naruto changes after haku dies fanfiction


naruto changes after haku dies fanfiction

Though he soon found he couldn't seeing as Haku still had her head on his chest and seemed to have snuggled up even closer to him seeing as she even had entangled their legs sometime over the night. It becomes this whole unninjalike clothes situation where by adding one specific rule just because you dont like something about one character you ended up changing the way the entire setting works without realizing it. It is no surprise to me that said child would grow up to try and hide aspects of themselves. ", Naruto blinked for a second then it dawned on him. ", She nodded in understanding. With Sakura the weakling of the team, if she ends up taking the CS for Sasuke, its an even more slippery slope into darkness for her. Naruto finds help from A Man long thought Dead. "Well after Kyuubi was sealed within me the council and villagers demanded my head at once, but Hokage-ojij used his power and silenced the council with the threat of execution if they tried anything. Jika saja kau melihatku, hanya ak Naruto has been adopted by the uchiha clan, why? Read and find out! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. "I guess we are alike in some ways. ", Zabuza's eyes widen hearing this. this story is '"So tell me," Kakashi began. 'Has he had no one to encourage him? Naruto finds out about Uzumaki clan when he was 4 years old. Haku nodded as she had not moved from her spot. colors infinity lyngsat. Biting the zipper handle, she dragged it down till it stopped and pulled his pants off, with a little help with Naruto. A few birds and butterflies circled the two as the light glinted off their bodies making it a majestic scene to witness. Getting characters to lower the guard and their barriers to have meaningful discourse and change. Naruto's a bit wary about the situation, of course, and learns that being responsible for someone isn't all that fun. As on cue both of Naruto's teammates walked into the clearing to find the two sleeping without a care in the world. ", Sasuke shook his head before he was tackled by a blonde blur. She started to pick up the pace which was met by Naruto to keep there movements in sync. Press J to jump to the feed. Naruto cursed whatever deity that gave him false hope before sighing in resignation. "Naruto, I don't want you to be at the bridge from a week from now. Tags. ", She nodded in understanding as she sat down against a tree as Naruto did the same thing and looked towards the moon. As she realized what she said she slapped her hands over her mouth in horror. Naruto and the Alchemist 7. Tidak, jangan lihat aku seperti itu sayang. The place to come for fanfiction stories that take place in or use characters from the Naruto universe. Sakura Haruno will become a Seal Master. The nature between the two identities and lives she wants to lead struggle within her: The shinobi wearing the mask, and the woman(who dresses in similar clothes to, and looks exactly like her mother) without it on. Immediately, my first thought was: If Sasuke changes and not Naruto, then Naruto would remain a prankster because that aspect of Naruto disappeared sometime around Wave. Naruto, and Haku fell in love. I will do more than one for Yugito and Haku since they are my favorite female characters and are the best fits for Naruto, in my opinion anyways. Just as she was about to reach them a blue and white blur appeared between the two and grabbed the girl's fist. You have me word." Pretty close to canon. Haku screamed out as he inserted a finger into her soaking wet vagina. Haku smiled at him and offered a hand to help him up, which he accepted. Naruto numbly nodded at the statement while Sasuke scowled. His sight. "Sakura. After whatever is going on here is finished, meet me at our training clearing. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Those jerks!". Naruto's anger started to grow hearing this and was already hating the man more and more as red youki started to leak into his system. Without that, he's just a clown without direction in his life beyond a pipe dream. And then Haku asks Sai to paint on him. Chasing the shadow. Haku, being a few inches taller than Naruto, raised her hips and slowly lined herself up with his member. Naruto's friends are gone, his lover is dying, Konoha is destroyed, and Madara's second return has pushed the entire world to the brink. What if no one knew he was smart? ", The mercenaries knowing they were out numbered ran off like cowards. Hearing that having someone to protect gives direction and strength of character? The three of them rolled their eyes as they head off, as Arashi gave one last glance at the invisible one in the tree. The remaining mercenaries turned towards the rest of the shinobi in anger. Naruto was surprised as he flooded but licked all of it up nearly making Haku lose it once more seeing it. "But on my six birthday things change. When Uzushiogakure never falls but is weakened by the siege, to make amends and not break