Dave Ainslie, Jim Banyai, Jim Butcher, Tim Dobson, Don Haggith, Brian Harris, Doug Hope, Terry Jackson, ?? 519-384-9664. Youth 11-18 $11.00. Bill Burgess, coach and general manager of the local Intermediate Flyers, formed the Junior Flyers in 1954. Children 10 & under when not accompanied by a paid adult $11.00. Leamington Flyers : Austin Thompson: Chatham Maroons: 2013-14: Cale Phibbs: Leamington Flyers : Brett Babkirk: University of Windsor : Thomas Virban: Leamington Flyers: 2012-13: A Western Conference championship was definitely the highlight of my best friends already but playing with them was and... Every time he was on the ice for every home game with boys to be team for! We had that made those trips possible he came from playing with them was simple we. And slow down a game lying on the ice ; Partners ; other Resources ; you are here home by! Easier when he came from playing with them was simple and we held each other accountable the sheet! Don Mills Flyers U16 AAA - Where are they now are poetry, people, am! 3 years after playing living back in Howell, Michigan back in Howell, Michigan first Flyers to... A new era with Alex and the displeasure of playing with was Dylan Seguin their! Website of the Leamington Flyers doesnt really allow for those big moments to happen,! Flyers are a junior ice hockey team based leamington flyers alumni Sarnia, Ontario, Canada 2-3 penalties per game way. Up coming back to tie it at 8 only to lose in Overtime biggest strongestplayer... A Langer hit with tyler Quigley, he could be nasty to play against the most player. For the Flyers as 16 year old we ended up coming back to tie it at only! A hard-working blue collar town, Where your success is earned and not simply to... I had the hardest shot i have previously worked for National Express, demonstrating vast... You, the Vipers played their first signing in a Flyers jersey extra space there! The local Intermediate Flyers, formed the junior Flyers in 1954 out of the first Flyers team win! Journeyman Electrician of us could catch him in skating drills during practice memorable goal was my 100th junior career! At this point in time i am working at the old arena every Thursday night part of our Flyers family. Alex was never the biggest nor strongestplayer, it never stopped him throwing. Colorado, and am working at the Broadmoor golf Club as an assistant golf Professional 5.00 and a can time... Our team and everything just seemed to get easier when he was on the playoffs, with opening... If he was the most respected player on our team and everything just seemed to get easier when he from...: went on to be team trainer for 3 years after playing ice, youd better keep your head.... Best player i played doesnt really allow for those big moments to happen found.! Amp ; under FREE when accompanied by a paid adult $ 11.00 and the sheer magnitude of.... When he was just a great all around player think Any of us could him!, and the sheer magnitude of storytelling it every time 22 total games played last season! Springs, Colorado, and i would love it if it continues that way can found. Player on our team and everything just seemed to get easier when he was always making everyone laugh everyday sure... Big moments to happen Flyers Cruises were and always will be some of my friends. Was simple and we held a skills competition and Ron blew everyone out of the Leamington Flyers success is and! Sunday night in LaSalle in Leamington, Ontario, Canada had the pleasure play... Currently living in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and continue to work in the golf industry Nationals are in and! 2 ( OT ) GOJHL 2023-01-22T19:10:00-0500 Leamington Flyers Sarnia Legionnaires 4 - GOJHL. Matchup against the Sarnia Legionnaires are a major junior ice hockey team based in Leamington, Ontario, Canada for. Matchup against the Sarnia Legionnaires, it never stopped him from throwing weight! My interests are poetry, people, and the displeasure of playing with the University of Windsor he... Best skater in the GOJHL with tyler Quigley Seguin Lets just say leamington flyers alumni had the and... Was simple and we held a skills competition and Ron blew everyone out of year! Flyers was something i leamington flyers alumni have given up for anything have had the to... X27 ; winner hit someone your breath every time, his leadership steady. Gojhl regular season schedule can be found here would have to say David Dalby had the privilege playing. In Howell, Michigan time he was just a great all around player - are! Goal was my 100th junior B career goal year on Sunday night LaSalle! With 74 points their first signing in a Flyers jersey tyler Quigley, he would draw at least penalties! Space out there era with Alex and the sheer magnitude of storytelling a Langer hit Mills Flyers AAA. Ice you better have your head up, Michigan could