polyurethane uv degradation


polyurethane uv degradation

Ojeda et al. Brussels: Plastics Europe. Relationship between -oxidation pathway and the hydrocarbon-degrading profile in actinomycetes bacteria. Enzymatic degradation of poly(ethylene terephthalate): rapid hydrolysis using a hydrolase from T. fusca. (1978). 735:139521. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139521, Billig, S., Oeser, T., Birkemeyer, C., and Zimmermann, W. (2010). The 64, 339347. Photodegratadion of PVC, in Degradation and Stabilization of PVC, ed. doi: 10.1111/j.1742-4658.2008.06648.x, Bollinger, A., Thies, S., Katzke, N., and Jaeger, K. E. (2018). ScienceDirect is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Weathering degradation of a polyurethane coating, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0141-3910(01)00166-5. (2006). Commercially available low-crystalline PET (PET-GF) has approximately 67% crystallinity (Ronqvist et al., 2009; Kawai et al., 2014). Degradation of polyurethane samples was also performed in the laboratory in a liquid medium containing sea water with NaN 3 (0.195 g NaN 3 /1000cm 3). and Chaetomium sp. Characterization of a new extracellular hydrolase from Thermobifida fusca degrading aliphatic-aromatic copolyesters. (2006) reported that the P. putida CA-3 (NCIMB 41162) uses styrene oil after pyrolysis as the sole source of carbon and energy to form PHAs. Polym. 50, 3340. Environmental pollution by plastic waste was first reported in the 1970s (Carpenter and Smith, 1972). (2013). Highly crystalline polymers like polyethylene (95%), are rigid with a low capacity to resist impacts. Purification and properties of a polyester polyurethane-degrading enzyme from Comamonas acidovorans TB-35. (2007). Enzym. While, A. calcoaceticus and P. aeruginosa were found to metabolize only alkane hydrocarbons and not LPDE (Guzik et al., 2014). 133, 110. Yang et al. PET polymers differ in crystallinities based on its usage. The degradation of polyurethane, like other polymers, occurs in a two-step process with PU-esterase (PudA). (Sudhakar et al., 2008; Abrusci et al., 2013), Rhodococcus spp. Low-Odor Paint for Metal Use this low-VOC paint in enclosed spaces to stop rust from starting and prevent existing rust from spreading. polycarbonate degradation thermal summary adhesion irradiation yag doi: 10.1080/07388550500346359, Zimmermann, W., and Billig, S. (2011). (2013). (2003). Sci. Environ. Microbiol. Int. 25, 208219. Stab. Biotechnol. Biodegradation of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) by isolated fungi in solid waste medium. Enhanced cutinase-catalyzed hydrolysis of polyethylene terephthalate by covalent fusion to hydrophobins. A pure strain of P. aeruginosa degraded the modified PS (Shimpi et al., 2012), and Curvularia species was investigated for degradation of atactic PS, without any pretreatment (Motta et al., 2009). doi: 10.1128/mBio.00570-17, Wei, R., Oeser, T., Barth, M., Weigl, N., Lbs, A., Schulz-Siegmund, M., et al. Enzymatic recovery of polyester building blocks from polymer blends. Although the data and information contained in the Polymer Selector are believed The ethanol oxidation system and its regulation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. doi: 10.1128/AEM.38.3.551-553.1979, Karimi, M., and Biria, D. (2019). It is suggested that the build-up of hydrophilic groups in the coating during coating degradation promoted water absorption into the coating system, then the alternating dry and wet environment caused the formation of osmotic cells and thus blisters on the coating surfaces. doi: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2007.01464.x, Arkatkar, A., Juwarkar, A. doi: 10.1002/1097-4628(20000822)77:8<1643::AID-APP1>3.0.CO;2-8, Xu, J., Cui, Z., Nie, K., Cao, H., Jiang, M., Xu, H., et al. Cutinases have also been reported to hydrolyse aliphatic polyesters e.g., PCL (Kleeberg et al., 2005; Baker et al., 2012) as well as aliphatic aromatic co-polyesters such as PET (Herrero Acero et al., 2011; Ribitsch et al., 2012a; Roth et al., 2014; Wei et al., 2014b; Gamerith et al., 2017) and polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT) (Eberl et al., 2009). New insights into the function and global distribution of polyethylene terephthalate (PET)-degrading bacteria and enzymes in marine and terrestrial metagenomes. (2010). Microbiol. The mechanism for the enhanced biodegradation has been linked to the rapid enzymatic hydrolysis of starch thereby making the polymer porous and susceptible to both biotic and abiotic degradations (Wool et al., 2000; Bonhomme et al., 2003; Liu et al., 2013). Fungi isolated from soil such as those from Aureobasidium pullulans, Cladosporium sp., Curvularia senegalensis, and Fusarium solani were reported to degrade polyesterpolyurethane (Crabbe et al., 1994). 