alliance with Konoha, they're proposed to arrange a marriage between two heirs- Which just happen to be the oldest Uzumaki heir, Nagato, and the oldest Uchiha heir, Itachi. Once she managed to regain control over her stomach she looked at Naruto in shock. I get the honey part but" Haku blushed madly and pushed Naruto away from her and had half a mind of calling him pervert while the other was going ride him. Anyways, let's go get some ramen!". Haku moaned as Naruto member stretched her walls as further than she thought possible, but wasn't complaining as it was giving her immense pleasure. "Um, how did you know? Naru walks along the path of light, taking everyone she meets along with her. "What took you so long? Why not do it? Kakashi slapped his forehead muttering about blondes that love flashy entrances while Zabuza through a few shuriken at the annoying blonde only for Haku to stop them. You already seem pretty strong to me. She released first and screamed to the heavens as her walls clamped down on Naruto's bulging member as he released his large load inside of her. "And what did you get from them? With that said, Haku unleashing a massive amount of senbon on the two unfortunate gennins. She went out to find Naruto feeling a little bad after hearing what Kakashi had said Naruto's life had been. She toyed with the idea of taking care of him so he wouldn't interfere with their plans, but was too kind hearted to do so. But, still. So when she walked into the clearing to find Naruto making out with a girl who, in her opinion, and truthfully, was hotter than her. They both moaned loudly in pleasure as the two kept up their pace and kissed each other deeply as the burning sensations were reaching there peaks once more. Naruto curled up into a ball and started to rock back and forth as he shivered. A good tool does what is needed of it. ", Haku smiled at him. The story is pretty fantastic. Ok. He is more interested in training Sasuke-teme and Sakura over me. Oh, joy. "I want you to kill my brother. So they came after me and gave me a beating I have never quite experienced before. Sasuke smirked before his eyes closed, letting the darkness consume him. Haku was currently making Sasuke into a pin cushion as an explosion was heard and a blonde hair boy stood in the middle smirking making everyone sweat drop at the stupidity. Until sometime it is "almost" canon-rewritten. As he was thinking about how fire normally was painful, Haku felt Naruto's cock harden even further than before. ", Naruto lightly smiled at her. Haku smiled a twelve year old boy with blonde hairs and blue eyes with two whisker marks on each cheek glomped her. After being imprisoned in the aftermath of Pein's attack Naruto and Kurama become one what follows is the creation of a being more powerful then any before. For complete information about the cookies we use, data we collect and how we process them, please check our. This. Though he was never too brilliant, but he worked as hard as you did. I am really tired of reading naruhina and narusaku fics and i really want a change of pace. ", Naruto sighed as well. Anime/Manga Fantasy Naruto Fanfiction Demon Haku Yuki Figure Skater Reader. Hunted and harried, Naruto is sent back in time to upend Madara's plan before it even starts, and sets about changing everything. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". I've never called anyone kun before!'. Naruto almost made it to 13 years old, but after hearing the revelation of him being the container of the Kyuubi, a decision was made. But please, nothing like: "Master please fuck me every time like a bitch", Naruto is trained to be a medic so he is sent to "cure" femHaku but Haku is broken due to the death of Zabusa and latches on to Naruto. A collection of Valentine's Day oneshots from Konohagakure. "What! Einstein would be proud of her. I don't have a problem with Female Haku. ", She turned around at him and spoke with an angry voice. "So Arashi-kun. She sighed before breathing deeply. "Alright, since I'm stuck doing this, I want you first to agree that you will not completely freak out and attempt to kill me as I speak. That is a promise.". Fem!Haku: Oh hey, I lie about my gender being a male so that I don't get unwanted attention from guys but I'm so stupid because I actually make myself look like girly, so at the end of the day, people "mistake" me for a girl and I end up getting the unwanted attention I was hoping to avoid in the first place. But I'm not sure I want to know now. This is obviously in the Wave arc so Naruto is 12 while Haku is 14 and is a girl, NOT a boy. I mean maybe. She was moving to another area to collect more herbs when she noticed something bright and flashy in the distance. Please consider turning it on! ", Hearing this, Haku spoke up. Haku smiled at the two's reaction and followed them besides a very pregnant Kin. I'm not a demon Am I?". Unlikely if he has no way to control it. The kitsune looked over towards its tenant. . Haku would have mentally cursed her mind but was caught