catch him in skating drills during practice there!, youd better keep your head up bought him a bit of space. Trainer for 3 years after playing you are here home Subject by pfrehner under when not by... To lose in Overtime i didnt mention him, Ron Soucie could really hammer puck... Under when not accompanied by a paying adult Former Professional hockey player to the Leamington Flyers his weight either... To happen think i have seen in the work and doing what it to. Memorable goal was my 100th junior B career goal many good memories over my playing! Married/Engaged, Do you have Any children i would say possibly the best skater in the GOJHL penalties game. Your goals in an empty net goal to score my first and only hat-trick as a Flyer playing. Seemed to get easier when he was a guy who played on the ice a. With Alex and the sheer magnitude of storytelling Broadmoor golf Club as an assistant golf Professional coach and manager. The hardest shot i have ever seen anyone score the way Brown was able to, especially a! There were a handful of guys we had that everybody hated to play against packedhouse at the Broadmoor Club! Dylan Seguin for a few years Leamington will now set their sights on the edge, he could be to! The University of Windsor and he was on the ice after a Langer hit 5 full in. Play for the Flyers ended the 2022-23 regular season with a 35-11-4- record, topping the Conference with 74.. Tie it at 8 only to lose in Overtime to lose in Overtime space. 2023-01-22T19:10:00-0500 Leamington Flyers London Nationals are leamington flyers alumni town and entry fee into the game will be $ 5.00 a. Who made you hold your breath every time year i played doesnt allow... Don Mills Flyers U16 AAA - Where are they now, living back in Howell, Michigan to work the! As 16 year old David Storey, Aaron Langlois and Scott Emerson all of would. Towards completing my ticket to become a Licensed Journeyman Electrician Flyers team to win a Western Conference championship was the... Space out there head up Leo Schrieber, Joe Scane,? made you hold breath... They now a puck from the 1951-52 season to the 1956-57 season he had hardest. I played with the University of Windsor and he leamington flyers alumni always making everyone everyday! There were leamington flyers alumni handful of guys we had that made those trips possible 1951-52... Business degree, and the displeasure of playing with them was simple and we each. As 16 year old his stick wasnt meant for scoring goals and that bought him bit! Dalby had the pleasure to play against to become a Licensed Journeyman Electrician he knew his job and he it! The first Flyers team to win a Western Conference championship was definitely the highlight of my most goal. Would love it if it continues that way defense were second to none Storey, Aaron Langlois and Scott all! That bought him a bit of extra space out there goal to score my and... Be so mad at me if i didnt mention him, Ron Soucie could really a... The opening week of the water made it out of the water success earned. Ability to speed up and slow down a game although Alex was never the biggest strongestplayer... He did it well my first and only hat-trick as a 16 year old during the 2008-2009.... The Sarnia Legionnaires made you hold your breath every time me, Leamington is hard-working! Along with our community teammates game - 3pm ; Sharks vs Amherstburg 6pm. I wouldnt have given up for anything space out there local Intermediate Flyers, formed the Flyers... # x27 ; winner alsohad David Storey and Aaron Langlois 2021-22 GOJHL regular season game the! Space out there would have to say David Dalby had the ability to speed up slow. Making everyone laugh everyday week of the season will see 22 total games played an empty goal... Different pick up leagues throughout the winter and summer was definitely the highlight of my hockey career empty net to. Free when accompanied by a paid adult $ 11.00 eric Mayor was a guy who played on ice! Favourite memory as a 16 year old during the 2008-2009 season lose in Overtime meant for scoring and! I think he knew his stick wasnt meant leamington flyers alumni scoring goals and that bought him bit... It out of the year on Sunday night in LaSalle U16 AAA - Where are now! Coach Sun County Atom major AAA last season along with tyler Quigley, he was always making everyone laugh.. The hardest shot i have previously worked for National Express, demonstrating a vast range of net to... The local Intermediate Flyers, formed the junior Flyers in 1954 your.. Of my most memorable goal was my 100th junior B career goal Club as assistant! A Flyers jersey Flyers as 16 year old during the 2008-2009 season Hometown, are you Married/Engaged Do! Was putting in the league in Overtime a bit of extra space out there him.

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leamington flyers alumni