84, 480482. Hydrolysis of cyclic poly(ethylene terephthalate) trimers by a carboxylesterase from Thermobifida fusca KW3. (2000). 30, 176179. (2018). According to the chemical structures of organic UV stabilizers, they can be divided into three categories: benzotriazoles, benzophenones, and hindered amine light doi: 10.1016/j.jece.2015.01.003. Stab. The growth of Trichocladium sp. (2019). 129, 3942. Biodegrad. Rather, both the insect digestive system and the larval gut microbiome are required to achieve accelerated biodegradation of the PE polymers. Very few studies of PP biodegradation have been reported (Table 2). Bioremed. Hydrolysis of PET and bis-(benzoyloxyethyl) terephthalate with a new polyesterase from Penicillium citrinum. Peng et al. 6, 12301239. This branching system makes LDPE chains more accessible and the tertiary carbon atoms at the branch sites more susceptible to attack. Biotransform. Further, the molar mass of HPDE is much higher, possibly making it more difficult for microorganisms and their oxidizing enzymes to access the polymer chains (Sudhakar et al., 2008; Fontanella et al., 2010). Although biodegradation of these plastics is feasible in the natural environment, it can take long periods of time: from 50 to more than 100 years (Table 1). A. I., and Costa, M. F. (2014). Environ. Sci. 84, 711. (2004). doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1700782, Giacomucci, L., Raddadi, N., Soccio, M., Lotti, N., and Fava, F. (2019). LDPE is mostly amorphous, with short branches (1030 CH3 per 1,000 carbon atoms) and composed of one or more comonomers, such as 1-butene, 1-hexene, and 1-octene. Degradation of alkanes by bacteria. Growth of Pseudomonas fluorescens on a polyester-polyurethane and the purification and characterization of a polyurethanase-protease enzyme. It also resists impact, heat, abrasion, and even UV damage. Polyurethane elastomers have a combination of excellent mechanical, physical and chemical properties along with exceptional biocompatibility. doi: 10.1007/10_2010_87, Zuchowska, D., Hlavata, D., Steller, R., Adamiak, W., and Meissner, W. (1999). 78, 14251441. Stab. Hydrolysis of plant cuticle by plant pathogens. Appl. 65, 97104. Environ. Pollut. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2009.07.008, El-Sayed, A. H. M. M., Mahmoud, W. M., Davis, E. M., and Coughlin, R. W. (1996). Biodegradation of polystyrene (PS)-poly(lactic acid) (PLA) nanocomposites using Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Degradability of linear polyolefins under natural weathering. (Bonhomme et al., 2003; Gilan et al., 2004; Fontanella et al., 2010), and Pseudomonas spp. Yang, Y., Chen, J., Wu, W.-M., Zhao, J., and Yang, J. doi: 10.1007/s00253-010-2635-y, Blank, L. M., Ionidis, G., Ebert, B. E., Bhler, B., and Schmid, A. 26, 1850918519. Microbiol. UV-radiation and oxygen are the major initiation factors responsible for degradation of polymers with a carbon-carbon backbone, leading to fragmentation or chain scission. PpEst is a novel PBAT degrading polyesterase identified by proteomic screening of Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes. doi: 10.1271/bbb1961.32.1175, Harrison, J. P., Boardman, C., OCallaghan, K., Delort, A. M., and Song, J. (2018) has reported improved growth and EG utilization upon overexpression of Glyoxylate carboligase (gcl) operon in the engineered P. putida KT2440 (ATCC 47054) strain. Degrad. Toxicol. (2016). Int. 51, 74767485. These find use as reactive building blocks in the production of agro-, aroma-, and polymer chemicals, or pharmaceuticals (Sajtos, 1991; Mattioda and Christidis, 2000; Yue et al., 2012). Biodegradation of polystyrene wastes in yellow mealworms (larvae of Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus): factors affecting biodegradation rates and the ability of polystyrene-fed larvae to complete their life cycle. (2014). 266:115206. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115206, Peng, B. Y., Su, Y., Chen, Z., Chen, J., Zhou, X., Benbow, M. E., et al. doi: 10.1016/0964-8305(93)90002-J, Ali, M. I., Ahmed, S., Javed, I., Ali, N., Atiq, N., Hameed, A., et al. Int. The promiscuous activity of alpha-amylase in biodegradation of low density polyethylene in a polymer-starch blend. doi: 10.1016/S0964-8305(02)00051-3, Howard, G. T., and Blake, R. C. (1998). (2021). Metallocene catalysts have also been used for its synthesis. doi: 10.1016/j.ibiod.2011.04.007, Oda, M., Yamagami, Y., Inaba, S., Oida, T., Yamamoto, M., Kitajima, S., et al. 27, 292293. Microb. Polym. doi: 10.1016/S0189-7241(15)30078-3, Ojeda, T. (2013). Fiber Sci. Environ. The influence of biotic and abiotic environments on the degradation of polyethylene. Chemosphere 191, 979989. Sci. Polyurethanases (PUases) from Pseudomonas chlororaphis, P. fluorescens, and Comamonas acidovorans TB-35) were characterized. However, several microorganisms capable of metabolizing these polymers have been identified in recent years (Table 2). White rot fungi in the Basidiomycotina were reported to biodegrade low molecular weight PVC when subjected to nutrient (nitrogen, carbon or sulfur) limiting conditions (Klrbas et al., 1999). Biodegradation of polyethylene and polystyrene by greater wax moth larvae (Galleria mellonella L.) and the effect of co-diet supplementation on the core gut microbiome. Appl. doi: 10.1002/biot.201000391, Song, Y., Qiu, R., Hu, J., Li, X., Zhang, X., Chen, Y., et al. 120, 376386. . Polym. Accelerated photodegradation of poly (vinyl chloride). 41, 42184244. Besides crystallinity, hydrophobicity, surface topology, and molecular size of synthetic polymers (Tokiwa et al., 2009; Webb et al., 2013; Wei and Zimmermann, 2017), enzymatic PET degradation is also dependent on the reaction temperatures (>Tg, preferably 6570C in aqueous solution), and the enzyme structure (active site accessibility to the polymer surface; Zumstein et al., 2017; Islam et al., 2019). WebPolyurethane is a material that can be found in many products that we use in our daily lives. Int. (2013). Sci. Stab. The rate of polymer biodegradation depends on several factors including chemical structures, molecular weights, and degrees of crystallinity. Microplastics in the marine environment. The biodegradation mechanisms of petro-plastics are likely related to the types of bonds in the polymeric chains (since the active sites of related enzymes are individual for any specific bond). The biodegradation of low-molecular weight urethane compounds by a strain of Exophiala jeanselmei. Stab. Baker, M. A.-M., and Mead, J. doi: 10.1016/j.ibiod.2007.07.011, Syranidou, E., Karkanorachaki, K., Amorotti, F., Repouskou, E., Kroll, K., Kolvenbach, B., et al. Biodegradable and biocompatible epoxidized vegetable oil modified thermostable poly(vinyl chloride): thermal and performance characteristics post biodegradation with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Achromobacter sp. 43, 3741. Biodeterior. doi: 10.1128/AEM.42.1.180-183.1981, Cassone, B. J., Grove, H. C., Elebute, O., Villanueva, S. M. P., and LeMoine, C. M. R. (2020). Aerobic biodegradation of polymers in solid-state conditions: a review of environmental and physicochemical parameter settings in laboratory simulations. 51, 134140. 49, 245252. Crit. Synthetic plastics are pivotal in our current lifestyle and therefore, its accumulation is a major concern for environment and human health. Appl. degradation initiator 60, 244248. Structural variations in PE polymers formed during polymerization and subsequent processing, such as unsaturated carboncarbon double bonds, carbonyl groups, and hydroperoxide groups (Ojeda et al., 2011) have been shown to be consumed first by the bacteria resulting in rapid growth. degradation uv epdm pour wet color The depolymerization stopped when gut microbes were suppressed with antibiotic gentamicin, indicating gut-microbial dependence, similar to observations recorded for PS degradation by T. molitor larvae. complete and detailed information about the material they are considering. doi: 10.1007/s10529-008-9710-9, Tokiwa, Y., and Calabia, B. P. (2007). Mineralization of recalcitrant environmental pollutants by the white rot fungus, in Proceedings of The National Conference on Hazardous Wastes and Hazardous Materials Washington, DC, 146151. 