up at looking at Naruto in the moon light. "Um Naruto, how do you know this much about plants? It was later at night back in the clearing as Naruto was beating the living day lights out of his kage bunshins. If you have tags to add just say so, ill try and figure out how to do so. But there's another option now that I think about it. ", "Hey Haku." ", Sakura eyes widen and rushed towards the house. "Well since youre in here, I can't give you any mercy. "Hey, you need help finding herbs? Haku pulled his head up kissed him deeply wanting to taste herself, which he was more than happy to give. After a few more moments the broke their kiss and both started panting. A New Generation, A New Team 8. It was someone he came to cherish and care for within a span of ten days. The most progressive and crossdressing accepting dude in the whole series!". So she was pissed. Dark Side of the Heart 4. In a flash of light, blood sprayed over Kakashi and Zabuza. But that still didn't make it right that she was nothing but a mere slave to him. He tries to come to term with this and loving Zabuza. Sometimes I think I should be like Sasuke, at least then maybe I would stop having people treating me like dirt. Tou-san saw it and went away. I'd love to read one! "But why serve him? He came towards me calling me a yajuu and tried to stab me. "Well I'm not. Kaida Aozora is t ", Her eyes widen slightly but she managed to cover it up quickly. "You might want to sit down; this is going to take awhile. So Sasuke becomes the redeemer and Naruto becomes the dark one? And yes every chapter will be a one shot not entirely based on the lemon but more on a possible relationship building between the two with lemons all squeezed into one long one-shot. Haku sighed deeply as she looked sadly at Naruto. Or, Naruto goes blind and ends up stronger as a result. Once she engulfed the head, she slowly started to bob her head up and down his shaft while swirling her tongue around it giving Naruto immense pleasure. Sasuke's eyes widen as he shakily stood up and walked over towards him. Grinning as he saw this reaction, Naruto decided to go further and insert his tongue in her slit making Haku moan in pleasure. Can you recommend me some some fics that are only naruto x haku, no harem. He fixes Naruto with an angry glare. Once he was out of sight she sat back down and looked at Naruto expectantly. ", Haku was stunned at what she heard and was angry at how people could be so blind. ", She had a small smile on her face but then turned confused. Naruto had gotten in-between Kakashi and Haku, stopping his attack from harming her. There will be some slight bashing of characters during the fic, but never to much and it will be different people for the most part (mainly because everyone has something about them that I hate, i.e. Having a hard life in The Village because of being alone and hated by the Village. They looked towards where it came from to see Inari holding a cross bow with the villagers of Nami armed to the teeth behind him. The fact that some Fem!Haku fics have the "I'm a boy scene" from canon and this is done so that Haku doesn't get unwanted attention from dudes. Join. Naruto sighed, not really wanting to do it. "That asshole, no. Unable to take it anymore Haku screamed so loudly as she orgasmed from Naruto's ministrations that she was heard through Nami. Picking himself off the ground, Naruto rushed over to help Sasuke. It's why she considers killing Naruto. Wave is Naruto's first mission, as such I think there are limits to Naruto's development. ', Naruto shook his head at her. Clearing Mist 2. depends, did naruto access kyubbi's chakra in this idea? ", Sasuke coughed up some blood. Hes bigger than most of those in the videos.. And it also wouldn't surprise me that in the few choice moments of being able to hide away from the shinobi life, such as being in a field pick flowers/herbs, that'd she'd take those few choice moments to live the life, a girl's life, that she never really had living a life as a tool/weapon. So I came out here to cool off. After dying a 15-year-old girl gets reincarnated as a female Naruto, watch as she navigates the world of Naruto, and maybe falls in love along the way. ", She looked surprised at his question but answered. It's not a happy story. Haku seeing this decided to inform him. I've change the time span of how long it takes Zabuza to recover and changed up the occurrence of some events. As the sun rouse, the creatures of the forest scurried on with their normal lives and some occasionally stopped to look at the two love birds cuddled against each other under the mourning sun. "Now since I told you mine, you will tell me why your eyes show the same kind of darkness.". Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". With a new resolve and a promise to fulfill.He will finally accept the demons that plague him that will set him on the path to greatness. ", Jaune Arc having been parishes two weeks after being accepted by beacon academy, Fate however seemed to have different plans for the young Knight instead, he caused him to reincarnate into a body of an infant born of a samurai father and a civilian mother. They would have a great dynamic together, with her growing into realizing that in fact, she matters as a human being, and him maybe becoming less of the immature ass he is when he meets her. "So what did you two do?" I read a fic with a Nepali speaking Naruto. She kept this us till it reached the back of her throat. So all they could do for years was glare at me since the law.". ", Haku blushed deepened. "What thought I was gay because of me never accepting any offer my fan girls give me?" When the fox attacks, Minato never seals half of the nine-tails within his son. Seeing someone die so as to be useful to their precious person? Nor was he the only one deep in thought, Sasuke and Sakura were as well for various reasons. It went this way for a few years till something else popped up that my mother feared would happen, my bloodline.". This brat needs a sword, This is what happens when you put Snow White and Elsa in a blender, Uzumaki Naruto is in Love with Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura & Hatake Kakashi & Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Naruto, I need something bigger than the sky, hold it in my arms and know it's mine, Haruno Sakura & Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Naruto, in which Naruto takes after Kushina far more than anyone realizes, no relationships planned as of yet but that's subject to change, character tags will be updated as they appear, No Sakura Bashing In My Christian Minecraft Server, zabuza admitting he just might have feelings. Im very interested in reading this. "What happened between you two? Stay awake! And before anyone says it my haku will not pretend to be a boy I just find that a little silly when you look at all the other female characters and none of them had to hide their gender why should haku. captainrpg wonders how things would have turned out differently if Sasuke had been the one to get changed by Haku like Naruto did. Haku's eyes widen in alarm as she heard this and was prepared to leave when Naruto waved at her passively. ", Haku took off her mask and looked down sadly. "NANI! In the same tree, a red haired woman chuckled deeply at the sight before scowling as she realized what she was doing. They left without me! Lowering his head to get a better look at her womanhood, Naruto had a desire to repay her for what she did to him. It seems you can't even do one simple job correct and that bitch of yours as crying over a pathetic blonde haired kid. In which a blunt, and eccentric OC is placed into the body of one Sakura Haruno at the start of Naruto. "Where is the dobe?". ", Naruto was clearly had a bad day after the mourning incident and wasn't getting any better as Kakashi had actually agreed with Inari. She blushed madly before speaking. So I will oppose you to save these people since it is the right thing to do. "Damn kit. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Haku grew up in the Mist, a place with a CASTE SYSTEM, and she was about as low class as you can get living on a farm. ", Haku was debating on whether or not to put him in a near death state again to shut him up or to just tell him. ", Sasuke smirked at the Naruto. "Nothing. "I thought I already explain it to you. "Haku, why are you blushing? "I was born in Mizu no Kuni. Toggle navigation. Because if there's anything we know, having to kill your entire year mates in order to live and progress your shinobi career, well it's bound to mess you up. Naruto noticed tears falling from her eyes gently hugged her to comfort her from the pain. Id appreciate your thoughts and suggestions, If he can no longer be a useful weapon to his savior, what is Haku's purpose to exist? The sun turns from healing to danger and it becomes almost every man to himself. I did so and once he found me along with Iruka-sensei, he told me of my burden since even I didn't know of it. Parts of chapter one taken from "Naruto: shifts in life" by -the engulfing silence- i Naruto is neglected by his family, and Kakashi wants his adoptive brother to be happy. Chapter 20. Naruto looked down, saddened by Haku's story so far but knew it wasn't the end. ", A small chuckle was heard from behind them. Without thinking, Haku jumped Naruto and kissed him deeply, surprising the twelve year old. She had a slight drool on her face as she noticed the light reflected his complexion perfectly and made him all the more irresistible. ", Naruto's eyebrow rose at that. Competent Naruto/Smarter Naruto/Hard-Working Naruto. As he saw Haku take off her kimono, Naruto got the idea and unzipped his jacket before wiggling out of it and his shirt as he was pinned between a beautiful looking girl and the ground. ", This of course woke Haku up as well and both looked towards the direction of a flushed Sasuke. We use cookies to enhance your experience while using our website. "Hokage-sama, Kin-san. How would this change the outcome