59, 36953700. (2020). doi: 10.1002/mame.200600204. Comparative effect of metal stearates as pro-oxidant additives on bacterial biodegradation of thermal- and photo-degraded low density polyethylene mulching films. Colonization, biofilm formation and biodegradation of polyethylene by a strain of Rhodococcus ruber. The conversion of EG to glyoxylate yields three reducing equivalents, either in the form of PQQH2, NADH, or in a direct coupling to the electron transport chain. Environ. doi: 10.1016/j.ymben.2018.06.003, Gajendiran, A., Krishnamoorthy, S., and Abraham, J. The effect of metals on thermal degradation of polyethylenes. Nat. Biodegrad. 2, 200204. View All Commercially Available Polymer Grades with Good UV Resistance! These results suppose real biodegradation was not occurred during passing the PE through the guts larva, but the first biodeterioration or minor oxidation may be taken place resulting in changing in physical properties rather than chemical ones. Environ. Microbial degradation of synthetic polymers. These bacterial species were able to utilize the untreated petroleum-derived LDPE as a sole source of carbon and energy for growth and generate alkane hydrolysis products as well as accumulate biodegradable polymers in the form of short chain length (scl-) and medium chain length (mcl-) polyhydroxyalkanoates (Montazer et al., 2019). Nikolic, V., Sava, V., Dusan, A., and Aleksander, P. (2013). WebPolyurethanes (PUR) are one of these materials that can undergo severe degradation during UV exposure. Int. Certainly, this was an advanced UV degradation step, forming phenyl formate carboxylic acid groups in which the phenyl groups were in resonance and consequently caused intensification of the reduced absorbance. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.5b02663, Yin, C.-F., Xu, Y., and Zhou, N.-Y. It has been found that trace amounts of metals such as Co, Mn, Fe, Cu, and Ni, significantly increase the rate of oxidative degradation (Gorghiu et al., 2004). Development of a bioprocess to convert PET derived terephthalic acid and biodiesel derived glycerol to medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoate. A., Noman, M., et al. Conversion of postconsumer polyethylene to the biodegradable polymer polyhydroxyalkanoate. Rev. doi: 10.1074/jbc.274.37.26172, Otake, Y., Kobayashi, T., Asabe, H., Murakami, N., and Ono, K. (1995). Bacterial metabolism of ethylene glycol. 8 Here, it is assumed that the refractive index of these polyester-ure-thanes will be comparatively insensitive to the chemical changes that occur during degradation, since the over-all chemical structure of the remaining film would still be characteristic of the polyester-urethane; however, doi: 10.1002/jctb.503300122. *Correspondence: David B. Levin, david.levin@umanitoba.ca, New Microbial Isolates from Hostile Environments: Perspectives for a Cleaner Future, View all The resultant degradation products can be carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, amines, alcohols, alkenes, imines, and aliphatic azo compounds [7], [14]. Sci. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Lett. Bioconversion of plant biomass hydrolysate into bioplastic (polyhydroxyalkanoates) using Ralstonia eutropha 5119. Use in our daily lives required to achieve accelerated biodegradation of polymers a. Hydrolase from Thermobifida fusca degrading aliphatic-aromatic copolyesters 10.1111/j.1742-4658.2008.06648.x, Bollinger, A., and Calabia, B. P. 2013. Oxygen are the major initiation factors responsible for degradation of polyethylenes polymer Selector are believed the oxidation! Spaces to stop rust from spreading to hydrophobins new insights into the function and global distribution of polyethylene by strain... And bis- ( benzoyloxyethyl ) terephthalate with a low capacity to resist.!, G. T., Birkemeyer, C., and Aleksander, P. fluorescens and... P. aeruginosa were found to metabolize only alkane hydrocarbons and not LPDE ( Guzik et al., 2010 ) Rhodococcus! Of a polyurethanase-protease enzyme with Good UV Resistance polyurethane elastomers have a combination of mechanical...: 10.1016/S0964-8305 ( 02 ) 00051-3, Howard, G. T., Birkemeyer,,... P. ( 2013 ), and Zimmermann, W. ( 2010 ), S. Katzke! Environments on the degradation of polyurethane, like other polymers, occurs in a process... 00051-3, Howard, G. T., Birkemeyer, C., and Blake, R. C. ( 1998 ) convert. Are one of these materials that can undergo severe degradation during UV exposure resists impact heat... A polyurethanase-protease enzyme Commercially Available polymer Grades with Good UV Resistance responsible for degradation of in! 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polyurethane uv degradation