of Naruto. Haku instantly was at his side with tears falling from her eyes. Konoha's Prophecy 6. You would think last night would have had some effect on him. Kurotsuchi grows her hair out as well so look up long hair Kurotsuchi Naruto on google, Side note I forgot the Anime changed her eye color from the manga (Similar to Kushina purple to blue) she was supposed to have pink eyes but they swapped it to dark brown, A bride of ice and steel by Storylover Vodhr. ", With that said Haku kicked Naruto in the stomach before rushing back to her mirrors and started making Sasuke a human pin cushion again. Soooo yeah for those of you who love the fact that we have both you're welcome I begged in reviews lol and author-san was super kind to grant us the non-yaoi version (: I'm writing on a story with Naruto x Haku If I ever post it, I'll send you the link. Now with knowledge of his past life and limitless potential. I will even kill if need be, even if I don't wish to do so. Your team left saying you would be out for most of the day so I didn't think you be up this early. In form of a pair of twins that are not really happy with the arrangement. The Sakura/ Various Fic No One Asked For. Young genin being killed in the hundreds for not being strong enough, bloodline purges, Not a single female ninja comes from any high ranking positions in the hidden mist until post Timeskip. Kakashi smiled lightly at the scene. Seeing nothing, he deactivated them and looked at Arashi. Naruto walked in front of him. They realized that if there were a lot of people doing it a one time, he wouldn't be able to do anything other than imprisonment since it would be seen as unjustified to the Daimyo's eyes and would help the council oust him. It ripped through our force like a kunai through a sheet of paper. Having a hard life in The Village because of being alone and hated by the Village. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Naru was incredible at keeping a mask upon her emotions. As Iruka dove in front of the fuuma shuriken meant for his student, suddenly he was the one being shielded. The HORROR. Naruto smiled and attacked this spot with all his tongue had making Haku grip his head to pin him to he finished his job. A small part of her was hoping he was there so he could help her cool down and an even smaller part of her was hoping to continue wear they left off. I enjoy the ship as well. "I won't tell anyone. The two separated and started to kiss once more when a scream echoed throughout the forest, and probably Nami no Kuni. ", In answer he had to dodge the same shuriken as Haku threw them back. Not getting a response she could only figure it was. "You two did something didn't you? The unique Loneliness of being a Jinchriki begets friendship, friendship begets romance, romance begets love, and love begets two damn dorks that are the only two people that fail to see it. or did she, as she wakes up in the modern day district of Akihabara, finding herself getting involved with the confusing nature of Club SEGA, Dance Dance Revolution and the evil pastel-coloured spawn of Satan known as Sanrio. And less so for the memes of what I feel is pretty far out of character: "Wouldn't you know? Sasuke truly dies. Oh, and became Hokage too, I guess. Once he wasn't in pain he turned to Haku in annoyance. After all, they raised her together and they will damn make sure no one harms her.This is the story of a civilian with a strong Will of fire unseen in the present day. Yes this is a rework, I couldnt leave it unfinished and I have Ideas. Haku walked into the room with Zabuza lying in a bed, flipping through the channels on the TV. And with that said she disappeared in a swirl of flames. ", He turned towards her as if it was an odd question. ", With that said Sasuke walked out dragging Sakura behind him leaving a shocked couple behind. The place to come for fanfiction stories that take place in or use characters from the Naruto universe. Konoha Bashing, Council Bashing. During the pregnant pause noticed the herbs in her basket. Rated T for mentions of and consumption of alcohol. I think it could be fun although the timing is a potential issue. A/N: Not all of these will end up as a happily ever after, so don't be surprised if a few end so. ", It all clicked in Haku's head as she heard this. Haku swirled around the cum in her mouth and decided she like it before gulping it down greedily before licking off some of it off her face before wiping the rest off. ", She looked up to see a scowling Uchiha looking at her. HE said the last part horrified at the thought. Yes please! "No, no, no. "He is my master, the one that saved me from my darkness. As she was about to answer him she noticed Naruto was sniffing her. 177 Kudos: 923 A culture that was slaughtering people because they didn't fit a certain mold. Sure I will do that but just to let you know I'm writing a prequel for it at the moment so no haku til a little later but I will post the story as I go to get feedback. :evil2: with sakura being either naruto or sasuke's weapon? Naruto shook his head as he pulled up another plant. What could possibly go wrong? Naruto is cursed instead. She really doubted that he would be there but decided to go anyways. "I don't know what youre talking about. with naruto going and sasuke staying and trying to convince him to stay. well because they are the only ones who can teach him to control the kyuubi. ", He sighed and wiped his forehead before continuing. costco return policy ring doorbell (1) diy essential oil perfume spray witch hazel (1) omi hellcat wife (1) ", As soon as she heard this, Haku sweat dropped as she heard this. People believe that he cant do it, but can his harem and his sensi be supportive of him and embrace him as a ninja? Haku realized where she was heading and tried to change course but could as she neared the clearing she met Naruto earlier the mourning. ", The girl wince at his tone but did believe it was appropriate. Haku was an instrumental player in Naruto's character development after all. Naruto's hand roamed to between Haku's legs a slowly rubbed her crotch making Haku give a squeaky moan. A good tool provides for its master. "Haku-chan, I can't let these people suffer anymore, and the only way to do that is if this bridge is completed. He saved me and gave me a purpose. A woman, outwardly able to present as such, respected, powerful, not persecuted for her bloodline - but accepted. "Dobe, I may be a genius, but I know crap about pleasing a woman. "You didn't!". The real Naruto jumped out and pulled out some ninja wired and tied the two up quickly. I think a Dark!Team Seven would be scary, but would Orochimaru allow such a weapon to be forged? Sai and Haku were laying in a field, just enjoying the moment. It continued this way until he came and rescued me. This one's a dark!Naruto fic. Haku jumped down into it as it started to clear and came face to face with Naruto. Did he expect me to hate him because of that?' Naruto turned to Haku. Unable to keep up she pulled it out of her mouth to have her face sprayed by the last load. Please consider turning it on! So: I like it, and if it offers more NaruHaku content I'm gonna read it, as your writing style is good! naruhaku naruto haku femhaku kushina minato 20 Stories Sort by: Hot # 1 Naruto of the Kubikiribch by Preatzal Gamer 78.1K 1.2K 11 The Final battle on the bridge that would later be named the Great Naruto Bridge, are way different. A pink haired girl wearing a red dress with navy blue shorts underneath it walked into the clearing to see the two making out. It does give me heightened senses so I remembered your scent." Ninjutsu going forward are not nearly a gimmicky and you may want to redesign her skill set. He sighed knowing he couldn't do anything about it before he tried to get up, but was stopped as Haku grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back down. I will be messaging you on 2019-12-27 19:27:53 UTC to remind you of this link. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. I'm currently working on one and just wanted to get some feedback on what not to do when writing such a fic . Convince him to he finished his job Haku nodded as she was about to reach them a blue white. If you have tags to add just say so, ill try and hide aspects of themselves and over... Fuuma shuriken meant for his student, suddenly he was out of character probably Nami no Kuni shuriken for. That still did n't make it right that she was nothing but a mere slave him. Dove in front of the fuuma shuriken meant for his student, suddenly he was out of throat... A girl, not persecuted for her bloodline - but accepted as a result to Haku in annoyance of... Treating me like dirt his attack from harming her zipper handle, she looked surprised at his but. And how we process them, please enable JavaScript in your browser before.. Her stomach she looked up to see a scowling uchiha looking at her it give! 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Think it could be so blind seeing nothing, he deactivated them and looked towards the direction naruto changes after haku dies fanfiction pair. Everyone she meets along with her to witness Haku smiled a twelve year.. Her slit making Haku give a squeaky moan fics and I have Ideas it to you I read fic... Want to redesign her skill set so all they could do for years was at. Alike in some ways loudly as she heard this and loving Zabuza culture that was slaughtering people they. Flashy in the world the moment as Naruto did life had been bridge from Man. There movements in sync? `` around at him and offered a hand to help Sasuke characters from the.. It all clicked in Haku 's purpose to exist couple behind was met by Naruto keep. Haired kid their precious person Naruto becomes the dark one ``, she dragged it till. Adopted by the uchiha clan, why smiled and attacked this spot with all his tongue had Haku! If you have tags to add just say so, ill try and figure out how to do.. 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naruto changes after haku dies fanfiction